It's time for Let's Talk Real Estate with Fritz Pfister, the REMAX professional who makes buying and selling easy. This is Springfield's only live call-in real estate show, answering your questions and educating you so you can make a better decision. Call 629-7970 with your questions. Let's Talk Real Estate with Fritz Pfister from REMAX Professionals on 92.7 WMAY, Springfield's news and talk. ♪
On a plane boundless, I see her stretching out below. Blessed mother, the place where I was born. Yeah, she's got her scars. Sometimes it's stark. Cause lose, I don't want. Side of the week. From the mountains high to the wave crash. To find better days.
On highways to the states that we are. And a good Saturday morning to you and a happy St. Patrick's Day weekend. Looks like the sun's going to be breaking out in time for I guess it's the St. Patrick's Day parade is downtown this morning. I want to welcome everybody that's in town for the parade and have a good time.
Yeah, today on Let's Talk Real Estate on program number 1526, we'll do a little trip down memory lane during the weekly observations and during the market update in the second half hour, we'll give you the updated home sale report for the month of February in Sangamon County.
Now, you know, this is where you hear the most accurate information, the most current data available, and accurate advice when buying or selling a home in central Illinois. And, oh, we're going to do a subdivision of the week this week. We're going to go out to Pleasant Plains. We're going to scoot around. We went to Athens, then to Petersburg. We're swinging around to the west to Pleasant Plains. So if you're curious about how the Pleasant Plains works,
Housing market performed in 2024 compared to 2023. You're at the right place. And of course, you can always call 217-629-7970 with your questions following the weekly observations. And don't forget, the program is podcast on so that you can listen to the program at your convenience.
If I may please remind you, the opinions expressed on Let's Talk Real Estate are solely mine. They're not necessarily those of sponsors of REMAX Professionals of Springfield, REMAX International, or the Capital Area Realtors. I'm a licensed real estate broker. I don't own REMAX. I'm not an attorney at law or a tax expert or a financial planner, so...
The opinions I express and the stories I share are those of a real estate broker serving families just like yours in the Springfield area as a full-time realtor since 1987. I want to say good morning to my sister Mindy out in Cumberland, Maryland, my son Sam, his wife Julia down in Nashville, Tennessee, my son Josh, his wife Ashley, and my grandkids Kenzie and Weston listening live.
out in North Carolina on and welcome aboard everybody tuned in online. Now, if you may have noticed, I got a whale of a cold this past week and I'm going to try to get through this program today. So I apologize for my voice. Uh,
I think I might have picked it up at the fundraiser last Saturday following the program, the Mostacholi dinner. Oh, my gosh, was that so good. I got to give a big hat tip to the ladies' auxiliary at the NorthEnders VFW. They did such a great job. They sold out by 445. That's the first time in all the years that they have been sold.
doing their Mastachiole dinner to support the honor flight that they sold out before the end of time. It was supposed to run till six o'clock. So hats off to the wonderful ladies at
The North Enders VFW. And thank you so much for all of you who came out and supported the honor flight. And to all of you who said, hey, I heard you on the radio today. So we thought we'd come over and get some ostachiole. So thank you for doing that. Hat tip to you. That's for sure. Sponsors this half hour of the program are Mark's Fireplace and Lighting. The store that will brighten up your lifestyle.
Writings Plumbing. When you have a plumbing problem, it's Writings to the rescue. Slab Jackers Construction. When your concrete has that sinking feeling, well, get all jacked up with Slab Jackers. Well, it is time for our weekly observations being brought to you by Mark's Fireplace and Lighting, the store of distinction on the South 6th Street frontage road. Well, it was 80 degrees yesterday almost, I think. It was very warm. Of course, brought in those lights.
storms last night. Hopefully you didn't suffer any damage from the storms that came through. But Mark's Fireplace and Lighting, you know, it's that time of year. If you've been looking to upgrade that smoker, gas grill, patio furniture, umbrellas, outdoor kitchens, pool furniture, oh, there's no better place to go than Mark's Fireplace and Lighting.
And you'll see what I mean by they will brighten up your lifestyle because they have the most beautiful furniture available between St. Louis and Chicago for your outdoor enjoyment. And we're just about there now, aren't we? Mark's Fireplace and Lighting on the South 6th Street, Frontage Road, south of the Route 66 Hotel and Conference Center.
Here's your weekly observations for this March the 15th, 2025. And it's titled, Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend. As it is said, everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day. So to everyone, may luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble always a stranger to you.
That's also the goal of this program is you enter the real estate market to buy or sell a home to have the luck of making good decisions based upon sound advice and current information to avoid trouble. The real estate market has taken twists and turns never experienced before since the massive disruptions caused by government's response to COVID-19.
The closing of economies, the brutal and unnecessary mandates with government declaring which business was essential and which were non-essential. This abuse of power was disastrous for thousands of ma and pop businesses, putting them out of business. Unemployment skyrocketed, threatened to throw the nation into a deep recession.
The two weeks to flatten the curve, the disastrous decision to close schools, the massive government spending to help businesses and families to try and stay afloat, the work-from-home phenomena, all of the COVID era, and it's not that long ago. All these things led to turning the real estate market upside down.
The Federal Reserve lowering the cost of funds to 0 to 0.25%. That's a quarter of a percent. In the spring of 2020, it led to mortgage rates falling to the lowest in history, sparking a home buying boom. In Sangamon County, that was accustomed to having between 950 and 1,200 homes for sale in any given March from 2012 to 2018.
saw the number fall to 888 in 2019 as the county finally was recovering from the financial and housing collapse of 2008. Then watched the number of homes for sale fall to 650 in March of 2020 as people kept their homes off market due to COVID. You know, that was just the beginning to the great decline in the number of homes for sale in our marketplace.
And then it became exacerbated by a buying frenzy resulting from the 2.5% to 3% 30-year mortgage rates. Demand far exceeded the supply of homes for sale, and home prices jumped nearly 30% from 2020. The number of homes for sale in March of 2021 had fallen to only 278, followed by 171 in March of 2022.
165 in March of 2023 and 207 in March of 2024. Today there are 143 homes for sale in Sangamon County. Then interest rates began rising in February of 2022. The unnecessary profit spending and war on fossil fuels by the Biden administration resulted in rampant inflation peaking at over 9% in July of 2022.
Although inflation began its rise in May of 2021 following the $2 trillion American Rescue Act signed in March of 2021, the Federal Reserve was asleep at the wheel. Instead of trying to tamp down inflation at the outset, they waited until March of 2022 to begin raising interest rates to combat inflation.
Due to the sleeping at the wheel for so long, the Federal Reserve had to aggressively raise the cost of funds rate. The Federal Reserve's target range for the federal funds rate, which is the cost of funds, peaked at 5.25 to 5.5% in July of 2023 after a series of rate hikes beginning in early 2022. This resulted in the 30-year mortgage rate rising to over 7%.
The toxic combination of more than doubling interest rates, the painful cost of living from 40-year high inflation froze the real estate market in place, and home sales fell in 2023 and 2024 to the lowest since the financial and housing collapse of 2008 in Sangamon County. Nationally, home sales fell to the lowest since 1995.
Just as a generation of school kids were set back by the irresponsible school closures during COVID, an entire generation of first-time homebuyers have been set back from beginning to be able to build generational wealth. They were priced out of the market by high home prices, high interest rates, high cost of living, and a lack of homes for sale.
During this turbulent and uncertain time, I've tried my best to advise from families to first-time homebuyers what their best course of action is right here on this program. In my personal real estate business, getting to know the unique circumstances of the client has allowed me to successfully serve scores and scores of you. And I thank you for that.
The trouble we have experienced these preceding four years hopefully is behind us. That the economy and housing market can be healed. That first-time homebuyers get their opportunity back. That each of you can make the best decisions from the information and advice I share with you on this program. As with my St. Patrick's Day wish for you, so it is the same for you when buying or selling a home.
May luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble always a stranger to you. Happy St. Patrick's Day weekend from myself and my wife, Christy, and Amy Mason of the Pfister team over at Remax Professionals. We hope that you have a wonderful and happy holiday weekend. And if you're thinking about buying or selling a home...
give me a call, Fritz Pfister, Remax Professionals, 217-652-7653. And of course, you can email fritz at It would be an honor to serve you and your family. And that's this week's weekly observations. And once again, I apologize for my voice coming out of a really bad cold. It really put me down for the whole week. I
went into the office a little bit on Monday morning and then I was done. I had to put together the contract on that lovely home that we had for sale down on Wyatt and Franklin. I knew who it was going to sell as soon as we adjusted the price. But that just shows you if you have a plan of action going to the market,
If you're working with me, your plan's going to work. At least it does 90% of the time, if not more, especially with this low inventory of homes for sale. And speaking of making things work, well, when your plumbing's not working, that's no fun, is it? That's why you call our friends at Ridings Plumbing. You call John Ridings at 544-6890.
If it happens to be on a holiday weekend, you got friends in town for the St. Patrick's Day celebrations, you're going to need your restrooms, aren't you? If you're having a problem, you call Writings Ave. 24-hour emergency service, just in time for St. Patrick's Day. And happy St. Patrick's Day to all the fine folks over at Writings Plumbing. 544-6890. Yeah, the low inventory is continuing on now.
And I want to point one thing out during my weekly observations, so as to be clear, I want you to have a full understanding. When I say that in March of 2020, the number of homes for sale were 600 and where was it? 650, I'm sorry. But in 2021, they were 278.
171 in 2022, 165 in 2023 and so forth. The way the MLS calculates that is that's how many homes were for sale on the last day of the month in the MLS. So I didn't want you to think when I said we only have 143 homes for sale today to go, oh my gosh, because if you look back last year,
We had 153 homes for sale and this year we have 143. So we're down 10 from last year, but guess what? We have more in 20, we have more this year than we did in 2023 and 2022 by a lot. It was really down back then, but that just shows you there was 153 in 2024 on this date.
But they ended up the month at over 200, at 204. So I'm hoping that that's what happens again because there are still buyers out there, I know, because I have about a half a dozen ready to buy right now and another half a dozen that would buy if the right home came along. They've been really patient over these past several years. It's taken some time as we go out into the marketplace.
And today I just want to share with you that if you're looking to buy a home, let patience be your guide. Those who rush into something typically make the most mistakes and they find their trouble. From our old Irish saying, or at least you have a greater likelihood. It doesn't mean you will, but it means you have a greater likelihood that you will.
But the bidding wars of the past, they have subsided to a certain degree. However, not everywhere. It all depends upon where the home is, what the price is, the location, the condition. We're still having our bidding wars. In fact, I have some longtime clients, great people, and they're workers. They both work full-time jobs, and then they retire.
buy homes, fix them up and resell them and sometimes keep them for rentals. But we went out on one this week. I looked at it and I sent it to him. I said, oh my gosh, can you believe the price on this home? And we went out and we looked at it and they actually bid $32,000 above asking price.
on this particular home. It's almost like they set the price so low that they wanted a bidding war. Well, they got one. There were 27 offers on this home. 27. I haven't seen that for about three years. I've had buyers get involved where there were over 20 offers on a home. That was rather common when the feeding frenzy was going on and the interest rates were 2.5%. And
People had pulled their homes off the market for COVID, and so people were scrambling to try to find something. And that's why, if you remember, we went through quite a remodeling boom, didn't we? There was a couple reasons for that. People were just going, well, if I can't find what I want, I'm going to refinance my house and take some cash out and remodel my home to the way I want it. That was one reason. And the second reason was...
There was a lot of people that did start working from home that could work remotely. And they invested the money into their home so they had a comfortable working environment while they were at home. So I just wanted to take you down memory lane a little bit there to show you how we arrived at where we're at today. Don't want you rushing into any decisions. But I also will share with you, if you wait for all the lights to turn green to go to town, you'll never get there. Excuse me.
So today, if you're looking to buy a home, patience is the word. It doesn't appear interest rates are going to be going anywhere according to Freddie Mac. They just came out and said that they anticipate rates not to go below 6.6% this year. Well, we're already there. So hopefully we do get these interest rates down closer to 6% from the 7% mark. And once again, I apologize for my voice. However...
These are the rates you have, and if you can find a home that you like and it may be at the top of your comfort zone as far as your monthly payment, go ahead and get a bond. And here's why. Because as long as we continue to have this lower inventory, prices are going to keep going up. And that's an issue for a lot of people who have been looking for several years now. Prices are up.
30% in four years. So how much do you save if you wait for interest rates to come down 1%? The prices go up another 10%. So think about that. Get your calculator out and see how that works for your payroll. And we want to thank our friends also at Slab Jackers Construction. You give Chuck a call. Greatest guy you ever want to meet, a big old gluke. He's breaking out the equipment now to get back to work and raise that concrete that's sinking around your home.
Oh yeah, it can be a trip hazard, so you don't want that, obviously. But you also don't want any concrete sinking towards your home like patios or sidewalks, allowing water to run into your foundation. That's not good either. And if you're going to be selling your home, it will look 100% better if you get that concrete raised up and Chuck can do it at only a fraction of the cost.
of replacing that concrete. And you can reach our friend at Slabjackers. Give Chuck a call at 787-8252. Well, we're going to take a break for the news here. Back to Let's Talk Real Estate with Fritz Pfister from Remax Professionals on 92.7 WMAY, Springfield's News and Talk.
Welcome back to the second half hour of Let's Talk Real Estate. Program number 1,526. Been doing this a while. Hopefully you've been able to tune in whenever you're thinking about buying or selling. You're just curious about what's going on in the housing market. Most people are curious as to what's going on in the housing market. They want to know if the value of their home is going up, down, staying sideways, whether the market's active, inactive, stable.
trying to make plans for the future. It's kind of nice to keep a handle on it. I think so anyway. And hopefully you receive that information right here because I know I share it with you. Let's thank our sponsors this half hour of the program. Hilliard Storage and Moving, Springfield's oldest and best allied van lines agent. Moving the things you love. Clean cut painting and handyman when you need it done and done right.
And Prairieland Title, the company to call when selling your home.
Well, it is time for our market update being brought to you by Clean Cut Painting and Handyman. You give Jack a call, 217-494-7028. Had a little job needed to be done. FHA appraiser required a few little odd jobs be done on the electrical on this one home that we have sold. And Jack, God bless his heart, he...
juggled his schedule around and he got his electrician guy out there and got the work done for us. So we're going to be able to go to a closing in a timely fashion. Thank you, Jack, for your help on that. And if you have any little odd jobs around the house you need done, whether you're selling or not, but especially if you're selling, Jack's the guy to call because that's why they call him the handyman.
They can do all kinds of odd jobs around the home to get your home presenting itself in its best to the prospective buyers who will be viewing it for the first time. And I recommend you call Jack at 217-494-7028 to get those small jobs scheduled and knocked off and then get your home to the market because the spring market is upon us now, isn't it? You know, the busiest month of the year nationally.
for the number of listings taken anyway i read from a study at is the second week of april so we're not too far away from that now are we so as the weather changes and mother nature goes through her changes heading into some really nice weather a lot of people will start working in the yard and thinking about selling their home making a move maybe getting hit
home with a bigger yard or maybe sell the house with the bigger yard and get in the smaller yard. You know, many reasons why people want to sell their home. And that's why I say, once I meet you individually, I can share all the general information in the world with you to allow you to put your arms around what's going on in the market right now. But not until I meet you and understand your specific circumstance of why you're selling.
what your goals are, what your reasons are. And I then formulate a plan for you that will help you achieve those goals and successfully implement a plan to help you do so. But what's going on in the market right now? Well, I want to give you a quick update, just a couple of minor changes on the February home sale report. I'm just going to run down it real quick.
But for the month of February, sold and closed, and this is compared to February of last year for Sangamon County, there were 138 homes sold and closed. That was up 3% from 134. So we had four more closed home sales. Sold pending, 169. Now that was down 5.1% from 178. So nine fewer homes went under contract. And one of the reasons is probably due to this next pandemic.
Statistic. New listings taken during the month of February, 147. That's down 23% from 191 a year ago February. Now, personally, I think that has to do with us actually having a real winter this February. Last year, February was the mildest February on record.
So a lot more people went to the market earlier than they normally would have. So I anticipate that we're going to be seeing an uptick soon in the number of listings coming to the market. At least that's my hope. I could be wrong. Might not be. I still think that there's people out there that refinanced their home when the interest rates fell and locked in at that 2.5%, 3% rate that really would like to make a move.
In the past few years, they just haven't been able to justify in their minds selling their home and getting a home at 6.5% or 6.75% when they have 3% interest, for example. And I understand that, and I get that. But I also know that there's a lot of those people who now know that those interest rates are never coming back again. So they have to decide, do we just want to stay where we're at?
Make it our forever home and just be done with it? Or are we going to make that move now? Because 6.5% to 6.75% money is historically low. The 30-year mortgage rate, 50-year average is 8%. So we're still below the historical average on interest rates. So I'm thinking that there are people that had been in their home 8%, 10%, 12%.
or even longer years, who refinanced back in 2020 or 2021, and now that's four and five years ago, and they've been in there that much longer, who are now sick and tired of waiting to sell, or excuse me, sick and tired of waiting for the interest rates to go down, and are going to be jumping into the market because they've just had it to the point where you only live once, you might as well live in the home that you really want.
Median sale price, $153,000 in February. I was down 1.3% from $155,000. And that was the first decline in the monthly year-over-year median sale price since 2021. So a long time since that's happened. So I just wanted to give you a quick update on that. The number of homes for sale in Fritz's MLS. And Fritz's MLS runs from Carlinville to Elkhart.
Taylorville to Jacksonville and just draw a big old circle right there and you'll have it. But in the MLS, there are 269 homes for sale. That's 10 more than were available last year on this date. That's up 3.8%. But in Sangamon County,
which is included in that number there's only 143 down from 153 last year or down by 10 so overall we're pretty much dead even on the inventory but back in 2023 there was only 123 homes for sale in 2022 there was only 124 so even though we're down a little bit from last year we're still ahead of 2022 and 2023 on the number of homes for sale in san diego county
closed home sales year to date 480 in the MLS that's off by 10 or by two percent and in Sangamon County 340 and that's up by 5.3 percent or by 17 so we're actually overall seven home sales ahead of last year closed excuse me a second now I'm going to try to work my way through this if you weren't tuned in in the first half hour of the program I'm coming off of a
A cold, really wicked one that put me out for most of this week. And I'm going to try to take it easy and speak gently and don't get excited so I can make it through this. But the numbers that are concerning to me, which kind of tie into the lower inventory this past February, is the number of homes that are currently under contract. In the MLS, they're down by 42%.
or by 11.5% at 324 homes under contract. And in Sangamon County, we're down to 205, which is 49 below last year on this date, or down by 19.3%. And pending sales, as you know, they're the portender of future closings. So we'll have to see how that all shakes out for April. So April may be a month where we see listings rising,
Increase. Closed home sales declined, but pending sales increase along with the number of new listings that hit the marketplace. So that's your...
Weekly market update, not weekly observations. Brought to you by our friend Jack at Clean Cut Painting and Handyman. Give Jack a call, 217-494-7028. No job is too small. Now it's time for our interest rate update. Being brought to you by our friends at Hilliard Storage and Moving, Springfield's oldest and best allied van lines agent. Moving, the things you love.
Give my friend Tom Swift a call at 217-525-8550. I just had a walkthrough on a home at 8 o'clock this morning with a gentleman who's moving his family here from California. And so I'm hoping that he'll make use of Hail Your Storage and Moving because they're an Allied Band Lights agent. They can move people from coast to coast.
So if you're moving across town, across the street, it doesn't matter. Halyard takes good care of you and your belongings. That's why they say moving the things you love. Give my friend Tom Swift a call, 525-855-0. Okay, your conventional loan, 15-year rate,
is at 6.325%. That's down just slightly from last week at 6.35%. However, the 30-year is at 6.6%. That's up slightly from 6.55%. So that's just kind of hovering right around the mid-sixes right now on your conventional loan.
Now your FHA for you first-time homebuyers, this is a 30-year fixed rate mortgage, 5.99%. That is great money. You only need 3.5% down on an FHA, and I think FHA closing costs are somewhere around $3,000 to $3,200, something like that.
Check with your local lender. If you don't have one, call me. I can recommend one to you that does a great job with FHAs. But 5.99% is great money. Might be time for you first-time homebuyers to be able to make that move out of that high-cost rental into a lower-cost housing payment. We'll see.
Now, my VA friends, of course, we're veterans. We're used to it. We're getting abused again. It's a 30-year fixed rate mortgage too, the VA. It has no down payment. But the VA went from 5.99% last week, which I was ecstatic about, to 6.25% this week. Now, 6.25% is still good money. But come on, government. Why...
5.99 on an FHA and 6.25 on a VA. Just asking. Don't think that's fair. So if you have any questions about interest rates or about loans that you are considering or you don't know any difference between what kind of loan to get, call Fritz at Remax Professionals, 652-SOLD. And we'll sit down and we'll look at your situation.
And I can recommend to you the different types of programs that are available to you that will help you get into a home quicker. And then once you do that, we go out and find that home. And then you call my friend Tom Swift at Hilliard Storage and moving 525-8550 and go start enjoying your new home. All right. It's now. Oh, I want to wish everybody a happy St. Patrick's Day again before I forget about it.
Hello, you're on Let's Talk Real Estate with Fritz. Hello, Fritz. Hello, Brian. How are you? Am I sounding okay? Yeah, the fundraiser cold is just about to an end. You know, it is. It was really bad earlier this week, so I know I'm a lot better. I don't think I'm a contagious anymore, that's for sure. By the way, we hit 83, which tied the record from 2012 yesterday. So...
83 was, but boy, a lot of people down south, a little south of us paid for it, too. Oh, yeah. Well, it was 83 degrees out yesterday. I didn't even check it, really. I just heard that it was going to be over 80. But we'll take that nice warm weather. In fact, it can stay like this until it gets nicer. Just keep the storms down to a minimum. Highs in March, St. Patrick's Day.
St. Patrick's Day is always that way. I mean, Edie, I'm surprised it's not 40 degrees today, you know, for the parade. Well, tomorrow. Is the parade tomorrow? No, no, no. It's supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow. Oh, it is? Oh, okay. Well... But anyway, glad the honor flight. I'm sure they made at least a few thousand dollars for that. Oh, I appreciate you and Carrie coming out and partaking in the Mastroli and...
And I couldn't believe they sold out so early. That's the first time. I think those ladies, the ladies auxiliary at the NorthEnders have been doing the Honor Flight fundraiser, Washington Cholet Dinner, since 2016. I think that's right. And that's the first time they ever sold out.
Had a question. We've got an election on April 1st coming up, and to, I don't know, I think it's advisory only, but about what Frank Lesko, when he ran, said he wanted the office eliminated. So now we're going to have the choice, chance to vote on it. Just curious what your opinion was on it. You know, I really don't have one because I really haven't studied. I've been...
I'm just not astute on that matter. But let me ask you this question. How will it impact the real estate market? How much do you ever deal with the recorder's office or anything on that? Well, the title companies deal with them all the time. You know, I don't know if that's going to mean a change in fee structure. I tell you, I really liked it when Josh Langfelder joined me on the program and he shared his...
You know, that title lock protection that the county provides for free. It's a great program. You just get it set up, and if anybody tries to file a lien against your property or a mortgage or something fictitiously, you're automatically notified by the county where these services that you buy, you get notified 30 days after the fact.
So that I do know. Well, I'll tell you what, Brian, I'll have to give that some thought and get back to you. I hope you guys have a great St. Paddy's Day. I've got to go to Pleasant Plains. You didn't know anybody used to live out there, did you? I know quite a few people out there. Hey, you take care. Have a good weekend. Thanks, Brian. Bye. I helped Brian and Carrie sell their home out in Pleasant Plains. Excuse me.
Sorry, I had to take a little bit of a break there to get my voice straight. But we're going to go out to Pleasant Plains. And our subdivision of the week is brought to you each week by Prairieland Title. I need to talk to them to see what they think about what Lesko's plan would do to them. If that has any impact at all. I just don't know. Prairieland Title, if you're selling your home...
And unfortunately, if you're not using me as your realtor, tell your real estate agent you want to use Prairieland Title. They are the nicest people. They're fun to be around. They're affordable. They do a great job. Their rates are fair. It's just the company to use. You want to get it done and you want to get it done right. It's like I tell people, you know, there's 700 realtors in the MLS.
Yeah, I know experience is sometimes overrated, and my 38 years could be overrated, but I don't think it can be when it comes to such a valuable investment as your home. But like I tell people, I may not be the only realtor in town, but I'm the only Fritz, and they're the only Prairieland. They are such nice people, I'm telling you.
And they've really gotten the extra mile for my clients, and they'll go the extra mile for you. Prairieland Title, out on Constitution Drive, 3301 Constitution Drive, out on Springfield's west side, out behind the Target Walmart Center there at Prairie Crossing. Prairieland Title, bringing you the subdivision of the week, Pleasant Plains. Fortunately, it's going to be a short subdivision of the week. How many homes are available today?
currently in Pleasant Plains for sale? Zero. Zero. How many are currently under contract? Well, there's one. However, it's not really fair because it's a farm. It was over $2 million, but it had a house on it. Let's look at 2024 sold and closed in Pleasant Plains. 35 homes sold and closed. The high sale price was $825,500. The low was $45,000, so a big spread.
The median sale price was $199,000, and they averaged 19 days on the market. How that compared to 2023? Well, there were 27 homes sold and closed in Pleasant Plains in 2023, so sales were up in Plains to 35. That's a big jump for a village like Pleasant Plains. The high sale price was $950,000. The low was $38,000.
The median sale price, $198,000. So prices were only up $1,000 in Pleasant Plains from 23 to 24. The days on the market from listing to contract were 26 days. So they went up $1,000 and they shaved a week off of their time on the market. So there you have it, your subdivision of the week. I want to thank you all for...
sharing your time with me today. I hope you have a happy and wonderful and fun St. Patrick's Day weekend. God bless you all. Thanks for tuning in. I look forward to be of service. My phone number is 652-SOLD, Fritz Fister, Remax Professionals. God bless our first responders. God bless our police officers. God bless our troops serving around the world. And above all, God