You know what they say about one man’s trash becoming another’s treasure, right? At the border, the journey from trash to treasure often involves an actual trip from San Diego to Tijuana, where things like furniture, appliances and other used or discarded objects find a second life. But, of course, those objects don’t move themselves. The whole cross-border, second-hand world involves people like Seth Sullivan, aka “Art Pusher,” one of the best-known “pickers” in the borderlands. Seth is a fireball who’s been through a lot in his cross-border life. But his struggles have only fueled him to keep going and growing.
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Today’s story kicks off a new season of "Port of Entry" focused on artists and musicians who’ve turned pain into superpowers.
From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at
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Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-452-0228 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at [email protected].
“Port of Entry'' is written and produced by Kinsee Morlan. Emily Jankowski is the co-producer and director of sound design. Alisa Barba is our editor. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is operations manager and John Decker is the interim associate general manager of content.
This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.