cover of episode 5 ways to cut back your spending

5 ways to cut back your spending

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Life Kit

Beth Monsell
Kiki Aranita
Kristen Wong
Marielle Seguera
Neil Mahoney
Otega Uwagba
Paco de Leon
Stacey Vanek-Smith
Tiffany Aliche
Yanely Espinal
Marielle Seguera: 本期节目分享了五个节省开支的实用技巧,涵盖了日常饮食、住房交通等固定成本以及可支配收入的管理,并强调了与他人沟通财务需求的重要性以及避免不必要费用的方法。 Beth Monsell: 建议购买经济实惠且用途广泛的食物,例如卷心菜、土豆、洋葱、胡萝卜和西兰花等,以增加菜量而不会增加成本。同时,在购物前制定计划并坚持购物清单,如有需要,可以考虑利用食物银行资源。 Kristen Wong: 指出寻找更便宜的住房可以比减少日常小额开支节省更多钱,并分享了自身经验,强调做出改变的重要性。 Tiffany Aliche: 建议设定一个每周或每月的预算,用于购买想要的东西,并使用“喜欢、想要、热爱”的框架来区分购买的物品,优先购买能带来长期快乐的物品。 Paco de Leon: 建议制作一个购买清单,将所有想要购买的物品列在清单上,至少等待24小时甚至一个月后再决定是否购买,以避免冲动消费。 Kiki Aranita: 建议提前与朋友沟通,明确谁来支付账单,避免因社交压力而超支,并在用餐过程中及时沟通个人消费情况。 Otega Uwagba: 强调学会说不的重要性,并建议坦诚地与他人沟通自己的财务状况,例如,可以婉拒一些超出预算的聚餐邀请,或者提出更经济实惠的替代方案。 Stacey Vanek-Smith: 分享了如何委婉地拒绝他人的金钱请求,并解释自己的财务状况,强调金钱背后往往包含着更深层次的情感和意义。 Neil Mahoney: 建议设置自动支付账单和信用卡,避免不必要的费用和利息,但同时要注意保持账户余额,避免透支费用。 Yanely Espinal: 建议比较不同银行的收费情况,选择最划算的银行,并分享了自身经验,说明许多银行会对ATM取款费用进行返还。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the average expected spending on Christmas and holiday gifts this year?

On average, respondents to a recent Gallup poll expect to spend more than $1,000 personally on Christmas and holiday gifts.

Why is it important to find ways to save money?

Finding ways to save money allows individuals to spend intentionally on the things they truly want, especially when funds are not unlimited.

What are some inexpensive, versatile ingredients recommended for saving money at the grocery store?

Ingredients like cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, broccoli, lentils, and beans are recommended for their versatility and lower cost.

How can reducing meat in recipes help save money?

Reducing meat by half and bulking up recipes with cheaper ingredients like beans, vegetables, pasta, and rice can significantly lower costs per pound compared to meat.

What advice is given for managing impulse purchases?

Create a fun budget, keep a buy list of desired items, and wait at least 24 hours or a month before purchasing to avoid impulsive spending.

How can setting boundaries with friends help with spending?

Being clear about financial limitations when dining out or participating in group activities can prevent overspending due to social pressure.

What is the benefit of setting up auto pay for bills?

Auto pay helps avoid late fees and ensures bills are paid on time, saving money in the long run.

What should you consider when switching banks to save money?

Look for banks that offer better terms, such as reimbursing ATM fees, to reduce unnecessary costs.

This chapter provides practical tips on reducing grocery costs, including using inexpensive and versatile ingredients, planning meals, sticking to a shopping list, and utilizing food banks when necessary. It emphasizes the importance of making a grocery plan and checking what's already at home before going shopping.
  • Use inexpensive, versatile ingredients like cabbage, broccoli, and lentils.
  • Plan meals and stick to a shopping list.
  • Check pantry before shopping.
  • Utilize food banks if needed.

Shownotes Transcript

As we enter a period of high personal spending, here are 5 tips from past Life Kit experts on how to save money during the holidays and year-round.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)