鸟儿的欢鸣,溪水的婉转。 听,爱与恨,悲与喜,苦与乐,得与失。 听,跳跃的文字,灵动的声音。 You're listening to Motoread. 欢迎您收听轻松调频美文阅读 Motoread。 我是主持人沈听,让我们在这里一起听美文,学英语。
下面让我们一起走进诗歌的世界。 More to read. 闭上双眼,静静聆听。 敞开心扉,慢慢品味。 Poem of the day. I carry your heart with me. E.E. Cummings. I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart and never without it.
Anywhere I go, you go, my dear, And whatever is done by only me Is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate, for you are my fate, my sweet, I want no world, for beautiful, You are my world, my true, and it's you,
whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you. Here is the deepest secret nobody knows. Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky and of a tree called life which grows higher than the soul can hope to
Or mind can hide And this is the wonder That's keeping the stars apart I carry your heart 我將你的心戴上卡明斯 放進我心裏從未分離 無論我前往何方 都有你伴我身旁 即便我單獨城市
《The Miracle of the Zodiac》
我们刚刚听到的这首诗歌,I Carry Your Heart With Me, 我将你的心带上,出自美国诗人易奕卡明斯。 英文版本由 Mark Griffiths 为您朗读,中文版本由南海之声的主持人周薇为您朗诵。 易奕卡明斯出生于 1894 年,1962 年去世,全名爱德华·埃斯特林·卡明斯。
He is a famous poet, painter, writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and writer and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20th century. He is a poet and novelist in the 20
《Extreme Love》
如果不去便利世界,我们就不知道什么是我们精神和情感的寄托。 但我们一旦便利的世界,却发现我们再也无法回到那美好的地方去了。 当我们开始寻求,我们就已经失去。 而我们不开始寻求,我们根本无法知道自己身边的一切是如此可贵。
这动画出自法国作家安托安德胜·埃克苏佩里的经典之作《小王子》。 我是轻松调频主持人小斐,和轻松调频一起在阅读中感受生活之美。 利燕林是中国当代著名的作家和诗人。
He was born in Shandong, Junan in 1959. He started publishing works in 1983. He joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1999. In the early days, he mainly wrote poems and turned to prose in the later period. His works have won many awards, including the Qi Lu Literary Award, Changzhen Literary Award, Bingxin Prosecutor Award, and the People's Literature Award. His prose is full of profound thinking and rich emotions. His language is simple and smooth, but it contains a huge amount of emotional and ideological energy.
The next one we're going to hear is "The Return of the Spring Blossom", a short story depicting the return of the spring and the return of the leaves. The article shows the life of the spring and the movement of the leaves through delicate strokes, conveying the love for nature and life. Okay, let's read the Chinese-English version of this article together.
春宴归来,历宴临 The Return of Spring Swallows by Li Yanling 春天,迈着灵巧蹒跚的步子来了 那一群群身着燕尾服的燕子 也潇洒地从南方回家了
燕子爭可謂活脫脫的春之精靈 Spring has come with its deft and faltering steps, and groups of swallows dressed in swallowtail coats have also returned home gracefully from the south. Swallows can truly be regarded as the lively spirits of spring. 清晨的山香素雅、甜靜、溫馨 麥苗剛剛泛綠拔個 樹木冒芽揚蓄
The small farmland is simple and simple, and the birds are singing and singing. It's like a group of green sand, and a dream of a dream. The sleeping swallow opens its wings and flies out of the nest. One by one, the sound of the chicken is heard across the mountain. After a while, the green trees are in the middle, and the roof of the farm is covered with swallows.
时而在蓝天中渐一般上下翻飞,冲散片片白云和缕缕炊烟。 时而凄落屋顶门前,迈着方布悠闲地四处张望。 远处长长的电线上,时常布满密密麻麻的小点,像一串歌唱山香风光的五线谱。 又像一排刚上学的孩子在听着口令做早操,那景致别有一番韵味。
The mountain villages in the early morning are simple, elegant, quiet and warm. The wheat seedlings have just turned green and are growing taller. The trees are sprouting and sending out cat kings. The farmyards are simple and plain, and wisps of cooking smoke are curling up slowly. It seems like a hazy dream wrapped in a thin veil.
The awakened swallows spread their wings and flew out of their nests nimbly, one after another. Their chirping voices cut through the silence of the mountains and fields. In a short while, among the green trees and on the rooftops of farmhouses, swallows could be seen flying everywhere. Sometimes they flew up and down like arrows in the blue sky, dispersing patches of white clouds and whispers of cooking smoke.
Sometimes they perched on rooftops or in front of doors, strolling leisurely and looking around. On the long electric wires in the distance, there were often countless tiny dots, like a stave singing the scenery of the mountain villages, or like a row of children who had just started school doing morning exercises following the commands. That scene had a unique charm. 燕子恋人也恋家。
无论贫富,不管房子高矮,只要选中谁家,在谁家筑了巢,明年春天必定不远千里万里,不顾风雨飘摇,历经磨难,继续回到老房东家。 进门一看,那屋梁上的燕巢也必定完整如初,山乡虽然每年都有新燕子来,可主人与新燕子的父母是老乡识,老邻居。
燕子與農家相敬如賓,相處和睦,共同度過這段美好的時光。 Swallows love their mates and also their homes.
Whether a family is rich or poor, regardless of whether the house is tall or short, as long as they choose a certain family and build a nest in it, they will surely travel thousands of miles next spring, regardless of the wind and rain, endure hardships and continue to return to the old landlord's home. When they enter the door and take a look, the swallow's nest on the roof beam must be as intact as before.
Although there are new swallows coming to the mountain villages every year, the owners are old acquaintances and old neighbors of the parents of the new swallows. Swallows and farmers respect each other like guests and live in harmony, spending their wonderful time together. 春天是农家最繁忙的时节。 庄家人天不亮就下地,耕田,播种,除草。 如果遇上旱天,更是累上家累。
没白没夜地辛勤劳作着。 这个时候到山村看看, 你会发现一个奇特的现象, 许多农户家的大门紧锁着, 而堂屋的门却大敞着。 原来主人担心妨碍燕子出出进进, 下地劳动时干脆把堂屋的门开着。 谁家住着燕子, 谁家能把堂屋的门开着, 谁家就住着福气和吉祥, 就守候着丰收和喜庆的消息。
Spring is the busiest season for farmers. The peasants go to the fields before dawn, plowing, sowing and weeding. If there is a drought, they work even harder, toiling day and night. At this time, if you go to the mountain villages, you will find a strange phenomenon. The gates of many farmers' houses are locked tightly, while the doors of the main rooms are wide open.
It turns out that the owners are worried about hindering the swallows from going in and out. So they simply leave the doors of the main rooms open when they go to work in the fields. The family that has swallows living in it and can leave the door of the main room open is blessed with good fortune and auspiciousness, and is waiting for the news of a bumper harvest and celebration. 那是个非常安密的上午,春风轻拂,吹在身上暖洋洋的。
我坐在院子里的那棵大槐树底下静静地读书。 忽然一阵艳雨自天而降, 住在我家的那窝活泼凌厉的燕子外出觅食归来, 在进屋之前先凄落在我家那棵梧桐树上, 兴奋地讨论着什么,那话一句接一句, 又急切又欢快,像一群春游归来的小学生, 喋喋不休地争抢着倾树所见所闻。
老燕子看着小燕子日渐老练,心情激动,飞上飞下,手舞足蹈。 我听不懂他们的话,但我分明感受到他们的快乐。 我目不转睛地欣赏着,突然那只小燕子竟然悄悄落在我读书的饭桌上。 我屏住呼吸,小心翼翼地仔细端详着,忍不住轻轻地微微地笑了。
与这小精灵如此近距离的接触,竟让我十分激动。 紧张和欣喜迅速传遍了我的每一根神经。 我能看清它的每一根羽毛。 刚刚长出的乳毛细细密密的,黑白相间。 那小燕子眼睛黑黑的,亮亮的,嘴唇黄黄的,小脑袋摇来摇去。 还用嫩黄的小嘴巴啄几下我的书本,透出几分天真和调皮。
我们没法用语言沟通,但我读得懂她那单纯友善的目光。 我鼓鼓嘴,轻轻吹吹口哨,她竟然高兴地点点头。 我们像是一对好朋友,用彼此真诚和善意守候着短暂而美妙的时光。 在那充满快乐和感激的对视中,我异常轻松。 心中沉寂数日的疲倦和郁闷随着小燕子的身影飘散了。
It was a very peaceful morning. The spring breeze blew gently, making people feel warm. I was sitting quietly under the big locust tree in the yard, reading a book. Suddenly, a burst of swallows chirping came from the sky. The lively and clever swallows living in my house had returned from foraging. Before entering the house, they perched on the phoenix tree in my yard and were excitedly discussing something.
One sentence after another, their words were urgent and cheerful, like a group of primary school students returning from a spring outing, chattering non-stop to share what they had seen and heard. The old swallows watched the young swallows becoming more and more experienced, and they were so excited that they flew up and down, dancing with joy. I couldn't understand their words, but I clearly felt their happiness. I stared at them intently.
Suddenly, one of the young swallows quietly landed on the dining table where I was reading. I held my breath and carefully observed it. I couldn't help smiling gently and slightly. Having such close contact with this little spirit made me very excited. Nervousness and joy quickly spread through every nerve of mine. I could clearly see each of its feathers. The newly grown down feathers were fine and dense, black and white.
The little swallow had black and bright eyes, yellow lips, and its little head swayed back and forth. It also pecked at my book with its tender yellow beak a few times, showing a bit of naivety and playfulness. We couldn't communicate with words, but I could understand its simple and friendly gaze. I pursed my lips and blew a gentle whistle, and it actually nodded happily.
We were like a pair of good friends, waiting for this short but wonderful time with sincerity and kindness towards each other. In that look full of happiness and gratitude, I felt extremely relaxed. The tiredness and depression that had accumulated in my heart for several days dissipated with the figure of the little swallow. 春天,燕子们正想展示优美的舞姿,感受着春光的爱抚和生活的乐趣。
小燕子享受着长辈无限的疼爱。 燕子从南方回来不久,小燕子就降生了。
这时的老燕子异常勤快,忙着捉来各种活蹦乱跳的小虫子。 老燕子刚飞进屋,那小燕子就张开黄黄的小嘴,喳喳地叫喊争抢。 小燕子吃饱了就开始撒娇,头在老燕子身上拱来拱去,然后安静地睡觉。 小燕子渐渐长大了,应当学飞了。 记得有一只小燕子胆子特别小。
别的兄弟姐妹都会外出觅食了,而他仍然胆怯地叫着,扑拢着翅膀就是不敢从巢里往外飞。 燕子妈妈急了,一翅膀把他打出了燕巢,谁料这只小燕子忽忽悠悠地飞了几下,掉在了我家堂屋的地上。 这时小燕子急了,咧着嘴大声惊叫着,恳求妈妈解救。
老燕子担心孩子受到意外伤害,惊恐万状,那叫声近乎凄惨和绝望,一边在屋里七上八下地翻飞着,示范着,一边急切地催促着,鼓励着,竟几次想把小燕子叼起来。 小燕子集中生智,扑楞了几下翅膀,歪歪扭扭地飞到了院子里,落到树上。
Xiao Yanzi didn't blame her mother, but she sang and danced with high spirits. That clearly means that it was thanks to her mother's wings that she grew up and learned to fly. Lao Yanzi saw Xiao Yanzi was in danger, and in her heart she showed a sense of difficulty. Xiao Yanzi's flying and independence were Lao Yanzi's close expectations, and also the beginning of her leaving her family and going independent.
燕子們就是這樣在愛與恨、懼與散、生與死之間一輩輩呈傳和繁衍。 In spring, swallows compete to show their graceful dance postures, feeling the caress of spring light and the joy of life. They live in harmony with people, catch insects, protect crops, and wait for the harvest of farmers.
When autumn comes, they have to lead their children to travel long distances over mountains and rivers, resist the fury of storms and the scorching sun, and even exhaust their lives. Therefore, they know how to cherish life better. Once they settle down, they are always affectionate and harmonious. The young swallows enjoy the infinite love of their elders. Not long after the swallows return from the south, the young swallows are born.
At this time, the old swallows are extremely diligent, busy catching all kinds of lively little insects. As soon as the old swallows fly into the house, the young swallows open their yellow beaks and chirp and scramble for food. When the young swallows are full, they start to act coquettishly, rubbing their heads against the old swallows' bodies, and then fall asleep quietly. The young swallows gradually grow up and should learn to fly.
I remember that one young swallow was particularly timid. While its brothers and sisters could all go out foraging, it still chirped timidly, flapping its wings but daring not to fly out of the nest. The mother swallow was so anxious that she flapped it out of the nest with one wing. Unexpectedly, the young swallow fluttered a few times and fell on the floor of the main room of my house.
At this time, the young swallow was so anxious that it opened its mouth wide and screamed loudly, begging its mother to save it. The old swallow was worried that the child would be accidentally injured and was in a state of panic. Its cries were almost sad and desperate. While flying up and down in the room, demonstrating, it eagerly urged and encouraged, and even tried to pick up the young swallow several times.
The young swallow had an idea in a moment of desperation. It flapped its wings a few times and flew crookedly into the yard and landed on a tree. The young swallow didn't blame its mother. Instead, it sang and danced happily, as if to say, "Thanks to mother's one wing, it grew up and learned to fly."
When the old swallow saw that the young swallow was out of danger, there was a sense of relief as well as a touch of reluctance to part. The flight and independence of the young swallows are the ardent expectations of the old swallows and also the beginning of breaking away from the family and becoming independent.
Swallows inherit and reproduce from generation to generation in this way between love and hate, gathering and separation, life and death. 燕子最體諒人,最關心人,從不給農家添麻煩,連窩裡的垃圾也一點點地掉到野外。 主人在家時躲在燕窩裡泥濫細雨,溫文爾雅。
天要下雨,燕子们总是喳喳叫着,在你面前反复低飞,给你预报气象。 即使下雨天羽毛被淋湿了,总是在进屋之前先抖抖翅膀。 一场秋雨,一场寒,燕子们必须在双降前恋恋不舍地飞向南方。 他们不愿惊动邻居,也不愿邻居因他们离去而伤心。 总是在夜深人静,明月当空的夜晚迁徙。
走得无声无息,不留任何声响和只言片语,甚至连一只轻柔的羽毛也不留下,只把一种期待留下,一种美好的记忆留下。 Swallows are the most considerate and caring. They never cause trouble for farmers. They even carry the garbage in their nests bit by bit to the wild. When the owners are at home, they hide in the nests and whisper gently, behaving gracefully.
When it's going to rain, swallows always chirp and fly low in front of you repeatedly to forecast the weather for you. Even if their feathers are wet in the rain, they always shake their wings before entering the house. One autumn rain brings one cold spell. Swallows must reluctantly fly to the south before the frosts descend. They don't want to disturb their neighbors or make them sad because of their departure.
They always migrate in the dead of night when the moon is bright in the sky, leaving quietly without making any sound or leaving a single word, or even a single soft feather. They only leave an expectation and a beautiful memory behind. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。
上几岁年纪的人总是盼着儿女早早向小燕子掌印翅膀飞上蓝天,然后又盼着孩子向飞出的鸟儿常常回归母巢团聚。 你一言我一语,诉说心酸与幸福。 在外的人离乡久了,见到回归的燕子,胸中自然涌动思乡的情感,渴望如同燕子年年飞走年年回来。
夜落归根,总得回到自己在南方或北方的旧潮。 冬已过去,春暖花开。 我们该像那美丽勇敢感恩重情的燕子,义无反顾地飞回老家。 Deeply, I sigh for faded flowers falling in vain. Vaguely, I seem to know the swallows come again.
Elderly people always hope that their children will grow up quickly like young swallows with strong wings and fly into the blue sky. And then they hope that their children will return to the old nest like the birds that have flown away and reunite with them, chatting about bitterness and happiness. People who are away from home for a long time will naturally feel homesick when they see the returning swallows. They long to fly away and come back year after year like swallows.
Falling leaves return to their roots. Eventually, we should return to our road nests in the south or north. Winter has passed, and spring has come with flowers in bloom. We should be like those beautiful, brave, grateful, and affectionate swallows, and fly back to our hometowns without hesitation.
感谢您收听今天的美文阅读节目。 我是沈厅,我们明天见。