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How to Not Get Defensive

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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

Jefferson Fisher
Jefferson Fisher在节目中探讨了如何避免和处理防御性反应。他指出,防御性是沟通的杀手,会关闭沟通渠道。他建议,首先要学会‘让对方的言语落地’,不去回应所有言辞;其次,避免用‘你’开头回应,因为这具有指责性,容易引发对方的防御;最后,使用缓和语气和肯定性语句,例如‘我同意’、‘这很有帮助’,可以减少对方的防御性反应。他还建议将对方的言语比作钢琴琴键上的一个音符,让其自然消散,避免过度反应。此外,他还建议在与他人沟通时,要保持开放心态,以学习的态度而非批判的态度进行沟通,这样可以有效避免防御性反应。他还指出,防御性反应是一个循环,用‘让言语落地’的方法可以打破这个循环。他还强调,用‘你’开头说话容易引发对方的防御性反应,因为这是一种带有假设和指责的表达方式;而将‘你’改为‘我’,可以使表达更柔和,减少对方的防御性。他还建议使用一些缓和语气的表达方式,例如‘我同意’、‘这很有帮助’、‘我学到了’等,可以使对方感到被重视和认可,从而减少防御性。针对听众Rachel提出的管理问题,Jefferson Fisher建议避免使用‘需要’等具有指令性的词语,因为这会使对方感到被控制,从而引发防御;将‘需要’改为‘可以’,可以使建议更柔和,减少对方的防御性;避免使用‘为什么’开头提问,因为这会使对方感到被质问,从而引发防御;将‘为什么’改为‘如何’或‘什么’,可以使提问更柔和,减少对方的防御性;对事不对人,将批评的焦点放在事情本身而不是个人,可以减少对方的防御性。 Rachel是一位管理者,她向Jefferson Fisher提问如何处理下属在收到反馈时过度防御的情况。她表示,她手下有一位员工,无论她如何委婉地给予反馈或批评,对方都会变得非常防御,并最终导致争吵。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the biological nature of defensiveness and introduces the first technique to manage it: letting other people's words fall to the ground. It emphasizes that you're not obligated to react to everything said, and encourages intentional decision-making about responses.
  • Defensiveness is a natural reaction, but it hinders conversation.
  • Other people's words are not your responsibility to carry.
  • Take a breath and decide whether to engage with their words or let them go.

Shownotes Transcript

Someone says something that hits a nerve, and before you know it, you’re on the defensive. 

Defensiveness is a normal reaction. But it can quickly escalate arguments and make things worse. Good news: there’s a better way to handle it.

In this episode, I’m sharing 3 ways to stay calm and not get defensive—no matter how heated the conversation gets.

These strategies will help you stay composed and avoid escalating the situation. So you can turn difficult conversations into productive ones. 

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