cover of episode EP100 播客100期,感谢收听!

EP100 播客100期,感谢收听!

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@大美 :回顾四年播客旅程,从最初的热情满满到现在的佛系心态,我最大的收获是将播客作为记录生活的方式,重新认识了许多朋友。节目中,我分享了自己在工作和生活中遇到的挑战与感悟,也收到了许多听友的正向反馈,这些都让我倍感温暖和动力。 我印象最深刻的嘉宾是月月,她分享的新西兰农场生活细节让我对新西兰的农业有了更深入的了解。大明和小毛那一期节目,让我对亲密关系有了新的认识,也改变了我对付出与给予的看法。 如果要推荐几期节目给新听众,我会推荐第七期(农场)、第四十八期(大明和小毛)以及第七十期(亲密关系),这三期节目能够很好地展现我们节目的风格和内容。 @Joyce :做播客四年,我的心态也发生了很大的变化,从最初的怀疑和犹豫到现在的佛系和自信。我曾经因为工作和生活中的压力想过放弃播客,但最终还是坚持了下来,这得益于一直支持我们的听众和轻松愉快的节目氛围。 印象最深刻的嘉宾是Jimmy,他是一位网球教练,教会我打球时要与自己对话,保持情绪稳定。红姐那一期节目也让我对很多事情有了新的认知和想法。 如果要推荐节目,我会推荐第十期(谈恋爱)、第八十二期(去年低谷)和九十一期(网球),这三期节目能够展现我们不同的状态和感悟。 @冰冰 :播客旅程中,我经历了从迷茫到清晰的过程。最初,我找不到做播客的意义,也曾想过放弃,但经过与其他两位主播的深入交流后,我重新找到了方向和动力。 印象最深刻的嘉宾是Vincent,他分享的难民援助经历让我对这个领域有了更深入的了解。大明和小毛那一期节目,让我学习到如何更好地与自己相处,建立安全感。 如果要推荐节目,我会推荐第四期(元旦徒步)、第四十八期(大明和小毛)和第八十八期,这三期节目能够展现我们节目的多元化和真实性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What milestone did the podcast recently achieve?

The podcast recently celebrated its 100th episode, marking a significant milestone for the hosts who have been producing the show for nearly four years.

What significant life change did Bingbing announce in the episode?

Bingbing announced that she is moving to New Zealand to become a government official, specifically an environmental monitoring officer, which is a significant career change for her.

How has the hosts' attitude towards podcasting changed over the years?

The hosts have become more relaxed and less stressed about the podcast. They no longer feel the need to produce high-quality content every episode and have accepted that their loyal listeners will continue to support them regardless.

What was one of the most challenging moments for the podcast hosts?

One of the most challenging moments was when Joyce considered quitting the podcast due to personal struggles, including a miscarriage and the death of her grandmother. This led to a deep discussion among the hosts about the future of the podcast.

Which episode had the most significant impact on the hosts?

The episode featuring Daming and Xiaomao had a profound impact on the hosts, particularly in how they view intimate relationships and personal fulfillment. This episode also had the highest number of listens, reaching over 100,000 plays.

What role does the podcast play in the hosts' lives now?

The podcast has become a way for the hosts to record their lives and share their experiences. It serves as a personal diary that captures their thoughts and memories, which they can revisit in the future.

What are some of the episodes recommended for new listeners?

The hosts recommend several episodes for new listeners, including the one about farm life in New Zealand (Episode 7), the episode with Daming and Xiaomao (Episode 48), and the episode on maintaining long-term relationships (Episode 70). These episodes provide a good introduction to the hosts and the themes they explore.

The hosts of the 9th Bistro podcast reflect on their journey creating 170 episodes. They discuss their changing attitudes towards podcasting, moments of wanting to quit, and the positive feedback that kept them going. They also share their feelings of pride and accomplishment in reaching this milestone.
  • Reached 170 episodes milestone.
  • Initially doubtful, now more relaxed and confident.
  • Importance of ritual and positive feedback.
  • Changes in mindset over four years.

Shownotes Transcript

- 100期开场好消息庆祝
- 对播客态度的改变从开始到现在
- 有没有想要放弃的时候
- 印象最深刻的嘉宾
- 带来改变的嘉宾
- 记忆深刻的粉丝留言与正反馈
- 对听友群的态度
- 播客对我们的意义
- 如果刚开始听我们的节目应该从哪里下手,每个人推荐3期
- 再安利一次网球
