cover of episode Is the Sun Actually Healthy For You? - 028

Is the Sun Actually Healthy For You? - 028

logo of podcast Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Longevity, Aesthetics, Health, and Beauty

Shownotes Transcript

In episode 28 of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle I give you a rundown of the pros and cons of sun exposure. How do we get the benefits without the damage?

Some highlights from the episode:

Background: All the advice on sun exposure can be confusing, where there are arguments for both sides.


Sleep Regulation: Sun light shuts of melatonin production in the morning, reduces drowsiness and boosts energy. And also tells your body when to boost melatonin production the following night.

Hormone Booster: Naturally boosts your testosterone and serotonin levels to make you strong and healthy.

Lowers BP: Regular sun exposure has been linked to lower blood pressure levels. Perhaps because of lower stress levels and or because those outside are also being active.

Vitamin D: AKA the sunshine vitamin. So important for your bone density and overall health. Low levels of Vit D have been linked to higher levels of cancer and disease.

Mood Boost: Helps you feel better, boosts serotonin levels and overall mood. Incredibly strong natural anti-depressant.


Wrinkles/Aging: Damages collagen and elastic tissue in the skin making it saggy and more fragile.

Moles/Sun spots: As the sun damages surface cells, your body will create more moles, sun spots, and blotches.

Sun Burn: Over exposure will lead to redness, peeling, blisters, a weaker immune system and DNA damage.

Skin Cancer: Increases your risk of 3 types of skin cancer. Especially as cumulative heavy exposure compounds.

Eye Damage: Unprotected UV light can damage your retina and lead to early cataracts.


Natural Light: Get some natural light every day, ideally in the morning, for a healthy circadian rhythm and deeper sleep.

Limit Sun: Avoid the sun when it’s at it’s strongest. Avoid too much direct sun light. Use physical blockers, sun protective clothing and UV sun glasses.

Vit D3: Take 5000IU each day so you aren’t reliant on sun exposure for health levels.

Avoid Indoor Tanning: Avoid this method of “slow suicide” than is strongly linked to skin cancer.

Natural Color: Eating foods high in carotene and lycopene can provide a natural skin color boost and UV protection.

I finish the episode with Tomko Tip #28 where I give you a new perspective of beauty. What does it mean to be beautiful?

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