3 Takeaways features insights from the world’s best thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians
Find out how the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, Sal Khan, built the world’s largest online learnin
Danny Meyer shares how to deliver outstanding hospitality, how he thinks restaurants will be differe
This week we are highlighting the Top 10 Takeaways of 2021 with guests ranging from CEOs and founder
Wall Street Journal best-selling author Katy Milkman shares science-based ways to create change in o
Find out what the good life actually looks like based on Harvard's 75-year study of more than 7
Adi Ignatius, Editor in Chief of Harvard Business Review, shares the biggest trends in the business
Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard University, shares how he sees the future of education and the
Former Commander of Afghanistan General (Ret.) Stanley McChrystal shares lessons from Afghanistan, t
Steven Pinker shares why there is so much irrationality in the world – including conspiracy theories
NBA Deputy Commissioner and Chief Operating Officer Mark Tatum shares on the future of sports, enhan
Have you ever wondered how you could change someone’s mind or make something go viral? Jonah Berger
Michael Clinton, former President of Hearst Magazines, provides practical advice on creating the lif
Learn how Square Co-Founder Jim McKelvey successfully created and built Square, how (as a start-up)
Co-founder of BlackRock Barbara Novick shares how she and her co-founders built the largest investme
Happiness expert and Harvard Kennedy School Professor Arthur Brooks shares how you can get better at
Peter Wendell founded Sierra Ventures, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm that has invested more
Paul Polman is the former CEO of Unilever, one of the largest companies in the world with over 300 b
Former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb gives an inside account of the system wide failure across
Former New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton shares what he thinks good policing looks like
Mike Novogratz, Founder and CEO of Galaxy Digital, shares on cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, dig