If you are deep in the trenches of life and looking for hope-filled encouragement and practical wisd
Wouldn’t you like God to do something through you that is bigger than you? What if God can use your
Did you know that studies show a lack of close friendships may be hazardous to your health? But maki
We often feel the guilt and responsibility for meeting the needs of unhealthy people. We try to make
Garth Brooks once sang that he had friends in low places—and, here’s the thing, we do too. We have a
There are some days when you don’t like yourself. You overlook your fabulous and fixate on your flaw
Fun episode today! Jennifer went to lunch with a fellow 4:13er and she spilled the beans on everythi
Do you ever find yourself in the middle of your ordinary life needing to reset your priorities? Toda
Sometimes we’re worn out and we need God's strength. But, those are just the times when it’s most ob
A college student recently asked Jennifer, “What would you say to your younger self?” On this episod
Karen Kingsbury and Michael O'Brien join us for Christmas Cheer at the 4:13 Podcast! In this encore
Jennifer asked her Facebook friends, “What is the first thing on your mind in the morning?” She got
If you’ve got a problem, God’s got a promise! Today, on the 4:13, author Gwen Smith shares candidly
You can be thankful in all things, even if you’re not thankful for all things. In this encore episod
If you’ve ever heard Jennifer teach the Bible, you know she doesn’t use a Bible! Odd, right? Jennife
If you’re like most of us, your level of happiness fluctuates as much as the weather does. Well, tod
Peace isn’t just a circumstance; it’s a choice. Today, discover two choices you can make every day,
If you want to live a brave life, you don’t need to get a brand new life. Today, author Annie F. Dow
Here’s what happens when Jennifer blocks the door and doesn’t let KC out of the podcast closet witho
How do you break free from fear’s grip on your heart? Today, Wendy Blight tells her very hard story
When we’re worn out, it's easy to burn out. That’s why Jesus gives us a 3 step plan to avoid burn ou