The conflict was triggered when one host did not respond to messages for about ten minutes during their city walk, which reminded the other of past negative experiences with being ignored. This led to a significant emotional reaction and a subsequent argument.
After the city walk, the hosts attempted to resolve their conflict by increasing the time they spent together, such as visiting Longfu Temple and going on another city walk. However, this approach was more mechanical and did not address deeper emotional issues.
The hosts used a method where they swapped roles and spoke from each other's perspectives. This helped them appreciate each other's efforts and feelings, leading to a softening of their conflict and better communication.
The hosts plan to use strategies such as writing cards to decide on activities, giving each other three opportunities per month to soften the other's tension, and ensuring they spend more quality time together to strengthen their relationship.
Releasing emotional pressure is crucial because it creates internal space for understanding and empathy, allowing for more constructive communication and conflict resolution. It helps prevent the buildup of resentment and facilitates a healthier dialogue between partners.
本期节目跟大家复盘一下近期我和Rocio在关系中所产生的令彼此都情绪崩溃的冲突。 我们发现随着自我不断地成长,关系的模式也在发生着改变。从过去的战-逃的模式,到现在的战-战模式,给关系带来了新的挑战。 借着这个机会,也跟大家分享一下我们是如何尝试打破这个僵局和修复信任的。 欢迎把你的想法和感受在留言区里告诉我。 【支持创作】 爱发电 搜索“邱后算账” 【互动分享】 欢迎把你的想法、感悟和问题发至:[email protected] 【加入社群】 添加wx:mollyqiuctb,备注:社群+入群原因,即可申请加入社群信息,有机会和更多小伙伴交流相关话题和参与到更多精彩活动中来。 【节目介绍】 主题曲&结尾曲:SEVDALIZA MAD WOMAN 其他收听平台:网易云音乐|喜马拉雅|Apple Podcast|小宇宙 邱雨薇:爱勇不息CouragetoBecome创始人|关系咨询|媒体人 邱后算账:从对话中去探索爱与关系的不同可能性 公众号:CouragetoBecome