Lu Dapeng was drawn to the Weimar Republic due to its complex and morally ambiguous history, particularly the vibrant yet decadent nightlife of Berlin during that period. He was inspired by the cultural and social dynamics of the time, which he describes as a 'Babylonian monster'—a metaphor for the city's perceived moral decay and excess.
Lu Dapeng encounters difficulties in translating German historical concepts, such as titles and institutional names, due to inconsistencies in existing Chinese translations. Many terms are first translated into English and then into Chinese, often losing their original nuances. For example, the German words 'Fürst' and 'Prinz' are both translated as 'Prince' in English, but they have distinct meanings in German, leading to confusion in Chinese translations.
Lu Dapeng believes that AI has made significant progress in translation, particularly for practical texts like legal or business documents. However, he is skeptical about AI's ability to fully replace human translators in literary works, which require creativity and emotional nuance. He argues that while AI can mimic human emotions, it may not yet capture the subtleties of literary expression.
The title 'Babylon Monster' references the biblical association of Babylon with moral corruption and decadence. Lu Dapeng uses this metaphor to describe Berlin during the Weimar Republic, which was known for its vibrant nightlife, sexual liberation, and perceived moral decline. The term was also used by figures like Hitler and Goebbels to criticize Berlin's culture during that era.
The character of Gereon Rath in 'Babylon Berlin' is inspired by real historical figures from the Weimar Republic, particularly the modernization of German police work. The series reflects the social and political tensions of the time, including the rise of secret military organizations and the influence of right-wing extremists in post-World War I Germany.
Lu Dapeng emphasizes the importance of combining engaging storytelling with academic accuracy. He draws inspiration from British historical writers who prioritize literary quality while maintaining scholarly rigor. He believes that historical writing should be accessible and compelling, using narrative techniques to bring the past to life without sacrificing factual integrity.
如今,译者陆大鹏也有了新的作者身份,他在新书《巴比伦怪物》中,揭开了1918至1933年魏玛共和国的罪恶迷雾。他为什么会关注这段历史?在他看来,如何平衡历史写作中讲故事和学术的严谨性?那些“Long long ago far far away”的内容为何令无数读者着迷?节目中,我们也将陆大鹏提到的各类书整合了书单,感兴趣的朋友可以在文案中查看。
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00:14:42 《白莫卧儿人》:爱情与战争,跨国、跨文化的恋人故事
00:21:03 从作家安东尼比弗聊起,具有人文关怀的军事史应该是怎样的?
00:32:14 英国作家如何平衡讲故事和学术严谨性?
00:38:07 从翻译到写作,“我想要从翻译角度理清德国历史上的很多概念”
00:42:58 当巴比伦×柏林,为何会成为“巴比伦怪物”?
00:50:41 从《巴比伦电视剧》到现实原型,战争期间的德国军官和中国
00:54:35 下一部作品:“你知道红胡子巴巴罗萨吗”?
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《你就这样失去了他》, 作者[美] 朱诺·迪亚斯,围绕一个叫尤尼奥的愣头青,讲述他和形形色色女性的纠葛。
**《白莫卧儿人》,**作者[英] 威廉·达尔林普尔 (William Dalrymple),本书讲述了18世纪英国征服印度期间,一位东印度公司常驻代表与一位海得拉巴穆斯林贵族女子之间的爱情故事。
**《精灵之城:德里一年》,**作者[英] 威廉·达尔林普尔 (William Dalrymple),从英国迁居新德里的作者,抛弃意识形态和种族优越感,记录亲眼目睹的新德里景象与耳闻的新德里掌故,他穿梭历史与现实之间,述说印度人眼中的精灵之城,新德里的古往今来,以及英国殖民遗风。
安东尼·比弗: 英国历史学家、历史题材畅销书作者。代表作《西班牙内战》《保卫斯大林格勒》《柏林战役》等
**《第三帝国三部曲》,**包括《第三帝国的到来》《当权的第三帝国》《战时的第三帝国》,作者为 (英)理查德·J.埃文斯。
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