cover of episode How to Handle Liars

How to Handle Liars

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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

Jefferson Fisher
本期节目主要探讨如何巧妙地应对说谎者,避免直接冲突,同时又能接近真相。节目中,Jefferson Fisher提出了三种策略:第一,暂停对话,表示需要之后再谈。这种策略可以有效地让说谎者感到不安,并可能导致他们试图重构叙事,从而露出破绽。第二,可以说“感觉不对劲”,以此试探对方。如果对方说谎,他们可能会表现出过激反应或试图转移话题。第三,保持沉默,让说谎者在沉默中自己暴露谎言。沉默可以给说谎者带来心理压力,让他们开始自我怀疑,并可能导致他们无意识地泄露真相。此外,节目还强调了相信直觉的重要性,以及如何识别说谎者过激的防御反应。节目中还特别指出,直接指出谎言往往会适得其反,说谎者可能会更加坚决地否认。而通过暂停、质疑和沉默,可以引导说谎者自己暴露谎言,避免直接冲突,同时也能维护自身的尊严和权益。最后,节目还针对听众提出的关于过度解释的问题,给出了相应的建议,即先给出直接答案,然后再解释,避免让人误解为说谎。 总而言之,节目中提出的三种策略,以及对过度解释问题的建议,都为我们提供了有效应对说谎者的实用技巧,帮助我们更好地维护自身的权益,并提升沟通技巧。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores three subtle ways to handle conversations when someone isn't being truthful without causing a confrontation. The techniques involve pausing the conversation, expressing that something feels off, or using silence to let the liar's dishonesty reveal itself.
  • Three strategies to handle conversations with liars: pausing, expressing that something feels off, and using silence.
  • Liars often overreact when their honesty is questioned.
  • Overreaction and defensiveness are key indicators of deception.

Shownotes Transcript

Ever had that nagging feeling that someone isn’t being honest with you?

It’s frustrating when you know something’s off, but you’re not sure how to address it. Especially without things getting messy.

Here’s the good news: You don’t have to call someone out directly to get closer to the truth. In this episode, I’m breaking down 3 subtle ways to handle conversations when someone isn’t telling the whole story.

These 3 strategies will help you keep your cool, let the other person’s honesty (or lack of it) reveal itself, and avoid getting tangled up in their story.

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