cover of episode 5LQ Episode 502 with Chris Horst

5LQ Episode 502 with Chris Horst

logo of podcast 5 Leadership Questions Podcast on Church Leadership with Todd Adkins and Dan Iten

5 Leadership Questions Podcast on Church Leadership with Todd Adkins and Dan Iten

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Dan Iten are joined by Chris Horst who most recently served as the chief advancement officer at HOPE International, where he employed his passion for advancing initiatives at the intersection of faith and work. They also discuss Chris’ recent transition into a new chapter of his life and how one can transition out of an organization well while establishing a culture of trust and transparency between team members.


“We are living in a place where stability is something that we can count on. I think the last few years really revealed how much we, at least for me personally, idolize stability and certainty.” – Chris Horst

“The most important performance assessment you'll get is not during your tenure, but it's one, two, or even three years after you transition out of a leadership role.” – Peter Greer

“If people are able to express that they might be thinking of leaving or processing a different calling on their life right now, I think that is something to strive for as a leader to be able to have those very candid and caring conversations.” – Todd Adkins

“Leaders that have an agenda and ambition geared at serving their own careers often miss opportunities to faithfully serve in the places where they are.” – Chris Horst

“A problem I see frequently is watching leaders that have come into their role with ambition and expectations, but oftentimes, it felt like they were never able to fully live into the role that they were in because they were constantly thinking about that steppingstone into what was next versus leaders that were just really focused on excelling in their work to serve the organization.” – Chris Horst


The Gift of Disillusionment: Enduring Hope for Leaders After Idealism Fades by Chris Horst and Peter Greer

Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing by Andy Crouch