cover of episode Staying Healthy with Wildfire Smoke - 041

Staying Healthy with Wildfire Smoke - 041

logo of podcast Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Shownotes Transcript

In episode 41 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I give you my best tips for staying healthy if you are living in an area that is being impacted by wildfires and smoke.

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Some highlights from the episode:

Wildfire Background: More and more wildfires are becoming common in the Western United States, along with other areas of the world.

Wildfire Smoke Composition: Combination of particles and gases, most noticeably carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, VOCs, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, etc.

AQI: What is the Air Quality Index and how do you use it?

Smoke Side Effects: What kind of symptoms can you expect from living in an area with wild fire smoke? How is it different than COVID-19 symptoms?

Stay Indoors: Avoid going outside if you can, and definitely avoid working out outside.

Natural Defense: Your body has natural defense mechanisms with your nose, sinuses, and macrophages.

Filter It: Use a HEPA filter, run your A/C on internal circulation mode.

Avoid Creating Pollutants: Minimize or avoid the use of candles, smoking anything indoors, along with wood or gas burning stoves or appliances.

Home Cleaning: Avoid dusting and vacuuming while in the home. Instead use a damp cloth or mop to remove dust and ash particles from surfaces without recirculating particles back into the air.

N95: If you have to spend more time outside, or work outside, try to get your hands on a good fitting N95 particulate mask respirator.

Wash Up: If you spend a lot of time outside, or if you are walking your dog daily still, make the extra effort to shower and bathe more frequently.

Driving Safe: Keep windows closed, keep internal circulation on, and use the A/C to help further filter the air on internal circulation mode.

Well Hydrated: Stay well hydrated to help your body remove toxins and boost the quality of your mucous membranes.

More Antioxidants: Combat oxidative stress caused from smoke by boosting your intake of antioxidants, like whole fresh plants and fruits, herbs and spices.

Vit D3: Also take 5000IU of Vitamin D3 to give your body an extra immune boost.

I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #41 where I talk about the importance of learning how to control your mind if you want to unlock a higher level of success and happiness in your life.