cover of episode Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds

Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds

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Dr. Becky Kennedy
临床心理学家、著名育儿专家和作家,创立了Good Inside育儿运动,著有畅销书《Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be》。
Dr. Becky Kennedy 认为,健康的关系建立在稳固性的基础上,即在连接自身的同时也能连接他人。父母的主要职责是设定界限和表达同理心与认同。界限是指我们承诺去做的事情,而不需要对方做出任何回应。许多父母认为孩子不尊重他们的界限,实际上是他们提出了要求而非设定了界限。父母不应该奖励或惩罚孩子,而应该培养孩子的技能。对孩子说“我相信你”能建立他们的自信,因为这让他们感受到自己的感受是真实的。创伤并非事件本身,而是事件的处理方式;独自处理高情绪事件会导致创伤。修复关系需要先修复自身,然后才能以不同的方式与孩子互动。真诚的道歉应该包含对自身行为的承认,以及对孩子感受的认同,而不是寻求原谅。面对孩子的无礼,父母首先应该理解孩子行为背后的原因,而不是立即回应。理解孩子行为的最佳方法是设身处地为孩子着想,尝试从最积极的角度解读他们的行为。面对孩子的无礼,父母应该保持冷静,并帮助孩子学习管理情绪的技能。父母应该避免对孩子的负面情绪反应过度,而应成为孩子情绪的“稳定领导者”。“深感性”的孩子也可能以同样的强度表达积极情绪,这取决于他们的发展阶段和他们所受到的回应。与“深感性”的孩子沟通需要采用迂回的方式,而不是直接的回应。父母应该专注于帮助孩子理解他们的经历,而不是纠正另一位父母的错误。父母应该成为孩子能量的“渠道”,而不是“阻碍”,帮助他们找到安全释放能量的方式。在当今社会,父母设定界限比以往任何时候都难,但其重要性也比以往任何时候都高。父母应该帮助孩子学习容忍挫折,而不是立即满足他们的需求。父母不应该因育儿中的失误而自责,而应该认识到育儿是一项复杂而重要的工作。与自身建立健康的关系需要设定界限并表达同理心和认同。父母应该关注孩子的感受,并引导他们反思自己的经验,而不是简单地给予赞扬。 Andrew Huberman 主要就Dr. Becky Kennedy 的观点进行提问和探讨,并结合自身经验和神经科学知识进行补充说明。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Becky Kennedy, Ph.D.), a clinical psychologist, bestselling author, and founder of Good Inside), an education platform for parents and parents-to-be. We discuss actionable protocols for raising resilient, emotionally healthy kids and effective alternatives to typical forms of reward and punishment that instead teach children valuable skills and strengthen the parent-child bond. These protocols also apply to other types of relationships: professional, romantic, friendships, siblings, etc. 

We explain how to respond to emotional outbursts, rudeness, and entitlement, repair fractured relationships, build self-confidence, and improve interpersonal connections with empathy while maintaining healthy boundaries. 

We also discuss how to effectively communicate with children and adults with ADHD, anxiety, learning challenges, or with “deeply feeling” individuals. 

The conversation is broadly applicable to all types of social interactions and bonds. By the end of the episode, you will have learned simple yet powerful tools to build healthy relationships with kids, teens, adults, and oneself.

For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit

Thank you to our sponsors








(00:00:00) Dr. Becky Kennedy

(00:02:44) Sponsors: Mateína, Joovv & AeroPress

(00:07:35) Healthy Relationships: Sturdiness, Boundaries & Empathy

(00:14:34) Tool: Establishing Boundaries

(00:18:24) Rules, Boundaries & Connection

(00:22:19) Rewards & Punishments; Skill Building

(00:29:48) Sponsor: AG1

(00:31:16) Kids & Inherent Good

(00:34:06) Family Jobs, Validation & Confidence, Giving Hope

(00:41:54) Rewards, Pride

(00:44:48) Tool: “I Believe You”, Confidence & Safety; Other Relationships

(00:52:15) Trauma, Aloneness & Repair

(00:57:07) Tool: Repair & Apologies, Rejecting Apology

(01:01:04) Tool: Good Apologies

(01:03:35) Sponsor: InsideTracker

(01:04:37) Tool: Rudeness & Disrespect, Most Generous Interpretation

(01:12:32) Walking on Eggshells, Pilot Analogy & Emotional Outbursts, Sturdy Leadership

(01:20:49) Deeply Feeling Kids; Fears, Sensory Overload

(01:30:10) Co-Parenting Differences & Punishment

(01:37:11) Tool: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); Meditation

(01:41:20) Tool: Tolerating Frustration, Screen Time, Learning

(01:51:57) Grace & Parenthood, Parenting Job Description; Relationship to Self

(01:55:24) Tool: “I’m Noticing”, Asking Questions; Emotional Regulation

(02:01:15) Adolescence & Critical Needs, Explorers vs. Nomads

(02:09:58) Saying “I Love You”, Teenagers; Family Meetings

(02:15:07) Self-Care, Rage & Boundaries; Sturdy Leaders; Parent Relationship & Conflict

(02:22:08) Tool: Wayward Teens, Marijuana & Substance Use, Getting Additional Help

(02:30:03) Mentors

(02:34:26) Tool: Entitlement, Fear & Frustration

(02:41:57) Tool: Experiencing Frustration; Chores & Allowance

(02:46:31) Good Inside Platform

(02:51:27) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter
