“For me, the experience was daunting, certainly in the beginning. To be the leader of a production, and have all these folk who I know are very talented and extremely skilled and have more information and have the words . . . they’re all looking at me as the leader of this production, to guide it. So that was daunting, and I was slightly intimidated. But knowing I had the support of our team and most importantly, our star, Courtney Oliver . . . the fact that I had her stamp of approval made the process a lot easier.”
That’s Playhouse on the Square’s Marcus Cox, making his directorial debut leading Playhouse’s holiday production of Who’s Holiday, on working for the first time with the talented crew and design teams that collaborate on putting on a show for live theater.
Join host Mark Fleischer for SB 30 Episode 79 as he talks with Who’s Holiday Director Marcus Cox – also the Director of Community Relations for Playhouse on the Square – about live theater, about the current slate of Playhouse shows, about the state of post-pandemic theater-going, and about his work in his directorial debut.
Recorded December 8, 2022 in the Playhouse café at Playhouse on the Square, in Memphis, Tennessee.