2.5 Admins is a podcast featuring two sysadmins called Allan Jude and Jim Salter, and a producer/edi
Our take on the collapse of Siicon Valley Bank, an odd case of 2 Teslas with the same key, filesyste
Saving millions of dollars by exiting the cloud, GoDaddy is compromised by a sophisticated attacker,
Twitter are going to charge for bad 2 factor authentication, new alarming details about the recent L
Google is getting paid to advertise malware sites, Comcast’s false map data, more on private T
Microsoft and Google seem to think that chatbots are the future of search, the problem of filtering
A “smart” lighting system goes wrong, mitigating a DNS attack, an unsatisfying update ab
Yet another reason to disable voicemail, why so many recent Macs end up as scrap, and setting up a m
Why you should still use a VPN with public WiFi, who the new Xeons are aimed at, follow-up on trying
A recent outage that grounded thousands of planes, correcting ZFS misreporting, the problem of fake
Two recent examples of backups not being properly tested, why the term “edge” is meaning
LastPass vaults are leaked, ChatGPT is coming to Bing, live migrations, and SSD vs spinning disk pow
It’s the last episode of the year so we look back at a couple of 2022 trends: the explosion of
Buying and renting features in Intel hardware that you’ve already bought, killer robots, a hug
Saving money by changing the CPU frequency governor on servers, Making unphishable 2FA phishable, ph
Security cameras that aren’t quite as secure as they claim, why it’s difficult to trust
The risks of taking your laptop to a repair shop, why DNS has become concentrated to just a few prov
Why the Twitter infrastructure is creaking, Jim’s experiences of the Ubuntu Summit, changing V
Microsoft’s half-baked Arm machine, why it’s a bad idea to go to the World Cup in Qatar,
Android’s controversial VPN settings, the deepfake audio arms race, the Metaverse is even wors
Password spray attacks, the value of certifications vs actual experience, and the best VPN strategy.