cover of episode How to Defeat Jet Lag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness

How to Defeat Jet Lag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness

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Huberman Lab

Andrew Huberman
本期播客主要讨论如何利用科学方法来改善睡眠,包括应对时差反应、轮班工作带来的困扰以及普遍的失眠问题。Huberman教授讲解了昼夜节律的运作机制,以及如何通过调节光照、温度、运动和饮食来调整生物钟,从而更好地适应不同的时间安排。他特别强调了‘体温最低点’的重要性,指出在体温最低点前后特定时间段内进行光照、运动或饮食调整,可以有效地提前或延后生物钟。此外,他还讨论了褪黑素、镁、茶氨酸等补充剂对睡眠的潜在影响,以及非睡眠深度放松(NSDR)技术在改善睡眠方面的作用。针对不同人群(婴儿、青少年、老年人)的睡眠问题,Huberman教授也给出了相应的建议,例如,婴儿应避免强光刺激,青少年应保证充足的睡眠时间,老年人则应尽量多接触自然光。 针对时差,Huberman教授建议根据旅行方向(东西方向)和体温最低点来调整生物钟。向西旅行相对容易,而向东旅行则需要提前调整作息时间。他详细解释了如何利用光照、温度、运动和饮食来调节生物钟,并建议在旅行前几天和到达目的地后都进行调整。对于轮班工作,他建议尽量保持稳定的工作时间表,并根据体温变化来调节光照,以保持清醒和睡眠的平衡。他还强调了保持规律作息的重要性,即使在周末也要尽量避免大幅度改变作息时间。

Deep Dive

The perfect schedule involves getting at least 100,000 lux of light exposure before 9 AM and avoiding bright light between 10 or 11 PM and 4 AM.
  • Morning light exposure sets the circadian clock.
  • Evening light exposure adjusts retinal sensitivity to avoid disrupting sleep.
  • Avoid bright light during nighttime to maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, I discuss a simple and reliable measurement called your "temperature minimum" that you can use to rapidly adjust to new time zones when traveling and to offset the bad effects of nocturnal shift work. I also discuss tools for adjusting sleep and waking rhythms in babies, teens, new parents and the elderly.

For the full show notes, visit

Thank you to our sponsors

AG1 (Athletic Greens):


Waking Up:



(00:00:00) Introduction

(00:00:30) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT, Waking Up

(00:04:15) The bedrock of sleep-rest cycles

(00:07:05) Night owls and morning larks

(00:08:22) “The perfect schedule”

(00:11:04) The 100K Lux per morning goal

(00:15:15) Keeping your biological clock set

(00:16:15) Reset your cortisol

(00:21:22) Jet Lag, death and lifespan

(00:23:00) Going East versus West

(00:28:45) The key to clock control

(00:31:01) Your Temperature Minimum

(00:36:30) Temperature and Exercise

(00:41:20) Eating

(00:42:50) Go West

(00:44:15) Pineal myths and realities

(00:51:13) The Heat-Cold Paradox

(00:53:45) Staying on track

(00:55:30) Nightshades

(00:57:00) Emergency resets

(00:57:30) Psychosis by light

(00:58:05) Shift work

(01:02:40) The Temperature-Light Rule

(01:04:20) Up all night: watch the sunrise?

(01:06:45) Error correction is good

(01:08:20) NSDR protocols/implementation

(01:10:44) The frog skin in your eye (not a joke)

(01:16:39) Why stress turns your hair white

(01:17:24) Ovaries or testes?

(01:18:25) Babies and bright light

(01:21:40) Polyphasic sleep

(01:25:25) Ultradian cycles in children

(01:27:38) Teens and puberty

(01:29:50) Light before waking for better sleep

(01:31:20) Older people and circadian rhythms

(01:33:48) Sleepy Supplements

(01:42:00) Red Pills & Acupuncture

(01:43:50) Highlights

(01:48:30) Feedback and Support

As always, thank you for your interest in science!

Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac)
