cover of episode How to Accept a Compliment

How to Accept a Compliment

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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

Jefferson Fisher
本期节目主要讨论如何恰当回应赞美。首先,建议直接道谢,并表达赞美对自己的意义或感激之情,而不是回避、轻视或自我批评。例如,听到"你穿的衬衫真好看",可以回应"谢谢,我很喜欢这件衬衫,它让我感觉很好",而不是"哦,这是在打折的时候买的旧衣服"。其次,节目强调接受赞美是一种积极的回应,将赞美视为一种礼物,而不是将其拒之门外。回避赞美不仅是对赞美者的不尊重,也可能伤害到对方。建议在接受赞美时,可以将手放在胸前,以肢体语言表达接受赞美的意愿。 此外,节目还讨论了如何给予恰当的赞美。建议赞美要具体、个性化,关注细节和对方的性格特点,而不是泛泛而谈或进行比较。例如,与其说"你今天表现不错",不如说"你今天在陈述中清晰地阐明了目标,这很棒",或"你今天展现出的耐心令人钦佩"。避免进行比较,例如"我希望我也有你这么自信",因为这会让对方感觉不舒服,并且显得不真诚。 最后,节目针对拐弯抹角的赞美(backhanded compliments)提出了应对策略。建议保持冷静,掌控局面。可以重复对方的话语,将焦点转移到对方身上,迫使对方澄清其言下之意;或者直接说"谢谢",以示自信和掌控全局;对于过分的拐弯抹角的赞美,可以质问对方是否真的想这么说。总之,无论接受还是给予赞美,都应真诚、自信,并尊重对方。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores effective ways to accept compliments without downplaying or deflecting them. It emphasizes the importance of saying "thank you" and acknowledging the positive impact the compliment has on your feelings. The nonverbal aspect of accepting a compliment is also discussed.
  • Instead of downplaying compliments, say 'thank you' and express what it means to you.
  • Accepting compliments involves nonverbal cues like placing your hand on your chest to show appreciation.
  • A simple 'thank you' can make both the giver and receiver feel good.

Shownotes Transcript

Ever feel awkward when someone compliments you? You’re not alone. It’s easy to downplay, dismiss, or deflect compliments.

But there’s a better way to respond to compliments. A way that shows appreciation, self-respect, and kindness.

In this episode, I’m sharing 3 simple strategies to respond to compliments.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

#1: How to accept compliments without feeling the need to dodge or downplay them

#2: Why a simple "thank you" can make you and the other person feel great

#3: Ways to acknowledge compliments that strengthen your self-worth (and don’t involve saying “oh, I got it on sale”)

These strategies will help you feel more comfortable accepting compliments, boost your confidence, and build stronger connections with those around you.

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