cover of episode Dr. Sean Mackey: Tools to Reduce & Manage Pain

Dr. Sean Mackey: Tools to Reduce & Manage Pain

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Sean Mackey
Sean Mackey 阐述了疼痛的复杂性和主观性,强调其感觉和情绪成分以及个体差异。他解释了疼痛的起源,从身体中的伤害性刺激到大脑中的疼痛体验,并指出大脑中的情绪、认知和记忆等因素都会影响疼痛体验。他还讨论了各种疼痛治疗方法,包括药物(如非甾体抗炎药和阿片类药物)、物理疗法(如热敷和冷敷)、心理疗法(如正念和认知行为疗法)以及营养干预。关于阿片类药物,Mackey 博士强调了其在特定临床情况下的有效性,同时警告了其成瘾性以及阿片类药物危机。他呼吁对阿片类药物进行更负责任的处方和使用,并强调了教育和患者赋权的重要性。 Andrew Huberman 与 Sean Mackey 博士就疼痛的机制、疼痛阈值、不同类型的疼痛(例如躯体性疼痛、内脏性疼痛和神经性疼痛)以及各种疼痛治疗方法进行了深入探讨。Huberman 博士还提出了关于疼痛和情绪、压力以及记忆之间关系的问题,并探讨了注意力转移和接纳疼痛这两种减轻疼痛的方法。他还询问了关于药物相互作用、营养在疼痛管理中的作用以及补充剂(例如乙酰-L-肉碱、硫辛酸、维生素C和肌酸)的疗效等问题。

Deep Dive

Pain is a complex, subjective experience involving sensory and emotional components. It's not solely a physical phenomenon; the brain plays a crucial role in shaping our perception of pain. Understanding the interplay between physical and emotional pain is key to effective management.
  • Pain originates from nociceptors sensing stimuli, but the subjective experience is created in the brain.
  • The brain's involvement in pain perception means individual experiences vary greatly.
  • There's no single 'pain center' in the brain; it's a distributed network.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Sean Mackey, M.D., Ph.D.), Chief of the Division of Pain Medicine) and Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine and Neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine. His clinical and research efforts focus on using advanced neurosciences, patient outcomes, biomarkers and informatics to treat pain.

We discuss what pain is at the level of the body and mind, pain thresholds, and the various causes of pain. We also discuss effective protocols for controlling and reducing pain, including the use of heat and cold, acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, nutrition, and supplementation.

We also discuss how pain is influenced by our emotions, stress and memories, and practical tools to control one’s psychological perception of pain.

And we discuss pain medications, including the controversial use of opioids and the opioid crisis.

This episode will help people understand, manage, and control their pain as well as the pain of others.

For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit

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AG1 (Athletic Greens):


Waking Up:



(00:00:00) Dr. Sean Mackey

(00:02:28) Sponsors: LMNT & Waking Up

(00:06:13) Pain, Unique Experiences, Chronic Pain

(00:13:05) Pain & the Brain

(00:16:15) Treating Pain, Medications: NSAIDs & Analgesics

(00:22:46) Inflammation, Pain & Recovery; Ibuprofen, Naprosyn & Aspirin

(00:27:51) Sponsor: AG1

(00:30:19) Caffeine, NSAIDs, Tylenol

(00:32:34) Pain & Touch, Gate Control Theory

(00:38:56) Pain Threshold, Gender

(00:44:53) Pain in Children, Pain Modulation (Pain Inhibits Pain)

(00:53:20) Tool: Heat, Cold & Pain; Changing Pain Threshold

(01:00:54) Tools: Psychology, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Catastrophizing

(01:08:29) Tool: Hurt vs. Harmed?, Chronic Pain

(01:12:38) Emotional Pain, Anger, Medication

(01:20:43) Tool: Nutrition & Pain; Food Sensitization & Elimination Diets

(01:28:45) Visceral Pain; Back, Chest & Abdominal Pain

(01:34:02) Referenced Pain, Neuropathic Pain; Stress, Memory & Psychological Pain

(01:40:23) Romantic Love & Pain, Addiction

(01:48:57) Endogenous & Exogenous Opioids, Morphine

(01:53:17) Opioid Crisis, Prescribing Physicians

(02:02:21) Opioids & Fentanyl; Morphine, Oxycontin, Methadone

(02:07:44) Kratom, Cannabis, CBD & Pain; Drug Schedules

(02:18:12) Pain Management Therapies, Acupuncture

(02:22:19) Finding Reliable Physicians, Acupuncturist

(02:26:36) Chiropractic & Pain Treatment; Chronic Pain & Activity

(02:31:35) Physical Therapy & Chronic Pain; Tool: Pacing

(02:36:35) Supplements: Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, Creatine

(02:42:25) Pain Management, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Biofeedback

(02:48:32) National Pain Strategy, National Pain Care Act

(02:54:05) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter
