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Death At Cottonwood Creek

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48 Hours

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前治安官Bob Burton
急诊医生Jeff Kalina
检察官Matt Durkin
检察官Matthew Durkin
水域救援专家Andrea Zafaris
法医Werner Spitz
穆勒的辩护律师Mike DeGaran
穆勒的辩护律师Pamela Mackey
证人Amy Hiawski
证人Jeannie Barnes
证人Justin Sparks
调查员Jack Haynes
调查人员:穆勒的陈述前后矛盾,且缺乏可信度;穆勒妻子坠崖的经过疑点重重,其伤势与坠落高度不符;尸检结果显示穆勒妻子身上没有明显的伤痕;在穆勒妻子坠落地点附近发现了穆勒的眼镜;穆勒对调查人员的态度非常具有攻击性;他推测穆勒将妻子推下悬崖;他推测穆勒追赶并杀害了他的妻子;他认为穆勒杀害妻子的动机是厌倦了婚姻。 穆勒的女儿:父亲不可能谋杀母亲,他们之间感情很好;她坚信父亲的清白;她认为父亲性格温和,没有暴力倾向。 穆勒的新妻子:她认为穆勒是诚实可靠的人,不可能犯下谋杀罪;她认为穆勒的陈述是谎言。 前治安官Bob Burton:穆勒的陈述中,细节与现场情况存在不符之处;穆勒的陈述中,其妻子的坠落方式与现场情况不符;穆勒妻子尸体发现地点与其坠落地点距离较远;穆勒脸上的抓痕与他的解释不符;他认为穆勒的行为表明其涉嫌谋杀。 穆勒的女儿Ariel:穆勒夫妇感情非常好,很少发生争吵;她认为父亲不可能伤害母亲。 穆勒的女儿Amanda:案发当天,穆勒夫妇曾邀请她一起远足,但她拒绝了。 穆勒妻子家属:他们认为穆勒谋杀了他的妻子。 检察官Matthew Durkin:他认为穆勒的妻子是被其丈夫溺死的。 穆勒的辩护律师Mike DeGaran:他认为不能仅仅依靠猜测和推测来定罪。 调查员Jack Haynes:模拟实验结果显示,尸体不可能自行漂流到发现地点。 水域救援专家Andrea Zafaris:她认为穆勒妻子尸体的位置不可能是自然形成的。 辩方专家:他认为模拟实验结果不可信,因为水位发生了变化。 证人Amy Hiawski:她作证说穆勒曾谈到过离婚的话题;穆勒曾表示希望晚些时候遇到妻子。 急诊医生Jeff Kalina:他解释了为什么穆勒妻子在20英尺的坠落后没有严重受伤。 法医Werner Spitz:他分析了穆勒妻子的尸检报告。 陪审员:陪审员在裁决过程中存在分歧;陪审团最终无法达成一致意见;陪审团无法达成一致意见的原因是缺乏明确的证据证明穆勒杀害了妻子;她认为穆勒参与了妻子的死亡;她坚信穆勒有罪。 证人Justin Sparks:他认为穆勒在发现妻子尸体后的行为反常。 穆勒的辩护律师Pamela Mackey:她质疑了前治安官Bob Burden的调查结果;她质疑了前治安官Bob Burden的调查方法;她认为检方缺乏直接证据证明穆勒杀害了妻子;她认为穆勒妻子的尸体上没有明显的搏斗痕迹;她请求陪审团宣判穆勒无罪。 证人Jeannie Barnes:她作证说穆勒曾对她表示好感;她否认与穆勒有不正当关系。 检察官Matt Durkin:他认为穆勒的陈述前后矛盾,且其行为表明其有罪;他质疑穆勒对自身伤痕的解释;他认为穆勒的行为表明其有罪。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did investigators become skeptical of Fred Mueller's story about his wife's death?

Investigators became skeptical due to inconsistencies in Fred's story, the lack of visible injuries on Leslie's body, and the suspicious nature of the scratches on Fred's face.

Why did the prosecution argue that Leslie's body being found in a pristine condition was significant?

The prosecution argued that Leslie's body being found in a pristine condition was significant because it contradicted Fred's story that she had fallen from a 20-foot cliff and been swept downstream, which should have caused major injuries.

Why did the jury in the first trial reach a hung verdict?

The jury reached a hung verdict because they lacked a clear explanation of how Fred might have killed Leslie and were divided on the evidence presented, with 11 jurors voting for acquittal and one for guilty.

Why did the prosecution decide not to retry Fred Mueller after the second mistrial?

The prosecution decided not to retry Fred Mueller because they had no new evidence to present and felt that a unanimous verdict was unlikely.

Why did the Muller family feel disappointed after the case was dismissed?

The Muller family felt disappointed because Fred did not receive a full acquittal, which they believe he deserved, but they were grateful the case was dismissed so they could resume their lives.

Leslie Mueller murió mientras caminaba con su esposo, Frederick, cerca de su casa de vacaciones en Lake City, Colorado. Frederick afirmó que Leslie perdió el equilibrio y cayó a un arroyo, pero los investigadores sospecharon que se trataba de un asesinato.
  • Leslie Mueller murió el 3 de mayo de 2008.
  • Su cuerpo fue encontrado 50 yardas río abajo de donde su esposo, Fred Mueller, dijo que se cayó.
  • La policía cuestionó la versión de Fred del incidente.

Shownotes Transcript

An updated report on the murder trial of Frederick Mueller, who was charged with the 2008 murder of his wife, Dr. Leslie Mueller. She was killed while the two were out for a walk near their vacation home in Lake City, Colorado. According to what Frederick Mueller told police, while the Muellers were hiking, Mueller stopped to take a photo of his wife near the edge of a cliff. He said his wife lost her footing near the waterfall and plunged into a creek. Her body was swept away downstream. It appeared to be an accident, but investigators were skeptical and believed it was murder. This classic "48 Hours" episode last aired on 9/6/2014. Watch all-new episodes of “48 Hours” on Saturdays, and stream on demand on Paramount+.

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