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How to Handle Inappropriate Questions

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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

Jefferson Fisher
Jefferson Fisher在节目中分享了三种处理不当问题的技巧:第一,保持五秒钟沉默,并配合相应的肢体语言;第二,如果需要更直接的回应,可以使用一些不会让对方产生防御性的语句,例如“你的意图是什么?”或“是什么让你想知道这个?”;第三,可以尝试以轻松幽默的方式回应,例如“我喜欢保持一点神秘感”或“这是我自己的事”。他还强调,提问者提出不当问题并不一定代表其人品不好,可能是无意之失或表达方式不当,处理不当提问需根据具体情况而定,不能简单地将提问者贴上好坏标签。你拥有选择是否回应不当提问的权利,可以选择沉默、离开或忽略。可以用面部表情表达你的不满,无需言语回应。你没有义务回答不当提问,无需感到有回应的压力。可以反问对方提问的意图,以此引导对方反思其提问是否恰当。使用“是什么让你问这个问题?”而不是“你为什么问这个问题?”,可以避免让对方产生防御心理。反问可以帮助你更好地理解对方意图,避免误解,并给予对方和自己空间。如果对方解释合理,但你仍不想回答,可以用轻松的方式委婉拒绝。在工作环境中遇到不当提问,可以尝试沉默或反问“是什么让你问这个问题?”。使用“我更倾向于……”、“我通常……”、“过去我……”等表达方式,可以避免直接冲突,并表明你的习惯和偏好。如果遇到极其不当的提问,应直接指出其不当之处。 Rachel向Jefferson Fisher提问了在工作中如何处理上司不当提问的问题,Jefferson Fisher建议Rachel尝试沉默或反问“是什么让你问这个问题?”,并根据情况选择合适的回应方式,在不冒犯对方的同时维护自身权益。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the importance of silence as a powerful tool in handling inappropriate questions. It emphasizes that you're not obligated to respond and suggests using silence to let the other person reflect on what they said.
  • Silence as a powerful tool to handle inappropriate questions
  • You are not obligated to respond to inappropriate questions
  • Silence allows the other person to reflect on their words

Shownotes Transcript

Ever been caught off guard by a question that feels too personal, invasive, or just plain inappropriate?

You’ve probably found yourself scrambling for the right way to respond—without getting flustered or defensive.

Good news: You don’t have to answer those questions, and you don’t have to let them derail your confidence.

In this episode, I’m breaking down 3 ways to deal with inappropriate questions that put you back in control, without causing a scene.

These 3 approaches will help you respond with confidence, keeping the conversation in your hands and on your terms.

Whether it’s at work, with family, or in social situations, these tips will help you handle those uncomfortable questions without missing a beat.

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