321 Sales Gods for White-Collar Small Business Owners

Ten years experience helping business owners of all sizes maximize results using ten years of Fortun


Total: 498

www.vernillowellness.com Article link: ⁠https://people.com/halle-berry-doctor-mistook-herpes-was-act

What was old is new again.

All business owners need to begin to master contacting and prospecting.

Please listen to episode multiple times if necessary.

Stop trying to be the Lone Ranger.

I did a podcast episode on this topic 30 days ago.

The economy is driving companies to maximize relationships with vendors.

What if your industry was taken over and the government cut your pay or commission by 90%?

More episodes about Amazon coming soon.

Read the ruling. It's not over yet. https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/akvemeeorvr/

Small business owners: you might find this interesting.

Small business owners: you might find this episode interesting.

321 Biz Development meets with company's to measure sales funnel effectiveness.

We understand the complexities and new challenges of running a small business in America.

This episode will give small business owners hope regardless where your business is located.

Here's an example of a poor sales experience. The sales experience starts at the beginning, not