cover of episode Trump Admits Venezuela Unrest Is About Taking Their OIL! w/ Anya Parampil

Trump Admits Venezuela Unrest Is About Taking Their OIL! w/ Anya Parampil

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The Jimmy Dore Show

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Anya Parampil
Patrick Courrielche
特朗普:在特朗普卸任后,他曾抱怨委内瑞拉总统马杜罗仍在执政,这使得美国无法控制委内瑞拉的石油供应。他认为,如果委内瑞拉政权垮台,美国就能控制其丰富的石油资源。 帕拉姆皮尔:她认为特朗普政府对委内瑞拉实施制裁的真正目的是为了制造不稳定,以便美国能够接管该国并窃取其自然资源。她指出,美国政府曾被警告说,制裁会加剧移民危机,但他们仍然继续实施制裁,因为他们认为这会对委内瑞拉政府施加更多压力。她还批评了媒体对委内瑞拉选举的报道,认为媒体报道存在偏见和不实信息。她详细阐述了美国长期以来试图通过经济手段和颜色革命来推翻委内瑞拉政府的企图,以及美国对委内瑞拉反对派的支持,最终目的是为了控制委内瑞拉的石油资源。她还指出了委内瑞拉政府试图遣返其公民的努力,以及由于美国不承认委内瑞拉政府的合法性而导致的委内瑞拉公民无法获得领事服务的困境。她认为,美国的两党都对委内瑞拉的政策负有责任,并且这种政策既损害了委内瑞拉人民的利益,也损害了美国人民的利益。她还强调,美国对委内瑞拉的干预并非出于对人权或民主的真正关心,而是为了获取石油资源。她呼吁美国停止干涉委内瑞拉的内政,让委内瑞拉人民自己解决问题。 帕拉姆皮尔进一步指出,委内瑞拉的选举制度具有多重保障措施,可以防止舞弊,但反对派仍然声称选举舞弊,这反映了美国长期以来对委内瑞拉的敌对政策。她还批评了美国媒体对委内瑞拉的报道,认为这些报道存在偏见,并且其目的是为了煽动社会动荡,以便美国能够窃取委内瑞拉的石油。她认为,美国对委内瑞拉的制裁导致了严重的贫困和物资短缺,而这正是美国制造社会危机并以此为借口进行政权更迭的策略。她还强调,如果美国真的关心委内瑞拉人民的福祉,就不会采取这种会加剧贫困和物资短缺的政策。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

After his time in office, former President Donald Trump lamented that Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro was still in power when the Latin American country had been poised to fall, which would have allowed U.S. interests to swoop in and control Venezuela’s vast oil supply. This is a case of Trump saying the quiet part out loud, revealing that the United States’ interests in Venezuela has nothing to do with the well-being of the Venezuelan people and all about serving corporate interests.

Jimmy speaks with Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire author Anya Parampil about Trump’s complicity in destroying Venezuela and the resultant migrant crisis, as well as the media’s ongoing lies about the recent Venezuelan elections.

Plus an interview with Patrick Courrielche about his documentary exposing the lies behind the “Sound of Freedom” film and a segment on the FBI director’s refusal to release the results of a police raid on Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan home.

Also featuring Stef Zamorano!