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How to optimize your circadian rhythm

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Life Kit

Charles Seisler
Daniel Windred
Laura Fonken
Will Stone
Will Stone: 最近的一项大型研究表明,夜晚光线过亮与过早死亡风险增加之间存在显著关联。研究人员招募了大约9万名英国人,让他们佩戴配备光线传感器的活动追踪器,追踪他们全天候的光照情况。这项研究持续了大约八年,追踪了这些人的死亡情况和死因。结果显示,夜晚光线越亮,过早死亡的风险越高;白天光线越亮,过早死亡的风险越低。即使控制了收入、体力活动和既有健康状况等其他因素,这一关联依然显著。 Daniel Windred: 研究发现,暴露在最亮夜晚光线中的人,过早死亡的风险比暴露在较暗夜晚光线中的人高出21%到34%。而暴露在明亮白天光线中的人,过早死亡的风险比暴露在较暗白天光线中的人低17%到34%。白天光线充足,夜晚光线昏暗的人,寿命可能比白天光线昏暗,夜晚光线充足的人长5年。 Charles Seisler: 保持生物钟与24小时昼夜节律同步对于健康、福祉和长寿至关重要。这项研究是一个重要的里程碑,它证实了光线是人体昼夜节律最强大的同步器,并且保持生物钟与24小时昼夜节律同步对健康至关重要。 Laura Fonken: 白天和夜晚的光照习惯应结合考虑,因为它们共同影响着身体对昼夜的感知。如果白天在光线昏暗的环境中工作,例如没有窗户的办公室,那么身体就难以感知昼夜的差异,从而影响睡眠和健康。 Marielle: 总结:白天保持光线充足,夜晚保持黑暗,减少睡前屏幕使用时间。 Will Stone: 虽然这项研究显示了光照与死亡风险之间的关联,但这只是一项研究,不能证明因果关系。但即使控制了其他因素,结果依然清晰地表明,白天需要充足的光线,夜晚需要黑暗的环境。人体具有昼夜节律,它影响着身体的各种功能,而大脑中的一个区域对光线非常敏感。现代社会中,夜晚的光照过多,白天光照不足,这会对健康有害。虽然我们无法完全控制环境光线,但我们可以采取一些措施来改善昼夜节律。白天应尽量到户外活动,以获得更强的光照。户外光照强度远高于室内光照强度。每天至少在户外活动45分钟,即使是阴天也有效。夜晚应尽量保持黑暗,睡眠期间几乎没有光线最好。凌晨2点半到3点之间,人体对光线最为敏感,应避免在此期间暴露在强光下。白天获得充足的光照可以降低对夜间光照的敏感性。睡前避免使用电子设备,因为它们发出的蓝光会抑制褪黑素分泌。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is light exposure at night linked to a higher risk of premature mortality?

Research shows that people exposed to the brightest nights had a 21 to 34% higher risk of premature mortality compared to those with darker evenings. This is because light at night disrupts circadian rhythms, which are critical for health and longevity.

How does daylight exposure during the day affect our health?

Bright days are associated with a 17 to 34% lower risk of premature death. Daylight helps synchronize our circadian rhythms, which regulate hormones, metabolism, and other bodily functions.

What is the recommended amount of outdoor time to optimize circadian rhythms?

Researchers suggest accumulating at least 45 minutes of outdoor time daily. Even on cloudy days, outdoor light is significantly brighter than indoor environments, helping to reset your internal clock.

Why is light exposure in the morning particularly important?

Our brains are most sensitive to light in the morning, which helps with alertness and synchronizing circadian rhythms. Morning light exposure is ideal, but late afternoon outdoor time also helps.

How does light at night affect melatonin production?

Nighttime light suppresses melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep. People who spend their days in dimly lit conditions experience greater melatonin suppression when exposed to light at night.

What practical steps can be taken to reduce nighttime light exposure?

Use blackout curtains, avoid screens before bed, and opt for orange-red nightlights to minimize light exposure during the night. Avoid looking at phones or turning on bright lights if you wake up.

How does daytime light exposure protect against nighttime light sensitivity?

Daytime light exposure reduces the sensitivity to nighttime light. People who get sufficient daylight are less affected by artificial light at night, preserving melatonin levels and sleep quality.

What are the health risks associated with inappropriate light exposure?

Inappropriate light exposure is linked to mental illness, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It disrupts circadian rhythms, which are essential for regulating bodily functions and overall health.

What is the role of circadian rhythms in our health?

Circadian rhythms are 24-hour biological patterns that influence hormones, metabolism, blood pressure, and other bodily functions. Properly synchronized rhythms are critical for health, wellness, and longevity.

How does modern society impact our light exposure?

Modern society floods nighttime with artificial light and shields us from daylight, disrupting our natural circadian rhythms. This shift has occurred over the past 150 years and is linked to various health issues.

A large-scale UK Biobank study reveals a strong correlation between light exposure patterns and mortality risk. Individuals exposed to bright nights had a significantly higher risk of premature death, while those with bright days had a lower risk. The combined effect of bright nights and dark days could reduce lifespan by up to five years.
  • A study of 90,000 people in the UK found a link between light exposure and mortality.
  • People with bright evenings had a 21-34% higher risk of premature death.
  • People with bright days had a 17-34% lower risk of premature death.
  • Those with bright days and dark nights could live up to five years longer than those with bright nights and dark days.

Shownotes Transcript

New research) shows that too much light at night and not enough daylight is taking years off our lives. NPR health correspondent Will Stone has tips to tune up your body's internal clock.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)