cover of episode Ep 526 - Reunited (feat. Billy)

Ep 526 - Reunited (feat. Billy)

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Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

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主持人(多人): 播客回归,那些质疑播客回归的人将会感到害怕。他们原谅那些质疑播客回归的人。拜登称反对者为“垃圾”的言论具有争议性,但同时也具有讽刺意味。拜登称反对者为“垃圾”是容易且有效的回应。拜登在吃冰淇淋后,在Zoom会议上称反对者为“垃圾”,展现了他的轻松态度。特朗普在辩论中使用“没有人喜欢你”的策略,对对手造成心理打击。特朗普对对手说“没有人喜欢你”的言论,即使在自由派看来,也让对手输掉了辩论。如果特朗普输掉选举,这将是最终的结局,并且是托尼·欣奇克利夫的错。人们在网上争论特朗普去了一家已经关闭的麦当劳的事情。人们对蒂姆·沃尔兹的美国式风格和政治言论的评价褒贬不一。蒂姆·沃尔兹在政治活动中谈论橄榄球,并与AOC一起玩Madden游戏。将选举视为一场游戏,是一种病态的行为。人们互相散布谣言,并对特朗普进行纳粹主义的指控。1939年在麦迪逊广场花园举行了一次纳粹集会,与会者可能是美国纳粹分子。人们对历史事件的看法会随着时间的推移而改变。对纳粹标志的最初印象可能与后来的负面含义不同。参加30年代麦迪逊广场花园的纳粹集会,可能会让人感到困惑和难以理解。特朗普的超级英雄X战警视频很尴尬。特朗普对马斯克的赞扬和辩论视频的对比。在世界大赛期间播放的堕胎广告很粗鲁。对鲍勃·凯西的负面评价和对当地政治家的讽刺。对鲍勃·凯西性侵犯指控的描述。对鲍勃·凯西性侵犯指控的进一步描述,以及对政治家的讽刺。对政治广告中关于强奸犯、杀人犯和恐怖分子的描述。对政治事件的评论,以及对未来四年的展望。如果特朗普再次当选,人们可能会变得冷漠,不会发生暴乱。 Billy: 只有在战争时期,财富才会真正平均分配。和平时期,人们的财富差距会扩大。J.D. Vance与其他副总统相比,更具攻击性。在蒙罗研究所的经历,以及对该研究所的课程和书籍的看法。在进行免费的音频练习时,体验到了半球同步的现象。解释了半球同步的现象以及其可能产生的结果。在蒙罗研究所的10级课程中,体验到了时间不真实的感受。对在蒙罗研究所的经历的反思,以及对自身能力的质疑。对高密度信息包的描述。对Robert Monroe经历高密度信息包的解释。对蒙罗研究所使用双耳节拍技术来引导脑波的描述。对蒙罗研究所的描述,以及对Billy的经历的评价。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the hosts feel the need to address doubters in the beginning of the podcast?

They wanted to confront and dismiss those who doubted their reunion and collaboration.

What did the hosts imply about Democrats and liberals in their opening remarks?

They suggested that Democrats and liberals exhibit behavior that spreads disinformation and causes panic online.

What was the hosts' reaction to John Carlos Stanton's performance?

They admired his skills and physique, particularly his 'donk' (posterior).

Why did the hosts find it amusing when someone said they didn't believe in aliens but saw a spaceship?

They thought it was ironic and contradictory for someone to claim not to believe in aliens while also reporting a sighting.

What did the hosts discuss about Joe Biden's perspective on people?

They mentioned Biden's comment that half of the people are garbage, implying a divisive view.

How did the hosts describe Trump's behavior during debates?

They characterized it as using mind games and psychological tactics to unsettle opponents.

What was the hosts' opinion on the effectiveness of remote viewing?

They were skeptical and suggested that it might be more about belief than actual ability.

What did the hosts find humorous about the Monroe Institute experience?

They laughed at the idea of sending dolphin healing powers and the concept of a reball for protection in the astral realm.

Why did the hosts think some people might leave the Monroe Institute early?

They believed the reality of the experience might not match the expectations, leading to disappointment and early departure.

What was the hosts' view on the quality of food at the Monroe Institute?

They described the food as subpar, with items like expired Zin and insta-eggs, which they found unimpressive.

Billy shares his experience at the Monroe Institute, a place for remote viewing and astral projection, and discusses the various exercises and people he encountered.
  • Billy attended the Monroe Institute for remote viewing and astral projection.
  • He describes the controlled environment and the people he met, including a Hungarian woman named Reka.
  • Billy discusses the exercises, such as the dolphin energy club and resonant tuning, and his skepticism about their effectiveness.

Shownotes Transcript

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YES. We're back. Reunited. The doubters are trembling with fear. Rightfully so. Please enjoy this TGIF treat. God Bless.