3 Takeaways features insights from the world’s best thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians
Working remotely is having a dramatic impact across a wide swath of society — including how and wher
Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Admiral Bill Owens, fervently believes we
Becoming more influential is within your grasp, and it doesn't mean becoming a selfish ass — sa
Now for some wonderful news. There’s a global public-private alliance that has done what no other or
A wristband that enables deaf people to “hear.” Brain implants that enable you to control a robotic
Why do some schools routinely produce high-performing students? How truly important is class size? W
How did legendary business leader Alan Mulally rescue both Ford and Boeing? With a detailed set of p
The transformation to AI-enabled warfare is happening at breakneck speed. The stakes are huge and —
Tech companies, including Apple, Facebook, Netflix, and others, go to great lengths to hook us and k
Why do we have so many incompetent male leaders in both government and the private sector? According
New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art is a beloved and important cultural icon. Here, its Presi
Now for some good news: According to Abhijit Banerjee, a Nobel Prize winner for his work fighting po
Fasten your seatbelt. One month after becoming CEO of United Airlines, Oscar Munoz had a massive hea
Breakthroughs in bio-acoustic technology are enabling scientists, including Karen Bakker, to “hear”
One of America’s most popular governors, Phil Murphy (Dem. NJ), lowers his guard and reveals what li
Some words have extraordinary power to help us persuade others, build stronger relationships, improv
Don't miss this wide-ranging conversation with Airbnb Global Head of Hosting Catherine Powell o
The workplace is filled with challenging situations and people, and how we handle them plays a major
As Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer, Tal Zaks spearheaded the creation of the company’s revolutionary
Buckle your seat belt. Chris Leonard, author of The Lords of Easy Money, explains in searing detail