Dr. Chen categorizes investors into three types: 1) Fully DIY investors who immerse themselves in information and form their own investment strategies, like Warren Buffett. 2) Assisted DIY investors who have some knowledge but outsource certain tasks to experts, such as hiring accountants for taxes. 3) Investors who prefer to entrust their money entirely to trusted professionals due to limited time or interest in managing investments themselves.
Dr. Chen emphasizes that starting investments early is beneficial because most investment assets, such as stocks, bonds, and money markets, are 'time friends.' The longer the investment period, the greater the potential returns. Early investment allows individuals to gain experience and benefit from compounding over time.
When selecting a fund, tracking error and fees are crucial factors. Dr. Chen advises choosing funds with low tracking errors (preferably below 1%) to ensure they closely follow the index. Within this range, selecting funds with lower fees is optimal for long-term investment efficiency.
Dr. Chen acknowledges the difficulty in resisting market timing but suggests focusing on long-term investment strategies, such as dollar-cost averaging, to mitigate the impact of short-term market fluctuations. He shares personal experiences of market timing failures during the dot-com bubble and the 2008 financial crisis, emphasizing the importance of learning from practice and avoiding emotional decisions.
Dr. Chen evaluates ETFs like the Hushen 300 based on tracking error (preferably below 1%), fund size (at least 3 to 5 billion RMB to ensure adequate diversification), and fees. He prioritizes funds with low tracking errors and fees while ensuring they have sufficient scale to effectively track the underlying index.
📙《投资ABC》是一档由有知有行出品的播客节目,每逢周一早上 8 点更新。
每一期,我们会用 20 分钟左右的时间,和常驻嘉宾陈鹏博士一起,为你讲清楚投资中的一个基本概念,帮助你快速掌握投资中那些绕不开的知识,打好基础。
本期是问答特辑系列的第二期,我们从之前发布的问卷中筛选了 3 个与有知有行 APP 上的长钱账户)、稳钱账户)和海外长钱)相关的问题。它们同时也有一定的普适性,譬如人要学到什么程度,才可以下场做投资?明明知道普通投资者基本做不好有效择时,但还是想择时怎么办?以及,挑选基金时,我们要如何看基金的跟踪误差与规模。
陈鹏博士):陈鹏博士在 90 年代初期赴美求学,取得了经济学博士学位。在金融行业工作的 25 年时间里,他担任过晨星(Morningstar)全球资产管理部的总裁,管理过上千亿美元的资产;他也曾是 Dimensional Fund Advisors(DFA) 的亚太区首席执行官。
01:14 问题一:我要学到什么程度,才可以下场做投资?
08:03 问题二:明明道理已经看了很多,真到了实操中,我还是很想试试择时
13:00 问题三:挑选基金时,什么样的跟踪误差、基金规模比较好?
「长稳海」是我们有知有行全员持有的基金投顾产品,分别对应了国内权益投资、稳健理财、海外投资三大主流需求。如果你有投资理财的需求,欢迎你在有知有行 App )进一步了解!
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💰有知有行)成立于 2020 年,目前在陪伴投资者用正确的方式学习投资,下场实操。凭借在投资领域的良好口碑,有知有行在初创阶段已与一大批忠实用户同行。未来我们希望成为一家财富管理公司,不仅帮助投资者学习投资,也能让大家在有知有行安心交易,踏实赚钱。 欢迎在各大应用商店搜索「有知有行」下载我们的 App)