cover of episode Summer Is Over. Election Season Is Here.

Summer Is Over. Election Season Is Here.

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FiveThirtyEight Politics

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Galen Druk
Nathaniel Rakich
Ruth Egelnik
Galen Druk: 本期节目将回顾2024年美国总统大选的进程,分析当前选情,并展望未来两个月的走势。选情已进入最后阶段,将出现更多广告、辩论、就业报告以及"十月惊喜"等。 节目将分三个部分进行:首先回顾选情发展,然后分析当前局势,最后展望未来两个月的预期。 Nathaniel Rakich: 夏季政治事件频发,对选情造成巨大影响。这些事件包括6月27日的辩论、7月13日针对特朗普的暗杀未遂事件、7月15日特朗普选择竞选搭档、共和党全国代表大会、7月21日拜登退出竞选、哈里斯成为候选人、民主党全国代表大会以及8月23日RFK Jr.退出竞选等。这些事件导致选情发生剧烈变化,从特朗普领先到哈里斯领先。 哈里斯的支持率提升可能部分源于选民对现有选择的失望,以及对替代选择的欢迎。民主党全国代表大会对哈里斯的支持率提升作用有限。 Ruth Egelnik: 夏季选民对候选人的选择感到沮丧,支持率低,导致一些人寻求替代选择,哈里斯意外地成为了许多人的替代选择。哈里斯的民意支持率在成为民主党候选人后大幅提升,这在两极分化的时代非常罕见。选民对候选人的态度发生了变化,虽然喜欢特朗普的人仍然喜欢他,但整体选民的热情更高涨了。 哈里斯的支持率提升,部分原因是选民渴望新的选择,以及她与拜登不同的形象。她的形象和策略也可能提升了她的支持率。她成功地将“变革”的形象与自己联系起来,这在选民中产生了积极影响。民主党选民对选举的热情大幅提升。哈里斯在一些传统上支持民主党的群体中表现更好,但仍然不如拜登在2020年时的表现。

Deep Dive

This chapter discusses the series of events that led to Kamala Harris's rise in the polls after Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race. It highlights key moments such as the Republican National Convention, the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, and Harris's selection of Tim Walz as her running mate.
  • Harris's poll numbers improved significantly after Biden's withdrawal and her subsequent nomination.
  • Several major political events occurred during the summer, impacting the trajectory of the election.
  • Harris's selection of Tim Walz and the Democratic National Convention contributed to her increased popularity.

Shownotes Transcript

Labor Day is behind us and the conventional final stretch of the 2024 presidential campaign is here. There will be a rush of advertising, debates, more urgent attention paid to jobs reports, and October surprises.

In this installment of the 538 Politics podcast, we look at where we are in the campaign and how we got here. In the second episode this week, we'll look at what to expect over the coming two months.

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