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Has Harris Changed The Election For Black Voters?

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FiveThirtyEight Politics

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Cheryl Laird
Galen Druk
Kiana Cox
Galen Druk: 本期节目讨论了2024年美国总统大选非裔选民的投票倾向变化。民调显示,今年春天,非裔选民对民主党的支持率有所下降,对特朗普的支持率则创历史新高。但随着哈里斯参选,非裔选民对民主党的热情有所回升,哈里斯的支持率也随之提高。节目邀请了马里兰大学政府与政治学教授Cheryl Laird和皮尤研究中心高级研究员Kiana Cox,共同探讨了非裔选民政治态度的演变以及哈里斯参选对非裔选民投票的影响。 Cheryl Laird: 非裔选民对民主党的支持并非一成不变。年轻一代的非裔选民与年长一代相比,对民主党的忠诚度较低,部分原因是他们缺乏与共和党候选人的比较经验,以及对经济问题的不同看法。社交媒体也对年轻一代非裔选民的政治观点形成产生了一定的影响。 Kiana Cox: 皮尤研究中心的民调数据显示,哈里斯参选后,非裔选民对民主党的支持率有所回升,但仍低于2020年拜登的水平。年轻一代的非裔选民对特朗普的支持率高于年长一代,但总体而言,非裔选民仍然主要支持民主党候选人。此外,非裔选民对美国社会制度的信任度较低,这可能与特朗普的政治主张相呼应。 Galen Druk: 本期节目探讨了哈里斯竞选策略中,选择不将身份认同作为竞选核心,而是专注于政策和选民的考量。专家们分析了这种策略的利弊,以及非裔选民对哈里斯种族背景的看法。部分非裔选民认为哈里斯的种族背景对其竞选有利,部分人则认为不利,还有部分人认为没有影响。 Cheryl Laird: 哈里斯的竞选策略与希拉里·克林顿不同,她选择不将身份认同作为竞选的核心,而是专注于政策和选民。这种策略可以避免在种族和性别问题上被对手攻击,并吸引更多对这些问题不敏感的选民。 Kiana Cox: 皮尤研究中心的民调数据显示,大多数非裔成年人认为种族认同对他们的自我认知很重要,这会影响他们的政治态度。但非裔选民对哈里斯种族背景对其竞选的影响存在分歧。

Deep Dive

Initial concerns about declining Black voter support for Democrats seem to have shifted with Kamala Harris's candidacy. Harris's presence on the ticket appears to have boosted engagement and her popularity among Black voters, although it's unclear whether support has returned to pre-Biden levels.
  • Gallup polling showed the lowest number of Black Americans identifying as Democrats since 1999.
  • Trump saw increased support among Black voters in early 2024 polls.
  • Harris's candidacy has improved Democrats' standing with Black voters, particularly younger voters and Black women.
  • Dissatisfaction with the candidate field decreased significantly after Harris became the Democratic nominee.

Shownotes Transcript

Earlier this year, it seemed like the long-standing pattern of Black voters as steadfast Democrats was shifting, with a record-high percentage choosing former President Donald Trump in survey after survey. However, Vice President Kamala Harris's candidacy has sparked new enthusiasm among Black voters, boosting both engagement and her popularity. In this installment of the 538 Politics podcast, Galen examines these shifts with Chryl Laird, a professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland, and Kiana Cox, a senior researcher at the Pew Research Center, exploring the evolving political landscape and what Harris's run means for Black voter dynamics.

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