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How to Respond with Confidence

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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

Jefferson Fisher
Jefferson Fisher在播客中分享了提升自信沟通的三种方法:首先,消除沟通中的冗余词语(fluff),例如“um”、“uh”、“just”、“you know”等,这些词语会削弱表达的力度和自信。建议用沉默代替这些填充词,让呼吸引导表达,并练习在回答问题时,避免急于求成,给思考留出时间。其次,控制语调,避免“uptalk”(语调上扬),这会使表达听起来像是在提问,缺乏自信。建议在语句结尾时,语调略微下沉,使表达更坚定。最后,选择合适的词语,避免使用诸如“Does that make sense?”等不确定的表达,建议用“What are your thoughts?”等更开放性的问题代替,并尽量避免过度使用副词,例如“literally”、“essentially”等,这些词语会使表达显得冗余,降低自信度。 同时,Jefferson Fisher还强调了正式场合和非正式场合沟通方式的不同,在正式场合应避免使用过多填充词,以保持表达的清晰和自信。 针对听众Emily提出的在销售演示中如何应对不了解的问题,Jefferson Fisher建议:首先,沉着冷静,不要急于回答,给思考留出时间;其次,从过往经验出发,而不是直接说“我不知道”,可以用“I haven't run across that before. In my experience...”等表达方式,并积极寻求解决方案或寻求帮助;最后,在回答中使用“confident”等词语,可以提升自信,并使表达更具说服力。 Emily在播客中提出了一个问题:在大型销售团队中进行全国性演示时,如何应对自己不了解的问题,她经常会感到不知所措。

Deep Dive

This chapter focuses on eliminating filler words like "um" and "uh" to enhance confidence. It emphasizes the importance of comfortable silence and using breath control instead of filler sounds to project confidence and clarity.
  • Eliminate filler words ("fluff") to sound more confident.
  • Use silence comfortably instead of filler words.
  • Let your breath be the first word you say.

Shownotes Transcript

Find yourself using filler words like “um” or “uh,” or ending your sentences with uncertainty? You want to sound more confident, but you’re not sure what to do.

Good news: There’s an easy way to sound more confident in every conversation.

In this episode, I’m sharing 3 ways to respond with clarity and confidence, even in high-pressure situations.

You'll learn how to eliminate filler words, control the tone of your voice, and use phrases that make you sound assertive—without coming across as unsure or hesitant.

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