cover of episode The Disciples: 3. The compound

The Disciples: 3. The compound

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Charlie Northcott
Annika: 作为TB Joshua的弟子,我在位于尼日利亚拉各斯的教会大院生活了十多年。大院内部如同迷宫,我们被限制在其中,无法随意出入。生活条件简陋,男女分宿,并存在裸体文化。我们每天的生活都被严格规定,不允许阅读、看电影等,几乎与外界隔绝。睡眠严重不足,精神高度紧张。我们被鼓励互相监视,并向TB Joshua举报对方的‘罪行’,这导致了弟子们之间互相猜忌和不信任。我经历了痛苦的‘转化治疗’,整个过程被拍摄下来。我当时几乎失去了自我,成为了TB Joshua的傀儡。 Ray: 我在2000年代初期成为TB Joshua的弟子,并在教会大院生活多年。我被TB Joshua的魅力所吸引,渴望获得他与上帝的联系,并希望获得同样的能力。然而,大院内生活枯燥乏味,充满控制和压迫。我们被要求每天工作很长时间,几乎没有休息时间。睡眠严重不足,精神高度紧张。我们被鼓励互相监视,并向TB Joshua举报对方的‘罪行’,这导致了弟子们之间互相猜忌和不信任。我经历了痛苦的‘转化治疗’,整个过程被拍摄下来。我当时几乎失去了自我,成为了TB Joshua的傀儡。 Bisola: 作为TB Joshua最亲密的弟子之一,我在教会中扮演着重要的角色,负责教会的财务、视频编辑以及外国访客的管理。同时,我也是TB Joshua的‘眼线’,负责监督弟子们遵守他的规定,并对违规行为进行举报。我深知TB Joshua的所作所为,但我当时并没有意识到事情的严重性。 Charlie Northcott & Yemisi Adegoke: 我们对TB Joshua教会大院进行了深入调查,采访了二十多位曾在其中生活过的弟子。他们的证词揭示了大院内部的黑暗一面:严格的控制、睡眠剥夺、互相监视、以及精神和身体上的虐待。TB Joshua利用弟子们的信仰,对他们进行操纵和控制,并利用他们进行宣传。 Carla: 作为Ray的朋友,我与她失去了联系,多年来一直担心她的安危。 Bisola: 我是TB Joshua最亲密的弟子之一,我负责监督弟子们遵守TB Joshua的规定,并对违规行为进行举报。我当时觉得这是在为上帝工作,并为此感到自豪。 Charlie Northcott & Yemisi Adegoke: TB Joshua教会大院的建筑宏伟壮观,与周围环境格格不入。教会的建筑外观神秘,窗户被遮挡,难以窥探内部。大院内部结构复杂,如同一个迷宫。弟子们的生活受到严格的规定,类似于修道院的僧侣。TB Joshua几乎从不睡觉,以此作为榜样要求弟子们也保持清醒。睡眠不足使弟子们变得脆弱,认知能力下降。TB Joshua利用弟子们,特别是白人弟子,来为他做宣传。许多忏悔的内容是虚假的,被TB Joshua鼓励。外界人士注意到弟子们出现了一些异常情况。教会方面没有回应节目中的指控。

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This is the BBC. This podcast is supported by advertising outside the UK. Ryan Reynolds here for, I guess, my 100th mint commercial. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I mean, honestly, when I started this, I thought I'd only have to do like four of these. I mean, it's unlimited premium wireless for $15 a month. How are there still people paying two or three times that much? I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be victim blaming here. Give it a try at slash switch whenever you're ready. $45 upfront payment equivalent to $15 per month. New customers on first three month plan only. Taxes and fees extra. Speeds lower above 40 gigabytes. See details. Hey everyone, this is Molly and Matt and we're the hosts of Grown Up Stuff How to Adult, a podcast from Ruby Studio and iHeart Podcasts. It's a show dedicated to helping you figure out the trickiest parts of adulting. Let's get started.

Like how to start planning for retirement, creating a healthy skincare routine, understanding when and how much to tip someone, and so much more. Let's learn about all of it and then some. Listen to Grown Up Stuff How to Adult on America's number one podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search Grown Up Stuff.

Before we start, some episodes in this series of World of Secrets contain graphic descriptions of sexual and physical violence, including sexual assault, rape and the language associated with it. It really is enormous. It is such a huge building. It's a huge structure. Remember where we started this series being shot at? Well, this is where it happened. And it just looks almost out of place in this type of area.

Everything around here are like one or two story buildings or small little bustling marketplaces and then suddenly in the middle you've got this massive structure. It looks like something you'd see at Disneyland or something. It's kind of gothic. Yeah, yeah. Or like a haunted house. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. Like a caricature of a haunted house. You can't see inside. There's a lot of people standing outside the church. There's a police checkpoint there, a police car parked next to it.

And again, every single window is tinted. You can't see inside any of them. And the wall outside is probably 12 foot high. Yeah. Big metal gates. Annika has vivid memories of the compound. When you live at the compound, you don't leave the compound. You can't just walk out on the streets. Dangerous. I tried a number of times to look at the windows. They are completely locked and blacked out. It felt like a labyrinth.

And it's in this labyrinth, this maze of a building, that Annika and Ray stayed. How many years were you there? Both travelled to the compound in the early 2000s. Just due to have my 22nd birthday and then I left in 2013. So what's that, 12, 13 years that I was there, yeah.

This is World of Secrets, Season 2, The Disciples. A BBC World Service investigation. With me, Yemi Siadeke. And me, Charlie Northcutt. Episode 3, The Compound. That voice you can hear is Annika, the former disciple I met in a pub in Oxford with Ray. When I met her, she was calm and thoughtful. The woman in this recording is different.

She's bursting with energy, sweat pouring from her brow. She's striding through a crowd of what looks like thousands of people. And she's praying, calling out, demanding that the people be healed by God. The film was recorded inside the compound in Lagos, in the huge auditorium beside it. Those we've spoken to told us it was in this compound they slept, ate and prayed.

and hardly ever saw the world beyond those 12-foot high walls. The disciples we spoke to joined young. Many are Nigerian, but they're a truly international group of people. Men and women speaking different languages with different ethnicities, coming from almost every continent. But they have one thing in common. They've given up everything. They've dedicated their lives to following TB Joshua. Just as Jesus had disciples...

T.P. Joshua had them too. I wanted to be like him. I was like, how does this guy have this incredible connection with God? Here's Ray, who joined in the early 2000s when she was 21. He's helping so many people. He's changing many, many lives. Like, I wish I could have that connection with God. In Bible times, when Jesus used to say to his disciples, leave your father and mother and join me, that's what we had all done. We had left our families.

Annika became a disciple two years after Ray. Like Ray, she left everything behind. Her university placement in the UK, her friends and family. Nothing matters apart from following Jesus. And TB Joshua was the closest thing we had to that.

So being a disciple was a joy to actually finally put into practice that pursuit of what it means to be holy. Ray and Annika were there to learn and to train under TB Joshua, to perfect themselves spiritually, so that one day, maybe, just maybe, they would be able to perform miracles and heal people like he could.

So the idea was that we went there, we trained under him, and when God thought it was time, we'd be sent back to our countries to evangelize our countries, to change our countries. He had a whole doctrine around endurance and perseverance and forbearance, and this is what you needed to go through if you were going to receive the gift of God. And so it was like you felt like you had to go through the fire, right, like a diamond, before you could come out the other side, right? Like gold has to pass through this furnace before it can really be gold.

Since starting this investigation two years ago, I've interviewed more than 20 people who lived inside that compound and they paint a picture of a strange and disorientating place. A world of long corridors and rooms with multiple doorways, of never-ending staircases and secret prayer rooms. The stairs were concrete, the walls were concrete. It was like one block. It was like someone had poured a building inside a mould and turned it upside down.

I don't think I ever saw a bird. I didn't see a tree. The male and female disciples slept in separate dorms. There was a culture of, like, nakedness in the room. I was told that it was good to be body positive and not have my clothes on. Just being completely naked, like, after you've had a shower, or the expectation to be completely comfortable with your own body, and that was difficult for me. Life inside was uncomfortable, but to Anika and Ray, it didn't matter.

My mind instantly went to Adam and Eve. I saw biblical connections in every instruction.

And Rae found herself looking up at the night sky again, just like she'd done in desperation back home in the UK. It was like 3am in the morning and, you know, I'd just left uni and I'd been a student. I'd been in a really, like, conventional, normal lifestyle. And I looked up at the Nigerian sky and there were all these stars. I just remember sitting there thinking to myself, this is incredible, incredibly amazing, holy place, under the stars at 3am in the morning.

I feel like I'm sitting in the garden of Gethsemane or something under the olive trees with Jesus. But it wasn't all stargazing. The disciple life was structured around classes and meetings in which TB Joshua would give them practical instruction. It was very much a training programme. You were watching a man...

who was doing all of this stuff right in front of your eyes. So we were there to learn how that could be the same for us. It actually used to get referred to as the University of God. You're entering the University of God. The disciples were kept constantly busy, studying T.B. Joshua's sermons in the evening and in the day, preparing for the services.

It was like army camp. It was like a boot camp. It was tough on the body, tough on the emotions, tough on the mind, but also that you could be spiritually strong and receive the mighty power that someone like T.B. Joshua was able to carry. Before a service, there's a lot of prep work. And as a disciple, it is your job to prepare those that are coming for healing or coming for prayer.

So it's not uncommon to wake up at four because crowds of people are coming and waiting to enter the church.

If they've got HIV, they go there. If they've got cancer, they go there. If they've got a spiritual problem, they go there. When the prayer line is happening on a Sunday service, you stand behind them. You are there to catch them, hold them. The prophet has decided he's going to do a domino prayer or blow into the microphone and go, you know, you've got to run because the crowd in a line is going. If I ran out of jobs, the default is to go and study.

So you will see disciples either running around like mad or curved over a book, over their notes, over their Bible, preparing preaches and reading their Bible. It soon became clear their lives would be governed by many rules. Like monks in a monastery, the disciples had a strict code of conduct.

To be a disciple, there are certain things you must do every day. To hear he was awake, you had to drop everything and go to his office and there would be a queue of people. We had to go by God's time, so I didn't know what day, month, year it was. It takes a lot of dedication to be a disciple. It was done by what the services were. Like, oh, well, it must be a Sunday because it's Sunday service, people are coming. When you go to the office, you miss kneeling on the floor. You can't just stand there, you know, to show respect.

We weren't allowed to read anything. We weren't allowed to watch movies. We weren't allowed to watch films. It is non-stop. It's sacrificial. You put yourself last. The disciples spent a lot of time together, living, eating, sleeping communally. I care deeply for everybody in a sisterhood, brotherhood sense. I would say the love was really genuine. I took Annika as my sister. When you live as a disciple, it's hard sometimes.

And when you go through the same thing, you get each other. Even though you don't talk about it, you don't discuss it because you're not allowed, but you know your sister or your brother is going through the same thing as you are. Our whole friendship was based off of our faith. So we were encouraged to talk about spiritual development or what we'd read in the Bible that day. Inside the compound, not all the disciples were equal.

I was very close to TB Joshua. Bisola has greyish-black dreadlocks and wears beautiful silver jewellery around her neck. She looks at you with ferocious confidence. Sometimes, when she's talking, she shouts. Of course! Indeed! TB Joshua enjoyed it! When she walks into a room, you know Bisola has arrived. I lived in the synagogue close to 14 years ago.

As one of the closest disciples, a loyalist to the call. You've already heard Bisola's voice on some of the tapes our disciples watched.

Many of the earliest miracle videos were edited by her too.

Bissella recruited me. She was there throughout my journey in the initial years. I would say a pretty scary figure in my life. She had a way of saying things that permeated and really struck you very deep at your heart. And she had a reputation for it. She was like his right hand. She knew everything. She was this figure that was always with him, you know, like he would listen to her. I mean, he wouldn't listen to anybody else. Bissella was one of the most senior female disciples in the church.

She oversaw its finances, the editing of the church's videos and was in charge of foreign visitors when they joined. And she did something else too, more secret. I was one of the chief spies. That whatever I see other people doing, I should come to his bedroom and tell him. He said I will be doing that as God's work.

So that makes me to feel important. One of Bisola's roles was to make sure that the disciples always kept to TB Joshua's rules. Whatever I see, I was asked to report. So I too, I report everybody. And people were so scared of me. One of the most important rules in the compound revolved around sleep.

Under no circumstances could you sleep without TB Joshua's permission. When they see anybody sleeping, that person will be in trouble. In everything they were doing, the disciples were learning from TB Joshua. And when it came to sleep, TB Joshua himself seemed to never sleep.

Many disciples spoke about how he almost never went to bed. No one ever saw him sleeping. And so when he said to them, in order to be closer to God, in order to be close to Jesus, you need to battle sleep, to fight sleep, to stop yourself sleeping. They were learning that from TB Joshua and he was demonstrating that to them too. I remember being fascinated by the fact that he didn't appear to sleep at all.

because he's working for God and he says he can't take a moment off because Satan never sleeps either and he needs to be God's servant and stay awake as much as his body will permit him. Annika remembers this too.

It became apparent quite quickly that sitting around too much, reading too much, sleeping too much, was seen as a no-no. If you were so exhausted and you wanted to have a nap, you'd have to go to the office and say, "I'm sorry, I really need to have a quick sleep." And he'd sign a pass for you, because if you didn't have a pass, you'd get reported for sleeping.

I can't describe how tired you were constantly because you've had two hours sleep and you never have more than four hours sleep ever. Every disciple we've spoken to remembers this constant sleep deprivation. And when you don't get enough sleep, you become vulnerable. My mind was like it had been shaken. It was like a ball of wool. It was...

There was no cognitive clarity at all. It was like all turned up. Nothing made sense. Reality was just skewed completely. You know, there's a Bible reference that says you are in the world, but you're not of the world. And to be a disciple of T.B. Joshua is to live

Nothing else mattered.

The grinding days on TB Joshua time soon became weeks, which became months, which became years. You are no longer yourself. I was no longer Annika. I was a disciple of Prophet TB Joshua.

It's 2003, Birmingham. Doors have been slammed in your face, you're not welcome here. They were capable of murder. Drive-by killings, gang wars, a vigilante group that fought against Jamaica's notorious yardies. The homeboys thought, we're not going to take this anymore, we're going to be even more violent than you. Before turning on each other. I'm Livvy Haydock and this is Gangster, the story of the Burger Bar Boys. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.

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Like how to start planning for retirement, creating a healthy skincare routine, understanding when and how much to tip someone, and so much more. Let's learn about all of it and then some. Listen to Grown Up Stuff How to Adult on America's number one podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search Grown Up Stuff. All these rules might sound crazy to us.

But to the disciples inside the compound, they felt like this was their training. They felt that they were trying to become like this incredible man, T.V. Joshua. And in order to do that, they had to do things that were difficult. So in a weird way...

The challenge of it, the strangeness of it, was part of the appeal of it. I mean, you can see it, like, in the sense that if you're trying to refine yourself spiritually, that you'd have to do some sort of physical purging. Like, you'd have to push yourself to, like, the end of your tether, in a way. Totally, and they genuinely feel, having been in that place, that this man can heal people from chronic diseases. And if there's any chance that you can get that power yourself...

Wouldn't you just want to try it? Listening to them, it's like that's how they feel. For Ray and Annika, life inside the compound became their entire world, something they gradually accepted.

This is a country I know nothing about. I don't know the language, I don't know the etiquette, I don't have any money, and plus I'm scared. We're kind of told that if you walk out the compound you get attacked. So the outside of the compound is terrifying. Inside the compound felt like safety. Inside was like a holy place. I remember my sister calling me while I was there, worried sick, because she'd seen something on the news about Lagos.

And I said, you don't need to worry. I'm in the safest place on earth. Nothing can harm us here. We are physically protected. There are guards. There's a wall. There's barbed fencing. We are safe. So when we were there, I never felt like I was being imprisoned. I felt I was being protected. The disciples felt they were safe inside the compound and that the outside world was dangerous.

To perfect themselves spiritually, TB Joshua taught them that their past lives were now over and new lives had begun. They needed to cut off from the corrupting influence of their families and friends. We have very limited access to the internet. The majority didn't have access at all. And it wasn't because it wasn't there. It's because he didn't want us to have access to it.

We had no access to email. If someone wanted to try and contact me, they had to send it through a central email box. All those emails of significance got screened and then taken to TB Joshua. He decided whether you saw that email or not. So there was this huge severance from day-to-day life, day-to-day relationships and any other influence other than the influence of TB Joshua and his teachings.

The friends and families of the disciples found themselves abruptly cut off from their loved ones, including Ray's best friend from the time, Carla, who left her behind in Lagos. I never heard from her again. I never had a phone call, I never had a letter. I had no way of contacting her. There was no number for me to call. I think for the first...

few years I tried to get her attention so I think okay well if I get engaged then she's bound to come home she's not going to want my miss my wedding we've been talking about my wedding since we were you know since we met she's definitely going to come home if she hears that she'll come so I remember I actually got engaged to somebody and she didn't come home and I was like oh what I

"What's going on here? This is a huge event that she would never miss. She's my bridesmaid. She's the one. She's my maid of honor." I would do things like that to try and kind of get attention and try and get her back. And all the time pretending that I'm fine because I don't want anyone to think that I'm not. And then over time, I maybe had anger towards it. And then as time went on, I honestly just felt like she had died.

In this isolated, sleep-deprived state, the disciples were encouraged to do something else while living in the compound. Something that wasn't just Bistler's responsibility. Spying for TB Joshua. Disciples were encouraged to monitor each other constantly, policing everyone for potential sins. And anything they saw had to be reported directly to TB Joshua.

It was like a pyramid. He was at the top and then the more you came down, you had a few people that were entrusted with his most deepest secrets. It's very segregated. So he set you against everybody else. Rivalry, jealousy. Someone was always watching you. You were never free.

3am in the morning, I was lying in my bunk bed. I'd only been asleep about an hour. Suddenly there was all this kind of shouting. Everybody was running and rushing. TB Joshua called a meeting. He came out in this, like, white cassock and he had a blackboard. And then it would start.

You would be kind of like told to stand up. Some would give a report about you. So they say that you've done something wrong, essentially, or they've noticed something bad about your character. And you'd be asked to stand up in front of all these people about 3am in the morning. You know, there'd be some kind of accusation that would just come flying left field. Annika remembers the meetings too. They happened almost every night. He'd start the meeting and say, OK, who has a report?

And then someone would stand up and say, I'd like to report this person. And then everyone would kind of shuffle around and that person would stand up. And say, I saw this person sleeping. Something really trivial. His feet smell. Or they always look a mess. The reporting system generated deep mistrust among the disciples. They found themselves locked in a constant cycle of reward and punishment...

desperate to expose each other in the hope of gaining the approval of TB Joshua. These were difficult meetings. They were stressful and highly pressured. We considered these meetings part of our training. Every report is basically akin to a sin. And to be reported is the most ultimate, like, shame. Such shame. But on the other extreme, to be a reporter...

filled you with so much pride. I didn't like pointing out someone else's flaws, but at the same time I was extremely worried that that would then... I once got... Actually, I did get reported once for not reporting. And like with everything else TB Joshua did, these bizarre disciple meetings were filmed. A record of people confessing to things they may have actually never done.

We've seen a lot of these confessions snuck out to us by some of the disciples and they're really weird, often unpleasant and humiliating. Many of the disciples told us that these confessions were completely made up, encouraged by TB Joshua so that people can rid themselves of sinful thoughts and desires.

I mean, you see in the archives that we've got, we see people confessing to really weird, strange and just outlandish things. Do you feel like it's likely that many of those things are just simply not true? I do remember people confessing to things that weren't just embarrassing, but were just damn not true. And then you've got people who've been encouraged to confess.

escalate. He took video of us throughout our years there. You know, for me, I spent years of my life there. I made false confessions. I made false statements. He's got me up at 3am in the morning in my pyjamas, you know. He's got all kinds of stuff. We've heard about Ray's confession about being gay, how she said she undressed people with her eyes and

But this made us wonder if there wasn't something more. When you were deep into it and he started getting disciples to confess to things, sleep deprived after fasting and so on, do you know what he might have on you? What's like frightening about it is you often didn't know what you were saying in those times because you're in such a heightened state. There's loads of stuff, Charlie. I would have no idea. This guy kept 13 years of my life on record.

When I'm sleep deprived, when I'm under duress, when I'm being falsely accused. So yeah, I couldn't give you specifics because I don't remember half of what I did during the time I spent there because our memories were completely shot. Does that worry you that stuff could come out from the church? I think it could be embarrassing, but I think that's all it could be. You know, Ray and all these people are speaking with the knowledge that

There's collateral out there on them. And we don't know what that collateral is and neither do they. Ray had confessed she'd opened up about her sexuality and then came the part she'd come for to be rid of it, deliverance, or as she now calls it, conversion therapy.

They put me through conversion therapy, what we would have called deliverance. Very traumatic experience, all filmed on camera, where you're screaming and wailing and behaving like somebody that is utterly possessed. You know, and quite frankly believed that I was. Homosexuality is incredibly taboo in Nigeria and it's illegal. Yeah. So for people like Ray, who are looking for a way to rid themselves of their sexual orientation...

It is a destination that some people turn to for things like conversion therapy, because conversion therapy isn't illegal in Nigeria. And actually, it's something which in some circles and churches is encouraged. Yeah, I definitely...

I mean, it probably wouldn't be described as conversion therapy, but that's what it is in terms of people would be laying hands, praying, saying that it's a spirit that they want to cast out of you, etc. So, yeah, I would say that that is probably quite common in these types of churches. And, yeah, it's not regulated, it's not illegal, given that homosexuality itself is criminalised in Nigeria. And when you watch videos of TB Joshua's services online...

There's quite a lot of videos of people going through what he would call deliverance from the spirit of homosexuality. And yeah, lots of people come and say they have a spirit. There's a man who says they have the spirit of a woman and a woman who says they have the spirit of a man. And that is, you know, and he will deliver that person in front of his congregation or shame the spirit for what it's doing to that person. And that person will then claim afterwards that they're free. Once the disciples had passed the first phase of their training...

TB Joshua started to put them to work. He wanted the disciples, but particularly the white disciples, to begin marketing the church for him to people on the outside. He wanted to put them on his videos. So he liked to use Westerners to put on the camera to endorse him and to get the endorsement of the Western world where there was money.

And Anika and Ray, then known as Rachel, were both pulled in to be presenters on these tapes. My name is Rachel and I'm from the UK. They found themselves in the very same type of videos that had encouraged them to travel to the synagogue. Image was so important to him. He pretended it wasn't, but it was like his be-all and end-all.

We'd be sent to pick out the white people and make sure that they were put at the front so that they were on the cameras. But TB Joshua had a problem. The regimented daily routine of the compound had begun to take its toll on the disciples. We could all look really bad and it was posing questions about our care and what was really going on. So then it was like, well, you guys have to wear makeup, you have to look good.

You can tell when you watch these videos of the disciples that something isn't quite right. They look almost deathly pale and many of them look quite thin. And back then, people from the outside also started noticing that something strange was happening. The disciples were changing. Watching on, journalist Adijuan noticed too.

You could look into their eyeballs and tell that something was not right about what they were saying and something was not even right about them. Watching this footage back today, Ray and Anika say they barely recognised themselves. The isolation, the lack of sleep, the strange rules. It was like going down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. Help! Help! Help!

There's some footage of me talking and I don't recognise myself at all. You need to keep yourself safe from things.

It's like I'm watching someone else. Your brain has been completely rewired. I became almost a robot. And behind all the miracles and the makeup and the television production...

Something very, very dark was happening behind the scenes. When you trust someone that much to the point where if he'd have said to do anything, I would have done it. And what the disciples didn't know was that TB Joshua's plans for them were in motion. Plans he'd shared with someone close to him, Bisola. It was a game and a trap. I didn't know I was joining a cult. I thought I was joining a church.

And church was familiar to me and church was a good thing. Next time on The Disciples. This is what is called kubuku. This is horse whip who actually lied down on the floor. He would explode. They were screaming and screaming and I just kept hurting this like. TB Joshua jumped up, flew over the desk. He hit me, he slapped me, he punched me, he kicked me in the stomach. No daddy, no daddy, no daddy.

We approached the Synagogue Church of All Nations with the allegations made in this series. They did not offer a response or address any of the claims directly, but in an earlier email told us that making unfounded allegations against Prophet TB Joshua is not a new occurrence. None of the allegations was ever substantiated.

Thanks for listening to World of Secrets, Season 2, The Disciples, from the BBC World Service. This is Episode 3 of 9. Thank you to everyone around the world who spoke to us and shared their stories for this investigation. We want as many people as possible to hear their stories, so please do tell others about World of Secrets. And where you can do, rate and leave a review. We'd be really grateful and it really does help.

This season of World of Secrets is produced by BBC Audio Documentaries and is presented by me, Yemi Siadigoke, and Charlie Northcott. It's been made in collaboration with BBC Africa Eye, with original investigation by Charlie Northcott and Helen Spooner. The producer is Rob Byrne. Additional production from Tom Sarté. The executive producer is Georgia Catt.

The series editor is Philip Sellers. At the BBC World Service, the senior podcast producer is Lee Trung. And the podcast commissioning editor is John Manel. Thank you again for listening. Hey, everyone. This is Molly and Matt, and we're the hosts of Grown Up Stuff How to Adult, a podcast from Ruby Studio and iHeart Podcasts. It's a show dedicated to helping you figure out the trickiest parts of adulting.

Like how to start planning for retirement, creating a healthy skincare routine, understanding when and how much to tip someone, and so much more. Let's learn about all of it and then some. Listen to Grown Up Stuff How to Adult on America's number one podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search Grown Up Stuff.