cover of episode 46.业务调整、内容IP、案例访谈,我们这家咨询公司的进展实录


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韩叙:本期播客主要回顾了公司2024年前三个月的业务调整和心得体会,内容涵盖了公司公众号改名、内容方向调整、业务方向调整以及一些案例分析等方面。公司将业务重心从互联网转向新消费品牌,帮助其搭建线上渠道,并对运营、营销、经营三个概念进行了深入的解读。通过好利来和瑞幸的案例分析,阐述了企业重视线上渠道建设和IP联名合作的重要性,以及如何根据用户需求变化调整策略。此外,公司还坚持创作图文内容,并通过“韩叙下午茶”活动与行业人士交流,获取更多信息和灵感。最后,韩叙分享了对大厂员工创业开店失败案例的分析,以及一个成功案例:利用技术手段优化母牛生产环节。 韩叙还分析了95后和80后两代人选择品牌的观念差异,并指出咨询公司在企业发展中扮演着“老中医”的角色,帮助企业诊断问题并制定解决方案。 韩黛:参与了公司内容方向调整和内容创作流程优化,分享了内容创作效率提升的经验,并对短视频和图文内容形式的差异化进行了阐述。同时,韩黛还参与了“韩叙下午茶”活动,并分享了活动开展的契机和进展。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the speaker decide to change the name of their 9-year-old WeChat public account?

The speaker changed the name to align with their transition from a 2C (consumer-facing) business to a 2B (business-facing) consulting role. The previous name, which included a self-deprecating term, positioned them as a weak service provider. The new name, consistent across all platforms, reflects their professional identity and aims to establish them as a strong, knowledgeable partner for clients.

What is the speaker's perspective on the current state of the internet industry?

The speaker believes the internet industry has entered a post-growth era, with large companies like ByteDance, Tencent, and Baidu experiencing layoffs. They argue that the industry no longer needs as many employees, and those who leave may transition to other sectors like healthcare or renewable energy, leveraging their internet experience to improve efficiency and processes in those fields.

What challenges do small and medium-sized internet companies face according to the speaker?

Small and medium-sized internet companies are increasingly rare, with the industry becoming more dominated by large, established players. The speaker notes that these smaller companies struggle to compete, and the lack of mid-sized firms indicates a shrinking industry. This trend makes it difficult for new startups to enter the market and succeed.

How does the speaker describe the shift from operational roles to strategic business management?

The speaker explains that their role has evolved from focusing on operational tasks to strategic business management. They now focus on designing execution paths, breaking down strategies into actionable steps, and ensuring teams achieve their goals. This shift reflects a move from technical operational skills to broader business acumen and leadership.

What is the speaker's approach to content creation for their consulting business?

The speaker emphasizes a structured workflow for content creation, involving brainstorming topics, recording multiple videos in one session, and then editing them into shorter clips. This method increases efficiency and allows for more natural, conversational content. They also focus on producing both video and written content to cater to different audience preferences.

Why does the speaker believe that traditional industries have significant potential for transformation?

The speaker argues that traditional industries, such as agriculture, have inefficiencies that can be addressed using internet-based thinking and technology. For example, they mention a case where a B2B product manager developed a device to monitor cows' behavior before giving birth, reducing labor costs and improving outcomes. This demonstrates how internet methodologies can bring innovation to traditional sectors.

What is the speaker's view on the importance of understanding user demographics for brand growth?

The speaker highlights the importance of understanding generational differences, particularly between 80s and 95s cohorts. They note that 95s, as digital natives, have different brand preferences and are more open to domestic and culturally relevant products. This understanding is crucial for brands aiming to capture younger audiences and stay relevant in evolving markets.

How does the speaker describe the role of consulting firms in helping businesses?

The speaker compares consulting firms to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, using a diagnostic approach to identify and address business issues. They emphasize the importance of understanding the industry, discussing business directions, interviewing key personnel, and pinpointing operational bottlenecks to provide tailored solutions for clients.

  • 互联网行业进入红利期后,面临着裁员潮和行业萎缩的趋势。
  • 被裁员工并非个人问题,而是行业承载能力不足。
  • 互联网人才可向大健康、养老、新能源等领域转型。

Shownotes Transcript





00:27  从一条热门视频说起:互联网老人唱衰互联网行业

07:44  9年公众号改名,关于IP内容方向的调整

16:23  企业和品牌对于「线上」的理解,可能是片面的

25:51  如何理解「运营」「营销」「经营」

31:18  两个案例:「好利来」和「瑞幸」

41:22  短视频时代,为什么我们还在坚持做图文内容?

50:06  韩叙下午茶活动,一些有趣的案例

55:45  大厂人屡屡开店失败,创业不如继续打工

1:01:24  B端产品经理转行,检测母牛的生产状态

1:05:28  从香氛品类,看用户需求的变化

1:08:42  80后和95后,两代人选择品牌的观念

1:16:34  为什么说咨询公司是企业的老中医?




片头:Mercury-Youth Lagoon

片尾:September (Sped Up - Instrumental)-Sparky Deathcap/sped up + slowed



