Morning sunlight helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin production, which is crucial for waking up and preparing the body for the day. Exposure to strong light in the morning has been shown to improve sleep quality and duration by aligning the internal biological clock with the external environment.
A nap should ideally last no more than 20 minutes. Longer naps can reduce sleep pressure by clearing adenosine, a sleep-inducing chemical, making it harder to fall asleep at night. Short naps, however, can boost alertness and cognitive performance without significantly affecting nighttime sleep.
Watching the sunset exposes the eyes to red and yellow light, which helps regulate the circadian rhythm. These colors, predominant in twilight, signal the brain to prepare for sleep by activating the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the body's central clock, improving sleep quality and duration.
Melatonin supplements can signal the body to sleep but do not improve sleep quality. Overuse or incorrect dosage can lead to dependency or disrupt natural melatonin production. Additionally, many supplements contain significantly higher doses than the body naturally produces, which can cause side effects.
A cooler bedroom environment, ideally around 20°C (68°F), helps lower the body's core temperature, which is necessary for entering deep sleep. A drop in body temperature signals the brain that it's time to rest, facilitating faster and more restful sleep.
Exercise, especially in the morning, enhances the body's sensitivity to light signals, improving circadian rhythm regulation. Physical activity increases sympathetic nervous system activity, which boosts the efficiency of the body's internal clock, helping to align sleep and wake cycles with the external environment.
Writing down worries or to-do lists before bed helps offload mental stress, allowing the brain to relax. This practice reduces anxiety and prevents overthinking, making it easier to fall asleep. It also provides a sense of control over unresolved issues, promoting a calmer state of mind.
Eating heavy meals close to bedtime can disrupt sleep by increasing digestive activity, leading to discomfort or acid reflux. It also raises body temperature, which can interfere with the natural cooling process needed for sleep. Light, easily digestible snacks are preferable if eating late.
本期节目参与小宇宙编辑部 423 世界读书日特别企划「春日宜尝新」,一本入门小书,带你打开一个新领域。今天,咱们一起来聊聊生物钟,以及如何利用生物钟睡个好觉。
04:08 早上7点:出去举铁跑圈晒太阳吧
21:30 下午1点:午休小憩要适度(20分钟左右),午饭后就不要喝咖啡了哦
24:45 下午6点:走,一起去看漫山遍野的晚霞
29:39 晚上7点:晚饭不要吃得太满太晚,可以考虑来俩猕猴桃。褪黑素使用要注意剂量,同时也别对他抱有不切实际的期待,褪黑素只能让你想睡,可不会对你的睡眠质量负责
42:23 晚上9点:在昏暗的灯光下,安静的夜幕中,凉爽的卧室内,薰衣草的香味里写下你的烦恼吧,一起放松,放松,放松
53:09 晚上11点:闭上眼睛在你最喜欢的场景里散个步,但如果躺着睡不着?来,起来,但,别high
59:03 凌晨2点:起夜不担心,次数不多回来能睡就行
68:29 值夜班的你,一定一定要照顾好自己
封面设计特别鸣谢 💝: wow lab
本期配乐:Good Night & Better Day from Pixabay
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