cover of episode Flu Attack (Season 1, Episode 21)

Flu Attack (Season 1, Episode 21)

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The Golden Girls Deep Dive Podcast

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@主持人 :本播客回顾《黄金女郎》剧集,并进行深入研究,包括对剧中人物关系、社会背景以及相关话题的探讨。本集重点是第一季第21集《流感》,剧中四位女主角因流感而引发一系列冲突和矛盾,最终在友谊的纽带下化解。 @Patrick :对剧中人物服装、场景以及台词细节进行分析,并结合时代背景进行解读,例如对1986年社会环境的描述,以及对剧中人物性格和关系的观察。 @Jenn :对剧中人物的行为和情感进行深入剖析,例如对Dorothy的过度担忧、Blanche对自身外貌的自信、Rose的单纯天真以及Sophia的世故精明。同时,Jenn还结合自身经历,对女性在职场和社会中的处境进行反思,并对剧中体现的友谊和家庭关系进行探讨。 Patrick:对剧中情节进行详细的回顾,包括对人物对话、动作以及场景的描述。Patrick的分析侧重于情节的逻辑性和连贯性,以及对剧中幽默元素的解读。例如,对剧中阿司匹林的各种类型、三只猴子的象征意义、以及热汤 toddy 的起源和历史的介绍。 Jenn:对剧中人物的性格和关系进行深入的分析,例如对Dorothy和Blanche之间矛盾的解读,以及对Rose和Sophia的性格特点的描述。Jenn还结合自身经历,对剧中体现的女性角色和社会关系进行探讨,例如对女医生检查病人方式的评论,以及对女性在权力结构中的处境的反思。 主持人:对本集进行总结,并对下一集的预告进行介绍。主持人还对听众进行互动,鼓励听众加入Facebook群组,并发送邮件进行交流。同时,主持人还对本集的主题进行概括,强调了友谊在剧集中的重要性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the flu episode become one of the favorites among the Golden Girls episodes?

The episode is beloved for its humor and the dynamic between the characters, especially during their shared sickness and the ensuing chaos.

What is the significance of the 'social event of the season' in the episode?

The 'social event of the season' is a charity banquet that the women are preparing for, which becomes a point of contention and humor as they battle the flu.

How does the episode reflect the characters' relationships and dynamics?

The episode highlights the characters' competitive nature, especially when it comes to social status and recognition, while also showcasing their deep bond and care for each other.

What historical event does the quick deep dive on the flu epidemic of 1918 parallel with?

The deep dive compares the flu epidemic of 1918 with the COVID-19 pandemic, noting similarities in public response and resistance to health measures.

How does the casting director, Allison Jones, contribute to the legacy of The Golden Girls?

Allison Jones, who worked on The Golden Girls early in her career, championed unknown actors and focused on finding talent based on humor and originality rather than looks.

The episode begins with the ladies preparing for the social event of the season, the volunteer awards ceremony. However, the flu strikes, leaving all except Sophia sick. The women bicker over who will win the big award, setting the stage for a comedic yet heartfelt episode.
  • The flu strikes all women except Sophia.
  • The women bicker over who will win the Best Friends of Good Health Award.
  • Sophia remains healthy and is tasked with taking care of the others.

Shownotes Transcript

WELCOME TO EPISODE 21 OF THE GOLDEN GIRLS DEEP DIVE PODCAST! Starting from the beginning of the show, each week we recap an episode of The Golden Girls and we end each episode with a fully researched deep dive into something from the Golden Girls universe!

In episode 21, it's a week before the volunteer awards ceremony, AKA The Social Event of the Season, and all of the women except Sophia come down with the flu. And we ask, what could be more fun than being on death’s door with your best friends? Shenanigans ensue when the gals start fighting over who will win the big award. 

For this week’s deep dive, Jenn will tell us all about the life and amazing career of casting director Allison Jones. Wait. Till. You. Hear. About. The. Christmas. Scaries.

Our episodes are researched by Jess McKillop, Patrick Hinds, and Jennifer Simard. All of our sources can be found on our website. Follow us on Instagram and TikTok at @GoldenGirlsDeepDive

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