Alessandro chose to write his book in Chinese because the language became an integral part of his life during his six years in China. He used Chinese to think, write, and connect with people, which created a deep sense of belonging. The language allowed him to form meaningful connections and memories, making it more emotionally significant to him than his native Italian or English.
For Alessandro, 'keeping fluid' means embracing the constant changes and uncertainties in life. It involves switching between different roles and identities, such as being a student, actor, or journalist, and not being confined to a single environment. This fluidity allows him to explore various aspects of life and maintain a sense of freedom and openness to new experiences.
Alessandro describes learning Chinese as a transformative experience that shaped his identity during his formative years in China. He used Chinese to navigate daily life, write scripts, and connect with people, which helped him find direction during a period of personal growth. The language became a tool for self-discovery and a way to integrate into Chinese culture, making it a significant part of his life.
Humor plays a significant role in Alessandro's writing in Chinese, as it allows him to bring a fresh, outsider's perspective to everyday observations in China. His use of puns and wordplay, such as the 'Greenland Hotel' being used as a quarantine hotel, adds a layer of wit and charm to his work. This humor not only makes his writing engaging but also highlights his unique viewpoint as a foreigner navigating Chinese culture.
Alessandro views 'home' and belonging as fluid concepts in his nomadic lifestyle. While he feels a strong connection to both China and Italy, he doesn't see the need to settle permanently in one place. Instead, he finds a sense of belonging through his writing in Chinese, which allows him to connect with readers globally. He envisions a life where he can move between different places, maintaining ties to each without being anchored to a single location.
亚历(Alessandro Ceschi),游牧写作者,从零开始学中文,新作《我用中文做了场梦》。
7:20 第一次看到世界是什么样的感觉?
11:42 2008年奥运会:世界在向你迎面扑来
17:15 描绘心中世界的样子
22:18 个性的世界永远是好的
24:10 这本书为什么叫《我用中文做了场梦》?
28:01 亚历:中文的特别之处是我通过这门语言创造的连接
32:00 何雨珈:翻译《鱼翅与花椒》时,脑子里全都是四川话
36:50 在其他语言中找到在母语里不敢去说的事情
46:20 所有的语言都需要外来者对它进行活化
50:55 有时候把生活当作一场游戏也是一种放松
51:38 什么是在一个地方留着就好好留着?
57:54 归属感这件事没有人能说了算
1:05:48 每个东亚的孩子都会特别羡慕曾经 gap 过的人
1:17:45 最理想的状态是流动——有的选永远是好的
1:20:20 何雨珈:我建立的附近也是我努力吹出来的泡泡
1:27:40 亚历:继续流动,我就不会被困在任何一个环境中
1:40:20 分享消除隔阂,与人连接的方式
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