cover of episode The Apartheid Killer: 3. The Killing Machine

The Apartheid Killer: 3. The Killing Machine

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World Of Secrets

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Isa Jacobson
Louis van Schoor
Ayanda Chali和Charlie Northcote:本集节目探讨了种族隔离杀手Louis van Schoor的犯罪行为,以及其行为背后的动机和社会背景。节目中包含暴力和酷刑的描述,可能引起听众不适。节目还采访了Louis van Schoor本人,并分析了他的日记和犯罪现场记录,试图揭示其心理状态和犯罪动机。 Isa Jacobson:作为调查记者,Isa Jacobson深入研究了Louis van Schoor在南非警方的经历,特别是其在警犬队的服役期间的暴行。她指出,警犬队是南非种族隔离时期一个臭名昭著的部队,其成员对黑人进行残酷的暴力和虐待,而当时的法律又为他们的行为提供了保护伞。 Louis van Schoor:Louis van Schoor本人在采访中承认了自己的杀戮行为,但他坚称这些行为都是正当防卫,并声称自己从未对自己的行为产生过怀疑。他描述了其在警犬队的经历,并将其比作狩猎,表现出一种冷漠和缺乏悔恨的态度。他还讲述了自己的童年经历,以及种族隔离制度对其世界观的影响。 Ayanda Chali和Charlie Northcote:通过对Louis van Schoor的采访、日记和犯罪现场记录的分析,节目试图揭示其杀戮行为背后的复杂原因。他的童年经历、种族隔离制度下的社会环境以及南非法律的漏洞,都为其犯罪行为提供了土壤。节目还重点关注了Wimpy餐厅枪击案,该案件中两名儿童遇害,其中一人幸存并提供了与Louis van Schoor证词相矛盾的证词,进一步质疑了其行为的正当性。

Deep Dive

Louis van Schoor, a security guard during apartheid, killed numerous people. His journals reveal a glimpse into his mindset, showing a struggle between conscience and justification for his actions. His strict upbringing, rooted in apartheid-era South Africa, and his time in the police dog squad, where violence against Black people was normalized, contributed to his transformation into a killer.
  • Van Schoor's journals hint at internal conflict over his killings.
  • His upbringing emphasized discipline and racial segregation.
  • His time in the police dog squad desensitized him to violence against Black people.
  • He viewed his actions as justified within the apartheid system.

Shownotes Transcript

The making of mass murderer Louis van Schoor. The “apartheid killer” was part of a system which enabled the shootings as “justifiable homicide”. As we investigate one of his most horrific crimes, we begin to expose the web of lies surrounding the killings and ask: how were they covered up?

Since this episode was recorded, it has been announced that Louis van Schoor died, on 25 July 2024. There will be more about this later in the series. This was a four-year investigation and the interviews with Louis van Schoor were recorded in 2022 and 2023.

Please note, this episode of World of Secrets includes descriptions of violence and torture, which some listeners may find distressing.

Season 3 of World of Secrets is a collaboration with the BBC World Service investigations unit, Africa Eye. Here’s a link to the BBC Africa Eye film, which we recommend you watch after listening to this podcast:

If you are in the UK, you can watch on BBC iPlayer:
