cover of episode Vol60. 关于华为 HDC 2024,我们还想聊这些

Vol60. 关于华为 HDC 2024,我们还想聊这些

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V: 本届HDC规模宏大,组织有序,体验极佳,展现了华为在鸿蒙生态建设上的投入和决心。Keynote内容丰富,涵盖鸿蒙系统、盘古大模型等多个方面,时长接近四小时,体现了华为的综合实力和对鸿蒙的重视。 两天会议安排紧凑,涵盖了设计、代码迁移、仓颉语言、XR、AI等多个方面,满足了不同类型开发者的需求。华为在Session设计上也做了充分准备,但与WWDC或IO相比,在信息筛选方面仍有提升空间。 华为在隐私和安全方面做了改进,例如扫码权限管理和特定联系人加密文件功能,体现了对用户隐私的重视。此外,华为的HDR标准与ISO HDR标准兼容,解决了华为手机照片在其他设备上显示效果不佳的问题。 林浩: 华为HDC2024优先关注机构、公司和企业开发者,而非个人开发者。Keynote强调HarmonyOS Next的全面更新,鼓励开发者加入鸿蒙生态。华为作为中国公司,与中国开发者紧密合作,提供高效解决方案,展现了其扎根中国市场的战略布局。 华为在功能设计上对标iOS,强调高度封装和组件化,方便开发者调用,并提供标准化组件和行业范例,降低了开发成本和时间。通过与开发者紧密合作,快速解决开发过程中遇到的问题,进一步降低开发成本。 华为利用大模型能力,提供出行类应用的最佳实践,开发者只需一行代码即可实现复杂功能。此外,华为提供标准化的AI能力,例如云转文字、活体识别、证件扫描等,降低了应用开发者的成本。 初浩: 华为HDC2024第一天Keynote前半部分增强了人们对鸿蒙系统未来发展的信心。华为在隐私和安全方面做了改进,例如扫码权限管理和特定联系人加密文件功能,以及改进应用权限管理机制,每次使用应用时都需要重新授权,提高了用户隐私安全。华为将用户隐私置于公司商业利益之上,并在系统开发的各个环节加强了隐私和安全审核。 华为HDC2024设立了专门针对无障碍功能的论坛,关注残障人士的使用体验,体现了其企业社会责任感。华为的AppGallery在海外市场发展迅速,已经替代了部分GMS服务。华为拥有自主操作系统后,在功能设计上更加自由,摆脱了安卓系统的限制,并提供预封装的UI组件和功能模块,开发者可以直接调用,提高开发效率。 华为HarmonyOS Next的AI能力基于小艺,并进行了升级,包括向前看、中间件和向后看三个部分。华为的AI控件高度封装,方便开发者使用,并能实现系统级的智能功能。华为的AI交互方式新颖,用户可以直接将内容拖拽到home indicator上,简化了操作流程,并可以与文件中心站结合,进一步提高效率。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the key highlights of Huawei's HDC 2024 event?

The HDC 2024 event was Huawei's largest developer conference to date, featuring the debut of the pure HarmonyOS NEXT. The event spanned three days with multiple forums and sessions, emphasizing the importance of developers in the ecosystem. Key highlights included the introduction of HarmonyOS NEXT, the PanGu large model's B2B applications, and a strong focus on privacy and security features. The event also showcased advancements in HDR compatibility with ISO standards and various industry-specific applications.

Why is HarmonyOS NEXT considered a significant milestone for Huawei?

HarmonyOS NEXT is considered a significant milestone because it marks the first pure version of HarmonyOS, free from Android dependencies. This version is designed to offer a more integrated and efficient ecosystem for developers and users. It introduces new features like enhanced privacy controls, HDR compatibility with ISO standards, and a focus on developer-friendly tools such as standardized components and low-code solutions. This shift positions Huawei as a major player in the global operating system market.

What role did developers play in Huawei's HDC 2024?

Developers were central to Huawei's HDC 2024, with the event emphasizing their importance in building the HarmonyOS ecosystem. Huawei showcased how developers could leverage new features and tools, such as standardized components and low-code solutions, to create applications. The event also highlighted partnerships with major developers like DingTalk and WPS, who demonstrated how they utilized HarmonyOS NEXT's capabilities. Huawei's focus was on empowering developers to create innovative applications that fully utilize the new system's features.

How did Huawei address privacy and security in HarmonyOS NEXT?

Huawei introduced several privacy and security features in HarmonyOS NEXT, including a mechanism that allows apps to scan QR codes without accessing the camera directly. Instead, the system processes the scan and returns the result to the app. Additionally, Huawei implemented a feature for encrypting files shared with specific contacts, which requires both parties to use Huawei devices. These features reflect Huawei's commitment to user privacy and security, positioning HarmonyOS NEXT as a secure alternative to other operating systems.

What advancements did Huawei make in HDR technology at HDC 2024?

At HDC 2024, Huawei announced that its HDR standards would now be fully compatible with ISO HDR standards. This change ensures that HDR photos taken on Huawei devices can be viewed with full quality on other devices and platforms. This move is expected to drive the adoption of HDR standards in China, as Huawei's large user base will help normalize HDR compatibility across various applications and devices.

What was the significance of the PanGu large model at HDC 2024?

The PanGu large model was a major focus at HDC 2024, particularly for its B2B applications. Huawei showcased how the model could be integrated into various industries, offering solutions for enterprise-level challenges. The model's capabilities were demonstrated through real-world use cases, highlighting its potential to transform industries by providing advanced AI-driven insights and automation. This emphasis on B2B applications underscores Huawei's strategy to expand its influence beyond consumer markets.

How did Huawei's HDC 2024 compare to Apple's WWDC?

Huawei's HDC 2024 was compared to Apple's WWDC in terms of scale and focus on software. While Apple often combines hardware and software announcements, Huawei's event was primarily software-focused, emphasizing the launch of HarmonyOS NEXT. The event also highlighted Huawei's efforts to build a robust developer ecosystem, similar to Apple's approach. However, Huawei's event was noted for its strong emphasis on B2B applications and industry-specific solutions, setting it apart from Apple's more consumer-centric approach.

What were some of the innovative AI features showcased at HDC 2024?

Huawei showcased several innovative AI features at HDC 2024, including the integration of AI into the navigation bar, allowing users to drag and drop content for AI processing. This feature streamlines interactions by reducing the steps needed to access AI capabilities. Additionally, Huawei demonstrated AI-driven accessibility features, such as real-time speech enhancement for individuals with hearing impairments. These advancements highlight Huawei's focus on making AI more accessible and integrated into everyday user experiences.

What was the overall tone and focus of Huawei's HDC 2024?

The overall tone of Huawei's HDC 2024 was highly focused on showcasing the company's advancements in software, particularly with the launch of HarmonyOS NEXT. The event emphasized Huawei's commitment to building a robust developer ecosystem and highlighted its efforts in privacy, security, and AI integration. The tone was professional and solution-oriented, with a strong emphasis on B2B applications and industry-specific use cases. This approach reflects Huawei's strategy to position itself as a leader in both consumer and enterprise markets.

What are the expectations for HarmonyOS NEXT's future development?

Expectations for HarmonyOS NEXT's future development are high, with Huawei positioning it as a fully independent operating system that can compete globally. The system's focus on privacy, security, and developer-friendly tools is expected to attract a wide range of applications and users. Huawei's emphasis on B2B applications and industry-specific solutions also suggests that HarmonyOS NEXT will play a significant role in enterprise markets. The system's compatibility with ISO HDR standards and its AI-driven features further indicate that Huawei is aiming for a comprehensive and versatile ecosystem.

  • HDC2024规模宏大,华为云也参与其中,设有两个分会场。
  • 华为在组织活动方面经验丰富,交通安排和伴手礼等细节都做得很好。
  • 嘉宾V以米粉身份参与,并对华为能够举办如此大型的开发者大会表示赞赏。

Shownotes Transcript


月初,我们和老朋友 V 一起聊了聊华为正式官宣 NEXT 版本诞生的 HDC  2024。主会场 3 个小时以上加上另外两天规模各异的大小几十场论坛足以看出华为对这次 HDC 的重视。这个新系统到底有何不同?作为开发者和用户又能切身感受到哪些利好?我们不放进入今天这期皮蛋漫游记一起听听看。


《回看华为 Pura70 Ultra,什么才是高端突破?》)


V- 男大学生

  • 时间轴 -

Intro 观看 HDC2024 初感受

0:00 V 去了现场,零号和初号看的直播

1:21 现场参加的感受如何

Part 1: HDC 2024 回顾

7:07 1787 天之后的纯血鸿蒙 NEXT

10:26 除了纯血鸿蒙,盘古大模型的 TO B 应用也占了重要的时长

12:06 开发者在这次 HDC 非常非常非常重要

Part 2:我们关注的一些点

16:49  安全和隐私

19:03 HDR 规格更新,兼容 ISO 标准

22:24 湖边论坛:无障碍

24:28 App Gallery 海外的推进速度其实很快

27:56  各式各样的行业范本和应用范本

32:00  “一行代码”与标准化组件

45:27  微信作为基建是早晚的事


47:24 各种类型的场景案例范本

53:10 AI 控件的标准化

57:51 模型参数量级并非越大越好

1:00:03 AI 融入导航条是个天才交互

1:04:28 商业化的新想象

1:12:51 关于 AI 硬件的展望

1:19:33 总结:这是一次非常中国本土化的开发者大会


《Dream It Possible》—— Delacry)

《Plastic n Ivory》——J.R.G)



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