cover of episode The Abercrombie Guys: 7. Do You Remember Me?

The Abercrombie Guys: 7. Do You Remember Me?

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World Of Secrets

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Brad Edwards
Jim Jacobson
Rianna Croxford
Sarah Ziff
Rianna Croxford:本集追踪到Jim Jacobson,据称是Abercrombie事件的主要中间人,试图采访他,了解其在为Mike Jeffries和Matthew Smith招募年轻男子方面的作用。采访过程中,Jacobson起初拒绝透露太多信息,但后来承认资金来自Jeffries和Smith,并否认使用胁迫手段。记者还采访了律师Brad Edwards,他认为这些事件具有胁迫性行为的特征,并建议联邦检察官进行调查。此外,记者采访了时尚行业专家Sarah Ziff,她指出时尚行业中存在对年轻模特的剥削问题,并分析了男性模特在遭受剥削时面临的双重污名。最后,记者采访了三位受害者Barrett, Alex和David,他们讲述了自己的经历以及决定打破沉默的原因。 Jim Jacobson:Jacobson否认使用胁迫、欺骗或暴力行为,并声称他对其他人的此类行为毫不知情。他表示不记得许诺过模特机会,并且他与任何人的相遇都是完全自愿的。他承认资金来自Mike Jeffries和Matthew Smith。 Brad Edwards:Edwards律师认为需要进行法律调查以查明真相,指出权力不平衡是这些事件的关键因素,并解释了保密协议在控制弱势群体方面的作用。他还解释了受害者重复参与此类事件的常见原因,以及美国法律对性交易的定义,并指出即使受害者过去曾从事商业性行为,也不影响当前事件的性质。 Sarah Ziff:Ziff指出Abercrombie公司倾向于发掘不知名的人作为模特,这使得年轻模特更容易受到剥削。她还强调时尚行业中存在对年轻模特的剥削,这通常被忽视,并分析了男性模特在遭受剥削时面临的双重污名。 Barrett:Barrett讲述了他决定打破沉默的原因,以及这段经历对他造成的影响,并表示希望通过讲述自己的经历来促成改变。 Alex:Alex讲述了他对摩洛哥之行的看法,以及这段经历对他的影响,并表示希望通过讲述自己的经历来帮助他人。 David:David谈论了人们保持沉默的原因,以及这段经历对他的影响,并表示这段经历不会定义他余生的生活。

Deep Dive

Jim Jacobson, the alleged middleman in the Abercrombie operation, was tracked down and questioned. He initially dodged questions but later admitted to funding recruiters and paying men he auditioned with money from Mike Jeffries and Matthew Smith. Despite denials and attempts to deflect, his involvement and the source of funds suggest a structured operation for the Abercrombie guys.
  • Jim Jacobson was the alleged middleman, recruiting young men for Mike Jeffries and Matthew Smith.
  • He confirmed funding recruiters and men with money from Jeffries and Smith.
  • He denied coercive tactics and claimed all encounters were consensual.
  • Despite evasion, his words and actions point towards a calculated operation.

Shownotes Transcript

The Abercrombie Guys’ alleged main recruiter is tracked-down to a small town in Wisconsin and asked about his involvement in the operation: “Nobody went into this without their eyes wide open.”

One high profile American lawyer examines the team’s evidence and calls for prosecutors to investigate.

Have you got a story to tell? Email [email protected]. Let us know what you think of the season using the hashtag #WorldofSecrets

This podcast refers to sexual abuse and contains interviews that some listeners may find upsetting, as well as some occasional strong language. If you've been affected by any of the issues in this series, please contact support organisations in your own country. For a list of organisations in the UK that can provide support for survivors of sexual abuse, go to

World of Secrets: Season 1 - The Abercrombie Guys is presented and investigated by Rianna Croxford Series Producers: Ruth Evans and Alys Harte Senior Producer: Emma Close Development Producer: Hannah Livingston Investigation Editor: Ed Campbell Podcast Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith Executive Editor: Emma Rippon Studio Engineers: Neil Churchill, Andy Fell, Gareth Jones, and Ali Rezakhani Production Coordinators: Debbie Richford and Sophie Hill Commissioning Editor: Dylan Haskins Commissioning Executive: Louise Kattenhorn Assistant Commissioner: Natasha Johansson

This podcast is made in collaboration with BBC Panorama.

If you are in the UK, you can watch Panorama: The Abercrombie Guys: The Dark Side of Cool on BBC iPlayer now, or on BBC Select if you are in the in the US.

World of Secrets: Season 1 - The Abercrombie Guys is a BBC Long Form Audio production for BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Sounds.