cover of episode U.S. Gov’t Paying For Ukraine SMEAR Operation Against Jimmy Dore! w/ Lee Fang

U.S. Gov’t Paying For Ukraine SMEAR Operation Against Jimmy Dore! w/ Lee Fang

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The Jimmy Dore Show

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CIA特工Gavin Oblenis
Chuck Schumer
Clay Higgins
Jimmy Dore
Lee Fang
Lee Fang揭露了美国政府如何通过向亲政府的乌克兰媒体机构提供资金,来压制对乌克兰战争的批评声音,并对批评者进行污蔑。这些媒体机构不仅在乌克兰国内压制异见,还通过与美国社交媒体平台合作,对美国的批评者进行审查。Fang认为,美国纳税人的钱被用来资助一项旨在控制信息流和压制批评性言论的行动。 Jimmy Dore分享了他本人成为乌克兰亲战媒体攻击目标的经历,并指出这些媒体机构如何歪曲事实,并试图通过贴上‘阴谋论者’的标签来抹黑批评者。Dore认为,这种做法与之前美国政府在伊拉克、利比亚和叙利亚战争期间的做法如出一辙。 秘密录音揭露了一名CIA特工承认该机构参与了针对Alex Jones的行动,并暗示了美国情报机构使用诱捕等手段来压制异见。该特工还透露,美国联邦调查局在1月6日国会骚乱中部署了大量卧底特工。 Chuck Schumer和Joe Biden的对话(由Mike MacRae配音)讽刺了民主党政府在年轻人中支持率低迷的情况下,通过一些表面措施(例如推动大麻非刑事化)来争取选民支持的做法。 这段对话揭示了美国政府在信息控制和压制异见方面的双重标准,以及其在国内外利用各种手段来达到政治目的的策略。

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Come see us on tour. We're going to be in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Cortland, New York, Oakmont, Pennsylvania, El Paso, Texas, San Antonio, Texas, Vancouver, British Columbia, first show sold out, Denver, Colorado, Ashland, Virginia, Athens, Georgia, and Minneapolis. We're coming back to Minneapolis. We couldn't get tickets last time. There'll be some available this time. We're doing two shows. Go to for a link for all those tickets.

Here's the Jimmy Dore show. Who's calling? Rusty. Yeah. Commander in chief, your old buddy, President Joe Biden. Oh, wow. And I mean old. See, see what I'm doing? The self-deprecating humor thing. I'm so old. But, you know, not, not really. I see. When did that start?

Well, our campaign's been pivoting in a few important ways. I'm not sure if you've noticed or not. And yet one of them is me making fun of my own age instead of letting other people do it. Taking ownership of how I'm the butt of the joke. So it deflects from my obvious age-related defects when the joke is about how I remember the Civil War. Ah, I see, I see.

That's the power of humor, Russ. And do you find this is working for you? Fucking A-rated it.

Have you seen the latest polls? Yeah. Russell, for the first time in his campaign, the majority of major polling shows me leading Donald Trump in the popular vote by a variety of margins. But still struggling in the key battleground states. Yeah, well, that's not what I called to fucking talk about, Russell. We're building momentum here, our campaign, and we'll get where we need to when we need to.

So, okay. So you're, so you're crediting self deprecating humor with your rise in the polls. Oh no, not just that. Honestly, that's secondary. The primary driving factor is me promising to do things that I am absolutely never going to do. I see. I see. And the crazy thing is the voters know it. I,

I still really don't know how that works. I have an odd relationship with the Democratic voting base, to say the least. I guess there's just no explaining the Biden magic. Can you be more specific? Anything for you, Rusty. Well, first, guess who all of a sudden is now promising abortion rights will be codified into law?

We could have done it long ago. But Joey B is out there saying he will undo what Trump did to a fortunate country. And Joey B absolutely cannot do that. That promise is stillborn. Day one. Right. Yeah.

We have a Republican majority in the House, for Christ's sakes. We got the dad from Footloose as the Speaker of the House. I might as well promise that NASA will rebuild the air, will build the actual fully functional Starship Enterprise just to get the nerd vote. Yeah, but then you'd lose the Star Wars vote.

Millennium Falcon 2. Fuck it. I'll promise every goddamn thing. Goddamn anything. Also, though, come on. Like the Star Wars nerds wouldn't vote for me if I were going to build the Enterprise. Literally, who would not want to see that? Okay, that is the one thing that might get me to vote for you. Fair enough.

So yeah, I promise all the abortion stuff and people are just reminded the Democratic brand is pro-abortion rights and Trump is anti. It's enough for people whose main issue is that to forget about all the horrible shit I'm doing and then come around. People are coming around, Russell. That's what this is about. So what else are you promising besides a Millennium Falcon?

Forgiving student loan debt, or at least working on a plan to forgive student loan debt. And who knows how long that could take? Wink, wink. And there's another prong to this strategy. It's a hell of a prong, if I may say so, Russ. And what is that prong?

Russ, that prong is this. I told someone the other day I was looking into a way that I could shut down the border with Mexico with executive action, which immediately makes me look tougher on the border than anyone. Yes, very unexpected.

Now, the answer is I probably can't. But again, I said we were looking into extreme measures at the border. And that's what matters. Moderates will hear that. And maybe people down near the border who previously think I'm too liberal. They hear my tough border talk and think, hold on, this guy can be a huge asshole like me, too. Genius. How about you, Russell? What is it that you want? Well, let's start with Medicare for all.

Old Joe Biden would have said, come on, man, get real. But new old Joe Biden is going to say, you know what? We have a task force working on looking into that right now. What else? I'm feeling generous. I want a pony. You got it, my friend. There's a pony with your name on it at the pony farm.

Now do I have your vote? Absolutely not. No. No. Oh, well. Like P.T. Barnum said, you can't please all the people all the time. I did my best here. But what matters is I swing uncommitted voters back to my fold by exploiting their fears of a second Trump campaign and making completely unrealistic promises.

I look at my role as president as sort of similar to an absentee father. Christmas is going to be great this year, buddy. I promise. That's why I love this job so much. All right. Until next time, everybody gets a pony. All right. Yay, ponies.


I want to bring in our first guest. Lee Fong is an award-winning investigative journalist who has written for The Intercept, The Nation, Think Progress, and Republic Report. He currently publishes his investigative work on his Substack newsletter, which you can subscribe to at Hey, Lee, thanks for coming on.

Hey, thanks for having me. So you wrote this article. This is interesting because I'm involved in it. Smearing pro-peace voices. And so what's going on is, well, here's America is funding, taxpayer dollars are funding these pro-war outlets. One of them is Vox Ukraine. And Vox Ukraine did a bunch of these videos. I'm in one of them. Look, there it is.

and it's these are in ukrainian there's a russell brand um i think that's uh um

That's the ex-CIA guy. I can't think of his name. But anyway, they're doing a bunch of them. So you wrote an article about this. U.S. taxpayers' dollars are flowing to outlets such as New Voice of Ukraine, Vox Ukraine, Detector Media, the Institute of Mass Information, the Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine, and many others. Some of this money has come from the $44.1 billion in civilian needs foreign aid committed to Ukraine. So now here's the...

Here's a little bit of the video they did on me. I'll just play a little bit of it. Jimmy Dore, American stand-up comedian. I like how she says my name. Jimmy Dore. She's saying that...

First of all, she says here, if you read, I have it translated. She says, Jimmy Dore, turn her down for a second. Jimmy Dore is a stand-up comedian, political commentator, podcaster, and simply a conspiracy theorist, i.e. a person who believes in conspiracy theories and tends to believe that behind events or situations, there are hidden motives that may not be apparent or obvious to others.

Yeah, that's called life. That's called every... It's hilarious. That is the most favorable definition of a conspiracy theorist I've ever heard in my life. That's exactly what we do here. We find the hidden motives. We get to what's really happening.

You know, when they tell you that it's safe and effective, we actually look into it. When they tell you that, you know, we're going to bomb Iran, Iraq, because they have weapons of mass destruction, we actually look into that. Turns out that was a big conspiracy. So here's what they say. And then they try to discredit me by saying that I talked about microchips and vaccines against the coronavirus, and I never did that. And the reason why they don't show that clip is because I never did that.

What I did show is that the head of Pfizer said they are putting their own microchips in pills that they are giving people. And he said, imagine the compliance. That's what really caught my eye. But anyway, and so...

They're saying we distorted him saying that. Well, we didn't. So this is the kind of stuff. Another conspiracy theory promoted my door. First of all, their door with one R. That's a different R. That's a different comedian. It's a guy out of Boston or something like that. He's big on conspiracy theorists, the other Jimmy Dore. I only deal conspiracy facts. So here we go.

The Syrian government did not attack with chemical weapons. The opposition held city of King Shukun in Syria where a large number of civilians died. So they're still pushing that lie that Assad gassed his own people. So these are the kind of, this is the propaganda that U.S. taxpayers' money is being used for, right? They're sending it to Vox, you know, that garbage news outlet. Now it's Vox Ukraine.

And so it goes on and on, but at least they got that attractive lady to say it. And I think she's showing a little cleavage, which is nice. While the funding is officially billed as an ambitious program to develop high quality independent news programs, counter malign Russian influence and modernize Ukraine's archaic media laws, the new sites...

in many cases have promoted aggressive messages that stray from traditional journalistic practices to promote the Ukrainian government's official positions and delegitimize its critics. So that's exactly what your taxpayers are being used for. Vox Ukraine has released highly produced videos attacking the credibility of American opposition voices.

including Jeffrey Sachs, Mer Shimer, and Glenn Greenwald. Detector Media, one of the most influential media watchdog groups, similarly produces a flow of social media and posts branding American critics of the war as part of a Russian disinformation. That's what everybody does. And not only...

Vox Ukraine, but everybody from Vox Ukraine to Joe Biden to Ro Khanna. Anybody who says the truth about what's happening in Ukraine, they say you're Russian disinformation, you're working for the Russians. Just like if you question weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they said you were working for Assad. Same thing with Libya, same thing with Syria. The whole, it never stops. And so this is the exact same thing they're doing. But the thing is, you're paying for it.

It's not only dissident voices targeted by the USAID-funded groups. Detector media went after the New York Times after a news report about hundreds of Ukrainians in the Battle of Avdivka who were captured and missing. The Ukrainian fact-check site offered little in terms of rebuttal. So they didn't have any facts to give you. What did they do? They just said, they just labeled it as disinformation.

The new voice of Ukraine quoted a Ukrainian official describing the time story as a Russian psyop. That's all they do. So guess what? Here's even more. The new voice of Ukraine syndicates with Yahoo News.

Fox Ukraine is a fact-checking partner with Meta. That's Facebook. So now you know why all my old Hollywood friends hate me because they go on Facebook and they see my videos up on Facebook that are accurate and then Meta teams up with a propaganda firm like this or...

or a bill gates funded propaganda fact-checking organization or somebody like snopes who the head of snopes had to resign because he got caught being a serial plagiarist and then they say i'm spreading misinformation but of course that's just propaganda and then so that started discredit me and it works with a lot of people not not not everybody thank god uh so um

Detector Media has similarly led a consortium of nonprofit groups pressuring social media platforms to aggressively remove content critical. So that's what they do. I had a couple of videos taken down on YouTube. Facebook has demonetized me. They've banned everything except completely kicked us off of Facebook.

Congress is now weighing a new supplemental funding measure with approximately $60 billion earmarked for the war in Ukraine. A small portion of the emergency spending package is devoted to continued USAID programming in the country. But far less... So here's another thing. They always talk about how Russia...

is shutting down their journalists, but what gets less attention is how the Ukraine government's crackdown on its independent and opposition media, a push aided by the U.S.-backed network of anti-disinformation groups. Even as Washington's efforts to censor information at home is drawing greater scrutiny, its support of Ukraine's effort reflects the increasingly global reach of the American government's propaganda arms. So get this. So what do they consider

What do they consider what is disinformation or misinformation, and they want to pressure social media to censor it? Well, in response to questions about the U.S.-backed ANSI disinformation groups in Ukraine targeting Americans, the U.S. State Department provided a statement saying it defines disinformation as, quote, false or misleading information that is deliberately created or spread with the intent to deceive or mislead.

Okay, that almost seems fair. It added, we accept there may be other interpretations or definitions. Oh, really? Wait till you find out what those other ones are. And we do not censor or coerce independent organizations into adopting our definition.

The length of the report defines disinformation as not only false or misleading content, but also verifiable information, which they say is unbalanced or skewed, amplifies or exaggerates certain elements for effect, or uses emotive or inflammatory language to achieve effects which fit within existing Kremlin narratives, aims, or activities. So in other words, factual information.

with emotional language that simply overlaps with anything remotely connected to Russia viewpoints is considered disinformation, according to the U.S. bat consulting firm helping to guide the efforts of Ukrainian think tanks and media. And so let me bring in Lee.

Now, Lee, this is quite an article and it's really it's a great read. Everybody should check it out. There's a lot of information that I don't have time to share on the show. But what is your what is your reaction to learning all this information?

Well, I'm not shocked. I've written about disinformation and these kind of speech wars in the domestic context that oftentimes the US government and powerful interest groups have sought to control the flow of information and discourse by creating NGOs and other third parties or working with academic third parties to create kind of a criteria for disinformation and misinformation, which are very powerful terms now.

And through those appendages, they censor dissenting speech, critical speech. They use that kind of to force compliance in the discourse. So in that context, I'm not surprised. But this is interesting because, you know, there are

There is a wider debate here in the West, in the US, about the authoritarian nature of Russia, that Russia has cracked down on journalists and independent media. They've arrested journalists. And that's true. That's a gigantic controversy that I'm concerned with. But there hasn't been scrutiny on these draconian moves by Ukraine that...

that the Ukrainian government through President Zelensky has banned opposition media, has arrested journalists, has really cracked down on free speech and free expression in that country. And as I kind of peel back the layers looking at USAID and other contracts, it really startled me to see the level of U.S. involvement in this crackdown on free speech and on independent media. And beyond that, there's an additional layer here that you just described.

that unlike the similar contractors worked for USAID in the reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan. We were very involved in making Iraqi newspapers and magazines and websites and same thing with Afghanistan. But what's unique here is that a lot of the Ukrainian think tanks and media

are very influential for shaping the discourse back at home. They're publishing English language content. They're working with Facebook to censor social media. And they're actually affecting potentially American foreign policy because they're going after critics like yourself, like John Mearsheimer, like Glenn Greenwald. These are very prominent voices. Some of the only voices that are really critical of the mainstream narrative

around NATO or around this US involvement in the war. And so it kind of creates a vicious feedback loop of the American taxpayer money is going to groups that are centering Americans who are dissidents on this war. Yeah, that's the amazing part to me is that these people are...

Are the ones who are, anybody who calls himself a fact checker or a professional fact checker, they're not. Okay. Those are just people who are being funded by a billionaire or a government somewhere to lie to you and to squelch the truth. Right. So we, as I was talking with Russell last night, people like you, people like Glenn Greenwald, the gray zone people,

This show, we're the new, what Rolling Stone used to be in the 60s. That's what we are today, right? And so I just want to show a few more examples of what they consider to be misinformation. All you have to do is say that Ukraine is being used as a pawn in a proxy war against Russia.

That's considered that that will be flagged. They will they will pressure social media sites to take that down. Ukraine's government has also worked with U.S. government officials and others to censor its American critics. One prominent example, Aaron Maté, friend of the show, Aaron Maté, frequent guest host of the show. He's an independent journalist who has criticized U.S. policy regret in Ukraine and other outlets. So can you tell us what they what they did with Aaron Maté?

I mean, this is incredible. They did quite a lot with Aaron Mate, but one example is that the FBI works very closely with the Ukrainian top intelligence agency, SBU, the Secret Service of Ukraine. In the first few weeks of the war, Russia's invasion,

The Ukrainian Secret Service forwarded a list of problematic social media accounts of people they accused of being Russian propagandists or involved in Russian disinformation to the FBI, which used this kind of in-house contacts with the major social media firms, including Twitter.

to go after even American journalists. One of them was Aaron Maté, who was incredibly credible, very thorough journalist who has really spoken out against the mainstream narrative on a lot of these foreign

We're in policy issues. In fact, Aaron Maté has won awards for his meticulous debunking of American propaganda. The biggest award he got was about around Russiagate. And it was, in fact, that's the words they used, his meticulous debunking of Russiagate. So he's thorough, he's accurate. No one's ever been able to say anything Aaron Maté has printed has been incorrect or propaganda. But go ahead.

Well, just in terms of the power dynamic at play here, none of this is transparent. We know this because Twitter changed ownership and we had some leaks. But this is the type of thing that apparently has been going on for a long time, that the FBI has been used as a proxy for various third parties, including the Secret Service of Ukraine, to crack down on its critics, including Americans.

Mate, the former head of the Zinc Network, or former official with the Zinc Network, who helped organize these anti-disinformation think tanks and watchdog groups. He's just a few months after this attempt through the FBI to censor Mate. The former official with the Zinc Network was speaking at a conference and basically just openly saying that he'd

He'd like to censor Matej, but it's irresponsible for YouTube to host journalists like Russell Brand and like Aaron Matej and others. And so most of this is going on underground behind closed doors, but occasionally they're saying it out in the open. So when you talk about the Zinc Network, so let me just show people. Immediately after Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago, the USAID dispensed emergency grants to its media partners, partly through this thing called the Zinc Network.

That's a contractor based in London that has been accused of setting up covert public relation campaigns on behalf of the British government. Right. And so you're talking about this guy named Burley. Right. And so he's Burley. Yeah. And so he made public he made statements publicly.

saying that he thinks that media platforms need to be more responsible and take more responsibility regarding what content they allow. And in fact, here's a quote he said, even I saw Russell Brand, who has a huge following on YouTube, was interviewing a journalist called Aaron Maté on his channel. And he said it's incredibly irresponsible for YouTube and other social media companies to continue to host these people. So they want to just shut down U.S.,

And any, first of all, any voice, but especially United States journalists that were using U.S. money and they're just saying it right out in the open. That's kind of the crazy part, right? Yeah. I mean, I just, I'm kind of surprised by this because, you know, what drew me into journalism was the war in Iraq in 2003, seeing how much the traditional media, the legacy media, the big newspapers and broadcast television outlets were in lockstep with the Bush administration and driving the narrative for more. I thought,

the internet and social media would provide the necessary alternatives to question the foreign policy orthodoxy. In some cases, that's true, but in other cases, it's not. We've seen this kind of corralling of the internet that most major media relies on three or four social media platforms, video streaming sites. A lot of those have intricate links with the government, and they've done a very good job at marginalizing

And really keeping dissenting views out of the public. And, you know, just in terms of how the machinery works, consulting firms like Zinc Network mobilize these networks of NGOs and fat checking organizations. Zinc Network, funded by the British government, funded by the State Department and U.S. military. They're helping set the discourse there. They're working with this group.

huge network of groups that are pressuring the social media platforms to remove dissenting speech and presenting the NATO viewpoint as the only acceptable viewpoint. And we all remember...

mental case, Nina Jankowicz. Remember when Biden appointed this, she's going to be his czar of disinformation. And then we did just, everybody just took a little peek into her background and it turned out she's a full-blown mental case. Well, she actually works for the Zinc, well, for that Burley guy. She's a registered foreign lobbyist for Ross Burley's UK-based Center for Information Resilience. I

I mean, these are such Orwellian terms. It's amazing. And so but they're also these organizations supported by the U.S. government. They're also silencing critics not only here in the United States, but inside Ukraine. Correct. Yeah, that's right. You know, there's been a lot of.

changes to media law, a lot of very big policy efforts in Ukraine to silence the opposition over accusations of

Russian influence or Russian disinformation. Even preceding the current war in 2021, Zelensky shut down three major television channels. He accused them of being tied to the Russian government, tied to his opposition in parliament that were too close to the Russian government. This was criticized roundly by independent reporters, even by the UN. The United Nations put out a statement saying there's a

massive restrictions on free speech and free expression in Ukraine. And some of the most problematic examples were these closures of television channels associated with the political opposition. Well, where does Zelensky find journalistic cover for these types of actions? There are a number of think tanks and watchdog groups and media outlets that are funded by the NED, by US State Department, by USAID, American Money,

that provide them cover. They put out reports and press statements saying that Zelensky is doing the right thing. This is what all Western governments do. This is important for the fight against disinformation. And continuing through the war, after the war started, there were much more draconian steps. A big law in the end of 2022, the On Media Law, that officially bans hate speech and disinformation, but also gives a board...

controlled by Zelensky, the unilateral power to ban any media, including online media, without a court order. Now, again, independent journalists, journalists from around the world criticize this law, but where did Zelensky and the Ukrainian government find cover to say, okay, this is actually supported by civil society and local journalists? Again, it's the same constellation of

of USAID, American-funded think tanks, media outlets, and watchdog groups. They put out statements. They lobbied the media. They were out in front giving Zelensky cover to pass these laws. Well, here's another one of those

media, Internews, right, that you've been just talking about, these organizations that give, Internews is a significant pillar in USAID's $35 million Ukraine media program. Other European governments and private sector donors led by billionaires like Pierre Omidar,

Now, where do I know that name from? Because he's the guy who owns The Intercept, which is why The Intercept, everything, just like when you read The New York Times or Jeff Bezos' Washington Post, you have to read The Intercept the same way. There might be some information in there, but you have to turn it sideways and you have to look it up. And they're all being biased because this guy's a big propagandist. And that's why the people who work for The Intercept currently can't tell you the truth about Russiagate, can't tell you the truth about the Ukraine war, couldn't tell you the truth about Syria.

And so here they are back. That's why the Intercept is garbage now. And mostly some good work, but mostly garbage. They're not as good as this show, I'll tell you that. No, they're not. Anyway, they won't do this story. Led by billionaire Pierre Omidar via the Omidar Network.

and George Soros via the International Renaissance Foundation. They have financed the network of media and activists working with the USAID groups. And then you talked about this on media law that they passed in Ukraine, which it's, again, we just saw it in Scotland. They're using, so the new thing is to hate speech, right? So in the United States, I explained to people that while they have to do it because we repealed habeas corpus, or Barack Obama, thank you,

And so now all they have to do is say you're a terrorist and they don't have to give you a speedy trial or even charge you with anything. They can lock you up with indefinite detention. And there's these hate crimes. Now, so, for instance, you can be called a terrorist if they say you're spreading misinformation. That's considered a cyber terrorist. So now you don't get any rights anymore.

Now they could just throw, and now they're doing hate crimes. So that's the new thing. If they say that you're saying something that stirs up bad feelings against a group of what, a protected group, and of course that's all intentionally vague. It's all left up to the interpretation of the government, which gives them a tool to silence and get rid of anybody who's their critic and telling the truth. And that's what the on-media law did in,

Same thing's happening in Ukraine, right? And these are the people pushing that, giving cover for it. And here, I just want to show you this, our last slide. The Columbia Journalism Review has chronicled the precarious situation independent journalists face in today's Ukraine.

In January, a pair of thugs went to the home of Yuri Nikolev, a prominent investigative journalist who has uncovered scandals involving military catering contracts. Of all things, the men tried to break down his door and according to his mother, who was home, called him a provocateur and a traitor. But it's it's much worse than that. Can you expand on some of that stuff that they're doing to journalists inside Ukraine?

Well, they're just being hounded by thugs and supposedly also the SBU, the intelligence agency. Some of these investigative journalists who are questioning the military contracts, questioning corruption in the Zelensky government, questioning a lot of the big policy choices he's made, whether on the battlefield or in terms of domestic politics.

They've noticed on security cameras by their homes that they see these men basically following them, tracking them to their homes. They've identified some as actually working for the intelligence department.

uh the domestic intelligence agencies so the the apparatus of the state is being used against independent journalists and it's very likely that some of these thugs you know random people who are sending threats or actually showing up to attack journalists are also tied in with the government or government interests so it's you know if you look at the usaid contracts or the big reports

from the State Department, you know, they basically make the case that it's only Russia that's wiped out media freedom. Ukraine is a bastion for Western values and democracy. But the actual experience of journalists who are questioning the government, who are actually dissidents, is very different from what these reports claim in terms of the facts on the ground. And so, you know, when you hear the propaganda that you have democracies on the ballot,

And you have to vote for a certain political party, meaning the Democrats, to save democracy. That's just more disinformation and lies because they're the same people funding these anti-democratic, anti-journalist, anti-free press campaigns.

And they're using your own tax dollars against their own people. The enemy of the American people is, in fact, USAID, is, in fact, your own Congress and your own State Department and Joe Biden. These people are not on our side. These people are on the sides of corporations, weapons manufacturers, oil companies, oil

and other giant corporations. Again, your democracy was stolen from you decades and decades ago. It didn't happen on January 6th. So reading your piece, it was really amazing and eye-opening, and you really connect the dots on how this works.

Do you have any hope left for the United States as an idea? I mean, I do. I feel like it's a mix.

USAID, and we might disagree here, and the US government broadly in terms of foreign policy does some good, but it also does some bad. It just deserves a lot of scrutiny. You know, I just hate seeing as a journalist, as a citizen, to see this like bandwagon effect where when there's a war, when there's a conflict, when there's this kind of rush for emergency solutions, whether it's a pandemic or, you know, any of these other conflicts abroad, we see the suppression of free speech and free debate everywhere.

We don't see questioning of big bureaucracies or billionaires or corporate interests. And here I'm just trying to balance the scales because the more I look into this, I want to do a lot of follow ups. The more I kind of peel back the layers of the onion, the more I find that it's very troubling in terms of what we're doing in Ukraine. Yeah, I mean, you make the point. Well, yeah.

I'll make the point that everything we accuse Russia of doing is we're doing. The United States government is doing, Ukraine is doing, and I would say maybe even more so. So that's why it always, you know, it gave me a chuckle when people would say, boy, that Putin, he's a thug though, Jimmy. You got to believe Putin's a thug. I'm like, oh yeah, remember when he killed a million people in Iraq?

then went and turned Libya, the most successful country in Africa, into a failed state and bombed their water supply, and then did Syria for it so we could put a pipeline through, did 20 years of occupation. Putin didn't do any of that. The United States is doing that. The United States is the world's terrorist. Nobody even comes close.

to our body count nobody even comes close to the countries we've overthrown invaded and undermined and uh and displaced people and and uh no right now we're occupying a third of syria which is right next to ukraine and nobody ever talked that ever comes up in the u.s media isn't that weird and which third of that country you think that we're occupying it's the part with the oil

That's the part. And so it's weird that that it never comes up. Everything that you see the media claim other countries are doing, especially Russia, the United States are doing probably 10 times worse. That's my commentary. I don't want to. I would just say it's not mutually exclusive. The U.S. has done a lot of wrong, done a lot of, you know, arguably the term evil could be applied.

So has Russia. I mean, a pox on both houses. I feel like, you know, it's probably my viewpoint on this whole debate. Yeah. OK, I'll get I'll give you they're all bad. They're all bad actors. But no one comes close to our body count. You can't disagree with that, can you?

In terms of broad numbers of people killed by foreign policy decisions over the last 20 years, no, the U.S. has killed more. Yes, not even close. Well, Lee, I really appreciate you coming on. Everybody should check out this article and check out your Substack. You do great work over there. I appreciate you making time for us today. Anything else you'd like to add before we say goodbye? No, I just really appreciate the invitation. And yeah, check out the Substack. I rely on independent...

minded uh supporters and you know subscriptions so really appreciate it hey you know here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you can do it by going to clicking on join premium

It's the most affordable premium program in the business. And it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member. And if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support. Okay, so get this. So this, people, sound investigations. They did a sound investigation. And they got this guy who's a, he works for the CIA. And

So listen to what happened. Watch this. Gavin Oblenis is a contracting officer at the CIA. Oblenis worked for the FBI in 2021 and 2022 in the San Diego office, moved on to Homeland Security where he conducted asylum interviews at the southern border, and now works for the CIA managing multimillion-dollar contracts across government agencies and private sector vendors. I work for, um, I work like this without, I'm not supposed to tell, Maple. Any job?

I say intelligence, what do you think? CIA? Yep. You work for the CIA? I do. Okay, well, move over Austin Powers. This guy probably is the single worst secret agent in the history of deep cover espionage. Jesus Christ. Did they accidentally swap his cyanide pillow with sodium pentothal?

Yeah, I hear he wrote the nuclear codes on the back of a napkin at the end. There's no chance that the guy you're talking to might have a secret camera, right? Jesus Christ, did they go to... Is spy school now an online course, for fuck's sake? Listen, when a fellow's trying to get laid, he'll say all kinds of things. That's what it sounds like, yep. So, what...

Here we go. So watch the things he says. That's incredible. I'm a contracting officer. Amazing. So I deal a lot with like different agencies. We're contracting with like...

of National Intelligence to do stuff. We do Navy, Army, Navy, really. I just FBI. I used to work for the FBI. So they threw the FBI at me. They're like, here, you used to work there. Oh, I'm permanent. I'm set. Good. Why did they call a contract? Because I do the contract for them.

I do all the legal contracts. I fly out to vendors and evaluate them. I love the agency. Good for you. I like the Bureau, too. The Bureau was a lot of fun. I got to do a lot of cool stuff at the Bureau. I was the guy in the back of the truck in the van. Oblenis spoke to an undercover sound investigations reporter about his work experience involving near entrapment and his employer's involvement with political commentator Alex Jones' legal battles. So here comes the good part. Here's the juicy part.

You're always able to progress far enough to be able to put pro-lifers in jail whenever they want. Yeah. You think that's on the agenda? We can, we can, you can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do. How? You set them up. You can put anybody in jail if you know what to do. How? We set them up.

I don't know, does that make you think of kidnapping of a certain governor? There were 11 guys in a van and 9 of them were FBI. Do you remember that? So they do that stuff all the time. January 6th, same thing. We set him up. Well, here he goes. He's got more to say. You create the situation to where they have no choice but to act on their impulse. And once they act on that impulse, then we call that entrapment. It's a fine line.

It's a fine line. That's his... I like, it's a fine line, how he wiggles his hands back and forth. Does Bureau practice entrapment a lot? Yeah. We get really close. Not officially? No. We get as close as we can. We get as close as we can to it without doing it. So they can entrap some of these pro-lifers into doing things that they don't do. Yeah. We call it a nudge. A nudge. A nudge.

Sometimes you just gotta give them quick look just to see what happens, right? And how does that happen? You put a post out there or you have someone fake profile say something that triggers, that we know is going to trigger them, right? Like we already know your history. If we're to that point, we already know everything about you. So we're like, oh, this will piss them off.

Sometimes you light the fuse and just wait for it to follow. Like a railing. So when a railing happens, that's sometimes the bureau behind it? Yeah, sometimes. Nothing like putting out a fake social media thing to really get people mad. So the intelligence communities are putting out fake social media posts. I thought that made you a terrorist.

Spreading dangerous misinformation. They're spreading... And they're doing it to incite people on purpose. That's the point of them doing it. Huh.

This is what they did in Newburgh. And the judge released... That's Newburgh. Newburgh, there were four guys after 9-11. Oh, that's right. The FBI just manipulated these petty criminals into planning terrorist plots that they were not seriously going to do. They were talking shit. And the judge actually released them and exoriated the FBI and called the FBI the main conspirator. That's right. I remember that.

sometimes it's fake it's embellished a little bit it would be like a big influence that you're influencer that you're after you like uh i don't know like um i don't even know these names like a fox news person or like a tucker carlson or like oh i'm sure he's right well not only is tucker carlson on the radar but we know they were surveilling his texts

and using it against him uh the nsa we know that well glenn when we interviewed him i asked him this question because you know we're talking about a song glenn greenwald you mean yeah glenn greenwald we were talking about assange and we were talking about steve donziger uh the lawyer sued chevron whose life has just been completely destroyed um and i said hey glenn if

You are an effective dissident. If you are an effective activist, can you still be free, really? Or are they going to destroy you? And he said no. He said if you really get to them, they will destroy you. Look what they did to Russell Brand. And all he did was have a YouTube show that got popular. Oh, hang on, hang on. A really good-looking movie star had a lot of crazy sex with...

a lot of women, I'd never have imagined that. - Never would have thought. - I never would have thought that. Oh, some of them were not happy that it didn't evolve into something more, you know? I mean, we can't say for sure what happened there, but somebody in his-- - Well, we can say this, is that none of the, all those people were anonymous,

None of those people approached the police or the news agencies to complain about anything. It was the exact opposite, and nothing has come from it ever since. Not one criminal charge, not one civil case, nothing. Nothing was pursued, but now he's off YouTube. Well, he's still on, but they demonetized him. They demonetized him. And they trashed his reputation, which was the point of that. Right, right. So that anything he says has, that's how he calls it, they put the ick on it.

ick on you. The ick on you. Exactly. So anything you say is suspect now. The biggest and loudest. Like that, what was his name? The one that said the Sandy Hook didn't happen. Alex Jones. Yeah. So we were after him. You are? Are you still after him? Yeah. Why? Because he's broke. He got found guilty and had to pay like $100 million. So why were you after him? We're not anymore. Just to get the money for him? Yeah.

Was that court case used? Was that a CIA case? Sure it was. That was an agency case? Well, actually it was a defamation case. So it's a civil, not government case. But we were looking at all of his followers, commenting, following, like, who's that going to be this time? Right? So even though it's technically not our, well, not the agency definitely, but the Bureau, for instance, yeah, that's not our purview. It's a civil matter.

Since they got all this access to his stuff and it's there, what can we go find? And did you find anything? I can't tell you. Oh, God. So, you know, it's just kind of like, you know,

realize the opportunity that you have. So with Alex Jones, you were watching him long before anything ended up happening? Probably. It wasn't my office, but we would have been well aware of what he was doing. And the goal with him was what? Just to bankrupt him? Pretty much. And we let the families do it. What? We let the families do it. Were they encouraged to do that by the Bureau? Like nudged? We don't encourage people. We just say there's no federal...

statute being broken but you do have the option for a civil case and it's a pretty good case

Nice. In our opinion. Oh, that makes so much sense. I have a cousin who's a lawyer. So that's a lot of these cases. They're kind of encouraged by the FBI? Yeah, like, there's nothing federally, federal law we can do. But civilly, we can go at them that way. And they did. So the FBI was happy. We didn't care. We were like, oh. Basically, the citizens did your job. Yeah.

Wow, so you can encourage a civil lawsuit. Not encourage. Educate. What can you do with people like Alex Jones now? Is he still out there? Yeah.

I mean, you could bring a knife. He did inside a riot, like...

He didn't encourage people to go shoot people. He didn't. So he didn't do anything. Additionally, Oblenus states that he knows and works with FBI agents who were undercover in the January 6th Capitol riot, estimating about 20 field agents were there undercover. While Oblenus notes that they were not involved in violence, this appears to be the first admission of undercover FBI agents in attendance. I thought you said that there were FBI agents in the crowd at J6. There always are when there's a big protest in D.C.,

Just in case it gets out of hand like that. But there wasn't enough to turn that tide. I mean, I'm talking maybe half a 20. You needed a thousand to get rid of that crowd. So they had like, oh, that was just 20? Yeah, just to go through. Well, I like how he pretends like the FBI were there trying to discourage the crowd. Okay. See what I can hear, you know, that kind of thing.

Wow. Yeah, definitely. They needed a thousand at least. Well, that's also Capitol Police jurisdiction. They're in charge. So why they didn't have more on hand, I don't know. The Bureau didn't really want people knowing that they were in the crowd. Mm-hmm. Because that would be overstepping their bounds. A little bit. Do people know that? Why? Do people know that the Bureau was in the crowd? Nope, and probably never will. Oh.

Do you know agents that were there? Really? The agency knew. So there you go. And here's Elon Musk. Concerning. Concerning, Elon Musk. Concerning. Now, this guy definitely worked for the FBI and the CIA. How much he actually knows, I mean, is suspect. Like when he says there's 20 FBI guys. Well, here is Clay. What is this guy? Clay Higgins.

So here he is interviewing, I think, the head of the FBI, I think, and listen to what he says. Does it does the FBI have confidential human sources? Did the FBI have confidential human sources embedded within the January 6th protesters on January 6th of 2021?


But to the extent that there's a suggestion, for example, that the FBI's confidential human sources or FBI employees in some way instigated or orchestrated January 6th, that's categorically false. Did you have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol on January the 6th prior to the doors being opened? Again, I had to be very careful. It should be a no. Can you not tell the American people no? No.

We did not have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters positioned inside the Capitol. Gentlemen, you should not can't say no. So that's all. That's all I want. And there are hundreds of them. Well, here's what he says. Here's what he says. Say that there were FBI assets in the crowd in the building beforehand and certainly outside. What's the scale of this? You're talking like 10, 20? No. Based upon some very conservative, but like hard.

investigative effort, evaluation of the numbers, from putting together eyewitnesses and videos and affidavit statement and whistleblower statements.

And court records that have been revealed through individual criminal cases where J6 defendants have been prosecuted and smart attorneys have forced admissions by the DOJ and the FBI. But those admissions have been sealed within the parameter of that criminal case by the judge. So I can't share them.

But I've seen them. So real hard, objective and conservative estimates would would put the number of FBI assets in the crowd outside and working inside at at well over 200. Over 200. So anyway, there you go. They targeted Alex Jones. They give people nudge. You can put any you can put anybody in jail you want to.

And he knows. So that guy might not be in a position to do any of those things. That guy who was talking. But he knows about them. He works with them. Well, this is this is always the question with these. And we talked about this a little bit when we covered the last O'Keefe video. It's a little difficult when you're you're always recording these almost of necessity. These are honeypot operations. The guy's trying to get laid.

So how much is the guy bragging and inflating his own knowledge and his own insider-ness? That having been said, we know of cases like the case in Newburgh where we know the FBI absolutely did things like this. There's no question. And the Governor Whitmer thing.

suspects and they entrap people. Look what they've done to Julian Assange. Yeah. So it's not, it's not even a question that they actually do this in terms of people in the crowd. Yeah. I remember, you know, I used to drive a horse and carriage in New York and, and when you're in a crowd at Rockefeller center or one of these main areas, we would be by like the Plaza hotel, you know, there were undercover cops. You just don't know it.

Because once in a while, these drivers, a lot of them were pretty rough characters. They'd get into a fist fight. And all of a sudden, these people are sitting there reading newspapers. They pull out their badges. So you've got infiltrators around all the time. And people are just not aware of it. So yeah, I would say the 200 numbers. Probably more accurate. But that guy seems a little more credible than the guy in the restaurant. Not that that guy wasn't telling the truth.

But he definitely also seemed like he's trying to get, you know, trying to get a little nookie. These gay guys trying to get laid. They got the woo. Chatty Cathy's. This is Russ speaking. How can I help you? Hello, Russell. This is Senator Chuck Schumer of the great state of New York. How the hell are you? I am doing just fine, Senator. Thanks for asking. What can we do for you?

Well, Russ, I just wanted to spread some good news about what the Democratic Party is doing for you. For me in particular? No, silly. You as an American citizen. What it's doing for everybody. I am all ears, Senator.

Well, Russell, I'm pleased to report that myself and Senator Booker and a few others are circulating a dear colleague letter urging our fellow senators to vote for the marijuana federal decriminalization bill that will be introduced later this month. I see. We'll be putting it to a vote on April 19th, just in time for 420. And...

420, wink, wink, know what I mean? Hitler's birthday?

Exactly. No, 420. That's the marijuana holiday, isn't it? Oh, yeah, yeah, that too. Yes. Okay, good. You had me worried there for a second. I get all this information from my young staffers, and sometimes I worry they themselves occasionally partake in said narcotic. Anyway, we thought it would look good to get this passed on 420. Really give us some street cred with the youngs. Right, okay. And what would this bill do?

Well, basically it says, hey, the war on drugs did not work. So we are decriminalizing marijuana on the federal level and preparing the way for it to be a legal controlled substance and its sale a permitted but regulated commercial enterprise. So you kids have fun and we'll simply have to find another way to overpopulate our prisons with young black and brown men. And I'm confident we will.

So am I. Does this have any chance of actually passing, though? Absolutely not. We proposed almost this exact same bill two years ago, and it went nowhere. And to think now with this new Speaker of the House that it would pass, this time will be madness. Forget it.

Well, then why at this moment are you expending effort on this lost cause? Optics, young man. In case you've been living under a rock in a cave that itself is in a very isolated location. The Democrats aren't doing very well with the youngs these days, poll wise. And that is no bueno, considering we have a little election thingy happening later this year. And why is that?

Oh, well?

I mean, what are you going to do? Young people want to have a hissy fit about 30,000 dead civilians that they don't even know in real life. I bet they're not even Facebook friends with these people. There's nothing you can do except try to win them back. By stopping the ethnic cleansing that's happening right now in Gaza, for example? Don't be ridiculous. No. By giving lip service to another issue they care deeply about, the right to smoke pot. I bet

I bet they care way more about pot than Gaza. In fact, maybe after a few Toki Tokis, they'll get a little more mellow about that situation. You really think so?

Of course. I can see it in dorm rooms all across America. Sitar music plays, a couple of long-haired hippies rip from a tie-dyed bong. Wait, wait, this is 2024 we're talking about? This year? I know, tell me about it. What happened to the good old days? Anyway, they smoke their marijuana and say, hey man, maybe what's going on in Gaza is cool after all.

It depends on how you look at it. And the other hippie says, yeah, it really depends on how you look at it, man. It's really sort of juvenile to call this a genocide without fully understanding every little thing that has occurred in the region since 587 B.C. Maybe we just should shut up and be groovy and vote for Biden in 2024 no matter what. I see. I see. Yeah.

That's what will happen. So it's very important that we be seen as pot friendly to balance out being seen as ethnic cleansing friendly. Even though they can see what's happening with their own eyes? Look at your bong instead with your eyes. Think about your bong. That's what young people love more than anything. They've been tricked into caring about all these non-bong issues by anti-Semites. I'm telling you, Russell, the strategy is airtight. Okay, if you say so.

I do say so. This is the Democratic Party way, making meaningless gestures to compensate for not actually doing the right thing or anything that helps anybody. And we are going to lock this election down with the Youngs when we get this new bill passed declaring June Federal Only Fans Content Creators Month.

These pothead degenerates are going to flock to the polls. Mark my words. You know, with the only fans thrown in there, you might be right. I hear it's very popular with the youngs. I guarantee it. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't

Do not freak out.