The central idea of 'Bird by Bird' is that you have the right to write the worst things in the world. It emphasizes that the process of writing itself is more rewarding than the final outcome.
Chen Zilian became a novelist after her inn business failed. She decided to write novels as a way to make a living, inspired by the idea that all unemployed young people think they can become writers.
The biggest challenge for a writer is writing the second story. The first story often comes from a place of passion and personal belief, but the second story can be more difficult as it requires finding new inspiration and maintaining momentum.
Chen Zilian advises aspiring novelists to start by writing something they believe in or are passionate about. She suggests that everyone can write at least one story based on their personal beliefs or experiences, and then see if they are suited for a career in writing.
Writing 200,000 words of 'garbage' helps a writer identify the 20,000 words that are actually useful. This process allows writers to refine their work and extract valuable content from a larger, less polished body of work.
Chen Zilian emphasizes the importance of dialogue because it reveals a character's desires and motivations. She believes that dialogue should reflect what a character truly cares about, making it a crucial element in storytelling.
Chen Zilian suggests that passion is the most important trait for becoming a novelist. She believes that a strong initial motivation and belief in the story being told are essential for sustaining the effort required to write and complete a novel.
The main takeaway from 'Bird by Bird' is that writers should focus on small, manageable tasks, such as writing just a little bit at a time. This approach helps reduce the overwhelming pressure of writing and makes the process more approachable.
Chen Zilian's early writing experiences, such as writing in her QQ space, helped her develop a habit of writing and gain a small audience. This early encouragement and practice laid the foundation for her later career as a novelist.
Chen Zilian acknowledges that feedback, especially negative reviews, can be very challenging for writers. She emphasizes the importance of not letting criticism derail one's writing process and suggests that writers need to develop resilience to handle feedback.
张春酷酷酷 FEAT. 小说家陈紫莲 共读《一只鸟接着一只鸟》
世界读书日** 张春酷酷酷新栏目《师姐来了》开张大吉**!
感谢小宇宙编辑部的邀请,本期节目参与小宇宙423 世界读书日特别企划 —— 「春日宜尝新」,一本入门小书,带你打开一个新领域。本期节目张春酷酷酷将FEAT. 小说家陈紫莲,共读一本关于写作的小书《一只鸟接着一只鸟》。
01:59 那这本书呢?就是说这种“创作谈”屁话的集大成者!
09:31 所有没有工作的年轻人都觉得自己可以当一个作家
21:46 给自己一段时间,具体说就是把手头的钱算一算到底可以抗多久
33:59 迈过创作的大槛——人物们总是在很平静的生活!
43:25 创作二十万字垃圾的积极意义
52:58 在创作里作家需要放下自恋,但在生活里你会尽情的发癫
1:01:41 我的问题是总想描述那些我没见过也想不出来的东西
1:12:05 对一个作家最难的,是第二个故事
1:21:25 硬要说的话,我感觉我还行
SOJA /Not Done Yet所属专辑:Strength To Survive
作者: 安·拉莫特译者: 朱耘2023年3月中信出版集团春潮Nov+
制作:张春酷酷酷播客频道 主播&文案:张春视觉&剪辑:浅浅 🌟如果你也有话想说,欢迎通过参与通道)加入节目录制,或通过投递树洞)反馈您的想法。