Ever feel like you’re spending more time surviving than thriving? We all have seasons where just making it through the day is a big win. But the more we understand the science behind why we feel stuck in survival mode, the more we can make a conscious decision to move from surviving to thriving. Your body remembers what your mind forgets. The body is like a library, filing away all our different life experiences to best keep us safe. And now, when your nervous system perceives anything that resembles a prior pain-point, it can send you into a stress response that subconsciously has a huge impact on your life. Listen in as Michelle explains 5 signs you’re living in survival mode. You might have been living in some of these survival modes for so long, you’ve begun to think they’re just a part of your personality – don’t miss this opportunity to grow in awareness! TAKE THE PERSONALITY PATTERN QUIZ)! BOOK A FREE 30-MINUTE CALL WITH MICHELLE) FB COMMUNITY: The Calm Mom Collective) JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM: @michellegrosser.coach)