cover of episode 39 “我可是妈粉!”饭圈是东亚家庭的创伤性重复

39 “我可是妈粉!”饭圈是东亚家庭的创伤性重复

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小井:明星和偶像的主要区别在于魅力来源。明星的魅力主要源于作品和业务能力,而偶像的魅力则更多地依赖于人格魅力和个人形象。品牌选择代言人时策略不同:明星代言提升品牌整体知名度,偶像代言则进行精准营销,直接面向粉丝群体。偶像的生命周期取决于粉丝的忠诚度和持续关注。饭圈攻击性行为源于群体心理:为了维护内部团结,制造外部假想敌,从而增强群体凝聚力。粉丝攻击行为与沉默成本有关:为了避免前期投入的感情付诸东流,粉丝会攻击其他竞争者。粉丝制造阴谋论是为了合理化攻击行为,减轻负罪感。偶像在粉丝眼中是完美的化身,粉丝会根据自身喜好对偶像进行光环效应或晕轮效应的解读。“偶像”一词源于宗教,各大宗教都反对制造偶像崇拜。饭圈文化是消费主义时代下的产物,满足了人们在集体主义消散后对归属感的需求。粉丝与偶像的关系类似于父母与子女的关系,这种权力不对等的关系在中国文化中尤为突出。欧美文化中,人与人之间的联系方式与中国文化存在差异。主播作为公众人物的经历,体会到粉丝对偶像的投射和错位感。 浩浩:饭圈组织架构高度分工且层级分明,各小组分工明确,以维护偶像形象和提升人气为目标。饭圈工作赋予粉丝事业感和成就感,增强内部凝聚力。朋友之间对音乐组合的喜好争论,体现了饭圈文化中将主观审美强加于人的现象。通过对小众事物的喜好,寻求自我认同和优越感。 Rika:对《未麻的部屋》的解读:电影更多关注的是未麻自身的认同危机,而非粉丝的期待。《未麻的部屋》中未麻接拍强奸戏份的桥段,体现了其在偶像与演员身份转变中的挣扎与痛苦。《未麻的部屋》开场镜头中粉丝的窥视行为,体现了粉丝对偶像的占有欲和病态心理。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the difference between a star and an idol according to the discussion?

A star primarily relies on their public space influence and professional skills, such as acting or singing, to attract fans who are more interested in their next work or performance. In contrast, an idol sells a persona and personal charm, with fans being deeply interested in their daily lives and personal stories. The distinction lies in the source of their appeal: stars are admired for their professional achievements, while idols are loved for their personal attributes and curated public image.

Why do idols have a shorter lifecycle compared to stars?

Idols have a shorter lifecycle because their popularity heavily depends on the loyalty and enthusiasm of their fanbase, which tends to shift interests every one to three years. The intense, often aggressive support from fans can wane as new idols emerge, leading to a rapid decline in the idol's popularity and relevance. This cycle is driven by the fans' desire for novelty and the transient nature of fan loyalty in the idol industry.

How is the organizational structure of fan communities described?

Fan communities are highly structured and hierarchical, with specific roles such as 'war sisters' who gather and disseminate information about the idol, 'anti-black groups' that defend the idol against negative comments, and 'finance groups' that manage funds for fan activities. These roles are crucial for maintaining the idol's public image and ensuring the community's cohesion and active participation in supporting the idol.

What psychological theory is mentioned to explain fan behavior?

The discussion references the 'Essence of Prejudice' theory, which explains that fan behavior, including aggressive defense of their idol, stems from a need for internal cohesion and the creation of an external enemy to unify against. This behavior is likened to historical instances of group conflict and discrimination, where internal unity is maintained by opposing an external group.

What is the significance of the movie 'Perfect Blue' in the context of idol culture?

The movie 'Perfect Blue' is used to illustrate the psychological struggles of an idol transitioning to an actress, highlighting the conflict between the idol's public persona and personal identity. It explores themes of identity, fan expectations, and the psychological impact of fame, serving as a metaphor for the pressures and transformations idols undergo in their careers.

How does the discussion relate idol culture to religious practices?

The discussion draws parallels between idol culture and religious practices, noting that both involve the creation of a figure to worship and the establishment of a community around shared beliefs. It mentions that in many religions, the creation of idols is explicitly forbidden, yet idols serve as powerful tools for community building and expressing devotion, similar to how fans rally around their idols in modern culture.

  • 偶像的魅力源于人格魅力和私生活,明星的魅力源于作品和公共形象
  • 偶像的受众更垂直,明星的受众更广泛
  • 偶像的生命周期通常较短,依赖于粉丝的持续关注

Shownotes Transcript





01:55 什么是偶像?为什么偶像消逝得越来越快

08:24 饭圈的组织架构:反黑、向外攻击是为了提升内部凝聚力

15:08 不要制造“偶像”:宗教中偶像的原意


24:46 凝聚力和攻击性的一体两面性:饭圈文化的反噬

30:45 《未麻的部屋》哪个才是真实的自我?

38:45 追星行为和大东亚家庭观念:饭圈的负能量是一种创伤性重复

40:16 做皮下的那个人:粉丝的描摹与偶像本人的差距

43:18 “我想最小众”追星也讲究剑走偏锋

52:39 说回运动员们:不要迷信营销号的经历编织






剪辑&后期 小井+夏虫

配乐:愛の天使 - MISA&古川恵実子&清水美恵
