cover of episode The Abercrombie Guys: 4. The Mysterious Mr Smith

The Abercrombie Guys: 4. The Mysterious Mr Smith

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World Of Secrets

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Amy: 作为Matthew Smith沙龙的前员工,Amy描述了Matthew Smith是一位古怪、严格且神秘的老板。他注重员工外貌,要求员工穿着Abercrombie & Fitch制服(需自费购买),沙龙的装潢和氛围也模仿Abercrombie & Fitch商店。与员工的关系复杂,既有喜爱也有厌恶。他还会对员工进行智商测试,这被认为是一种权力操控手段。Amy还提到,Matthew Smith和Mike Jeffries的关系是公开的秘密,但他们对这段关系保持低调,这与当时的社会环境和他们对公众形象的注重有关。 Bernie: Bernie作为另一位Matthew Smith沙龙的前员工,证实了Amy的许多说法,包括对员工外貌的要求、Abercrombie & Fitch制服以及沙龙的装潢风格。她还提到,Matthew Smith曾张贴过“禁止老年人入内”的告示,虽然可能带些玩笑意味,但也反映出他对顾客群体的偏好。Bernie认为Matthew Smith对想要服务的顾客非常细心,注重客户体验,甚至会用显微镜检查顾客的头发,然后开出护发产品的“处方”。 Sapna Maheshwari: 记者Sapna Maheshwari介绍了Matthew Smith在Abercrombie公司诉讼案中出庭作证的情况,以及由此披露的文件内容。这些文件显示Matthew Smith对Mike Jeffries的生活和工作有极大的影响力,甚至负责管理Mike Jeffries的私人公司(Jeffreys family office),并对公司运营有很大的影响力,这令一些公司高管感到担忧。他参与了Abercrombie的房地产扩张战略,并对公司飞机上的服务细节有严格的规定,甚至包括对乘务员着装的要求。 匿名证人: 一位不愿透露姓名的前员工透露,Matthew Smith在每次公司飞机出行前都会索要数千美元现金,部分用于支付酒店员工的小费,但大部分用途不明确。这笔现金通常装在白色信封里,每天的数额可能高达1500美元。 Rianna Croxford: 主持人Rianna Croxford总结了Matthew Smith在整个事件中的角色,并指出Matthew Smith带走的现金可能与支付参加其活动人员的现金相同,这需要进一步调查。 Sapna Maheshwari: 记者Sapna Maheshwari详细描述了Matthew Smith在Abercrombie公司诉讼案中扮演的角色以及由此披露的文件内容。这些文件显示Matthew Smith对Mike Jeffries的生活和工作有极大的影响力,甚至负责管理Mike Jeffries的私人公司(Jeffreys family office),并对公司运营有很大的影响力,这令一些公司高管感到担忧。他参与了Abercrombie的房地产扩张战略,并对公司飞机上的服务细节有严格的规定,甚至包括对乘务员着装的要求。这些文件也证实了Matthew Smith在公司内部的权力和影响力,以及他与Mike Jeffries之间的密切关系。 匿名证人: 一位不愿透露姓名的前员工提供了关于Matthew Smith在公司飞机出行前索要大量现金的证词。这笔现金部分用于支付酒店员工的小费,但大部分用途不明确,每天的数额可能高达1500美元。这笔现金通常装在白色信封里,这与之前证人描述的支付方式相符,暗示了这笔钱可能与性侵指控事件有关。 Rianna Croxford: 主持人Rianna Croxford将这些信息联系起来,指出Matthew Smith在Abercrombie & Fitch公司内部的权力和影响力,以及他与Mike Jeffries之间的密切关系,可能与性侵指控事件有关。她还强调了调查的复杂性和挑战性,以及需要进一步调查以揭示真相。

Deep Dive

Matthew Smith, Mike Jeffries' partner, remains largely unknown. He played a key role in events being investigated, with limited public information available. His background isn't in fashion but agriculture and food marketing. He met Jeffries in 1989, moved to the US, and ran hair salons.
  • Matthew Smith's background is in agriculture and food marketing, not fashion.
  • He met Mike Jeffries in 1989 and moved to the US.
  • He ran hair salons in the Midwest.
  • His role in events related to Abercrombie & Fitch is being investigated.

Shownotes Transcript

Who is the other Abercrombie guy, Matthew Smith? “Witty, strict and secretive” says a former colleague.

Papers reveal the influential role he had in the life of his partner, the former Abercrombie CEO Mike Jeffries.

A former staffer reveals how he frequently requested large sums of cash, sealed in white envelopes – what was it for?

Have you got a story to tell? Email [email protected]. Let us know what you think of the season using the hashtag #WorldofSecrets

This podcast refers to sexual abuse and contains interviews that some listeners may find upsetting, as well as some occasional strong language. If you've been affected by any of the issues in this series, please contact support organisations in your own country. For a list of organisations in the UK that can provide support for survivors of sexual abuse, go to

World of Secrets: Season 1 - The Abercrombie Guys is presented and investigated by Rianna Croxford Series Producers: Ruth Evans and Alys Harte Senior Producer: Emma Close Development Producer: Hannah Livingston Investigation Editor: Ed Campbell Podcast Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith Executive Editor: Emma Rippon Studio Engineers: Neil Churchill, Andy Fell, Gareth Jones, and Ali Rezakhani Production Coordinators: Debbie Richford and Sophie Hill Commissioning Editor: Dylan Haskins Commissioning Executive: Louise Kattenhorn Assistant Commissioner: Natasha Johansson

This podcast is made in collaboration with BBC Panorama.

If you are in the UK, you can watch Panorama: The Abercrombie Guys: The Dark Side of Cool on BBC iPlayer now, or on BBC Select if you are in the in the US.

World of Secrets: Season 1 - The Abercrombie Guys is a BBC Long Form Audio production for BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Sounds.