cover of episode Introducing Bert to Fancy Chef | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

Introducing Bert to Fancy Chef | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

logo of podcast 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bert Kreischer
Tom Segura
Tom Segura: 本集节目中,Tom Segura 公布了2025年世界巡演的行程,并与Bert Kreischer 讨论了他们在佛罗里达州的新生活。他们谈论了旅行的必需品、脱衣舞俱乐部的经验、以及人们对自己家乡的过度认同感。Tom Segura 分享了他对金钱的看法,以及他如何看待戒酒和保持健康的生活方式。他还谈到了与妻子Leanne 的关系,以及她如何帮助他保持平衡。他分享了他对电影首映式和与好莱坞明星互动的看法。 Bert Kreischer: Bert Kreischer 分享了他对戒酒的看法,以及他如何尝试戒酒但最终失败的经历。他谈论了他对金钱的缺乏概念,以及他如何即使现在有钱了也依然如此。他还谈论了他对巡演巴士的厌恶,以及他更喜欢飞行出行。他分享了他对脱衣舞俱乐部的经历,以及他如何穿着运动裤进入脱衣舞俱乐部。他讲述了他对排便习惯的看法,以及他如何保持健康的生活方式。他分享了他对哈丽特·塔布曼的故事的看法,以及他如何将哈丽特·塔布曼与洛杉矶马拉松联系起来。他还谈到了他如何开始穿着打扮得越来越像黑人男性,以及他在电影首映式上的经历。他分享了他对“Fancy Chef”这个烹饪博主的看法,以及他如何邀请“Fancy Chef”来奥斯汀做饭。最后,他谈论了他对喜剧行业的看法,以及他如何看待喜剧作为一种职业。 Bert Kreischer: Bert Kreischer 详细描述了他对戒酒的复杂态度,既承认其挑战性,又表达了对适度饮酒的观点。他坦诚地分享了他与金钱的关系,以及他如何缺乏对财务的关注,即使在他经济状况改善后也是如此。他详细描述了他对旅行方式的偏好,以及他对巡演巴士的强烈厌恶,更喜欢飞机出行。他分享了他与妻子Leanne 的互动,以及她如何在他饮酒方面扮演着重要的角色。他讲述了他对脱衣舞俱乐部的经历,以及他如何穿着运动裤进入俱乐部。他分享了他对排便习惯的看法,以及他如何保持健康的生活方式。他讲述了关于哈丽特·塔布曼的故事,以及他如何将哈丽特·塔布曼的经历与自己的生活联系起来。他还谈论了他对服装风格的转变,以及他对黑人男性服装风格的欣赏。他分享了他对电影首映式和与好莱坞明星互动的看法,以及他对“Fancy Chef”这个烹饪博主的看法,并详细描述了他邀请“Fancy Chef”来奥斯汀做饭的整个过程。最后,他回顾了他自己的喜剧生涯,以及他如何看待喜剧作为一种职业,并与Tom Segura 讨论了他们各自的职业发展历程。

Deep Dive

Bert and Tom discuss their move to Florida and the quintessential Florida man experience. Tom jokes about Bert embodying the Florida man persona.

Shownotes Transcript


The 2025 Come Together World Tour dates have just announced over 35 new cities. I'm coming to cities across the U.S., including Louisville, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and many more. Plus, we just announced a run of shows in Europe, including Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, Manchester, and Cardiff, Wales. Get pre-sale tickets this Wednesday, October 9th at 1025.

at 10 a.m. local time with the code word TOMMY before the general on sale Friday. All at slash tour. Thank you, and I'll see you at the show. 100% We are coming to you from our new set in our new home. We have moved together to Florida. We're back in Florida, and I'm so fucking happy. I know. I love Florida. Do you feel like a Florida man?

No, but I feel like you are definitely one. Okay. Yeah. So here. Okay. So this is what drives me fucking nuts. Yeah. When you hear. I can smell Florida, man. You know what I mean? Like I sense them. My spidey senses go off. Tell someone to go get us some beers. Yeah. Tell Pete to go get us some beers. I would love a beer. Okay. I'm in a Florida fucking mood. Florida. Florida man drinks. Yeah.

flooring man drinks in the in the afternoons by the way i would argue if you're thinking about quitting alcohol don't okay if you're listening to this and you're thinking today's the day i'm gonna quit i'm done forever it's fucking my life up don't you're setting yourself up for failure wait a minute don't fucking quit drinking did you connect all the things you said though because you just said if somebody is like it's ruining my life no it's not it's not it's you

It's not the alcohol. It's you. Wait a minute. So can they get their life together? Yes. And still continue drinking? Look at me. I got my shit pretty together. I'm a fucking mess. Right? But. Right. I got a great woman by my side. Right? Keeps me in track. Okay. And then. How often does she, you know, adjust the levers with, let's just say drinking specifically? I don't know. I'm literally, I don't know.

She adjusts the levers. No. But she walks up to the cockpit every now and then. How fast are we going? This is, she's paying attention. Did that happen quite a bit? It happened yesterday on my flight.

Wait, I thought we weren't drinking on flights anymore. Oh, we're back. Okay. See, that's the thing. Wait, where did you fly from? LA to Orlando. Okay, you took the LA to Orlando flight. Yeah. And that's the thing is if you say, I'm it. That's it. I'm done. I'm never going to drink again. Right. Then a glass of wine, your life's fucked. Your life isn't fucked. Your life's fucked. But there's people that are sober that are like, no, it's been great. It's been a great pivot. They are holding on by a thread. Well, yeah.

All of them are holding on by a fucking thread. Sometimes they're thriving because they quit. Some people. Some people. But then all of a sudden you make a fucking fun play. I would love to see you like this. What? Just totally sober. I do it all the time. No, I mean like... Like sober for the rest of my life? It would just be fun to watch. I think you would be like...

i don't know you'd be like a superman version of yourself i'll tell you what's better than being and i've been sober for big stretches i'll tell you what's a big stretch like four months four months yeah really yeah three months three months is the longest i've ever gotten i mean i did like 17 years when i was a child but yeah we're not gonna count those but uh yeah four months is the biggest stretch i did i dated longer once when i first started dating leanne but i don't know why did you do that time because she dumped me

She dumped me. And then I was like, all right, I'm done drinking. I'll never drink again. I want this woman in my life. And then we were flying to Italy. And I didn't know this. This was the last amount of money I had. I didn't know that I was spending all my money on this trip to Italy. Didn't you also do that in your honeymoon? Yeah, I did that in my honeymoon too. You really don't have a concept of money. I do not. Still? To this day. You really don't know what's there and what you can... I don't even know what bank we have.

You don't know what bank you're at? I couldn't even tell you. I couldn't even tell you. Do you know what investment firm, like who you have like investments with? No. Like Steve? Steve. No. I don't care. I got it. But I don't care and like I've never cared. Like that's the thing. It's like don't think just because I have money now that I'm going to start caring. I didn't care when we were broke. Yeah. I didn't care when – I never have cared. I will say that having known you when you had no money. Yeah. Yeah.

You don't seem really that different to me. I still get nervous buying things. I'm still a child. If I'm going to buy something, like my tour bus, I was like, why are we doing this? This is so much money. Let's not do this. We can't afford it. And then Leanne's like, you have no idea how much money we have. We can afford it. And I was like, I know, but it feels wasteful. We'll just keep renting. And Leanne's the one that goes...

No, the amount of, because when I would rent buses for a year. For a year, yeah. For this whole year. And that is a lot of fucking money. It is. And so she was like, trust me, this is a wise investment. So I don't even know. I would do it, except that I realized after the last tour that I hate the bus. I just hate it. So I was like, why would I do that? Like, you know what I mean? Like if I don't enjoy it. Oh, wow. That's so wild.

I think if you had my bus, you'd like it. I don't think so. Tom, I go to my bus to hang out. Yeah. Like, I don't hang out in my house. Like, Leanne went for dinner with her friends, and I was at the office, and I just went to my tour bus. I hate spending time...

On any bus. I hate the drive. I hate it. You're asleep during the drive. I love driving during the day. I love taking two days off and just staying on the bus. I love... I can't wait. I'm taking more time off now. I want to fly. I want to fly everywhere. Oh, my God. Yeah. I have no interest in planes. I always... I wish I could... I wish I could fly from the hotel to this place. Like, that's how much I like flying. Yeah.

I wish I could have landed on the roof. How can we be so fucking different? I wish I could have landed on the roof here. I hated yesterday's flight. I hate every fucking flight. So wait, were you really tying one on on the flight? Yeah. So she was like, hey, what's going on? Yeah, I got a double jack on the rocks to start the flight before takeoff.

And then at lunch, with food, I got a double jack on the rocks. And then I started drinking beers. And the flight attendant knew me, so she wasn't slowing me down. She was like, come back with a fresh one. And I was like, nice. And Leanne was like, and then we got off the plane. I was like, you want to get a beer? She was like, what? No, we just landed. I was like, a cocktail then? And she was like, no, we're going to dinner. I was like, I know, but we're going to dinner. We might as well. What are we doing? We have nothing to do. Let's fucking party. She was like, let's get a coffee. So we got coffees. We got to the hotel. And I was like.

espresso martini she was like oh my god what are your shits like every day dude i'm i gotta be honestly i'm taking half shits in the morning i take like a half a shit and then i hold it and then i take a full shit after that you hold it like i don't know it's it's i'm not all coming out at the same time it's really kind of frustrating like i'm taking half a shit and then a full do they come out as logs or are they just kind of like they oh yeah did the best feeling is when

The log is going and you know if you just do it right, you won't break it. And you're like, okay, keep going, keep going, keep going. And all these mixtures of different –

beverages don't affect this at all no no i think i'm here's the other thing is i'm healthy i'm the healthiest i've ever been like i don't know wise i work out ever hold on yes you know for a fact i've been a lot unhealthier yeah okay okay so it's not like a big stretch i'm just in better shape than i've ever been working out like fucking crazy feel great and here's the thing i know a dude who relapsed right yeah and by the way it wasn't a big relapse

like in my opinion what's how do you opinion it was a couple glasses of wine that was the relapse yeah and all of a sudden the world explodes because he had a couple glasses of wine as opposed to saying yo i'm not gonna tell the world i'm world i'm sober i'm gonna let my mistakes be little tiny mistakes inside my head i'm gonna be like a regular person it's crazy to me that this person because you know what it is it's like okay the moment you doubt whether you can fly yeah never mind

It's a quote from Peter Pan. It's on the wall. Yeah. I couldn't read the rest of it. You see forever to be able to do it. That's what I'm talking about. Right. It's like if you quit drinking, then you're never going to drink again. Yes.

It's like, I know a dude whose wife will go to strip clubs. So when he goes to a strip club with us, because he's a fucking regular dude, he fucking melts down. He melts down. And then he has to go confess to his wife. And you're like, what the fuck? Jesus. Right? Yeah. That's crazy. They're bummers, dude. Oh, my God. And you're like, don't even come to the strip club with us, because we want to have a good time. We don't want to fucking sit with old frumpy pants over here who's like, guys, can we go? I really fucked up. Yeah.

Yeah. But now that's what I'm at. I just, I don't know. I was thinking about you. Use your ATM card. Cause mine will show up on the, yeah. I went to a strip club in Vegas one time and I was like, yeah, we're going to, we're going to ball out. I'm going to get everyone some cash. Yeah. I got like a thousand dollars out.

And it's in silly money. It's in their money. So you can't take a name at home. You have to give it all to the strippers. Really? It withdraws their money? It withdraws their money. That's hilarious. It's fucking so frustrating that you're like, ugh. And then we just wanted to leave because we were bored. And we were like, all right. And then I just gave a stripper like, I was like, here you go. Here's like $700. She was like, for what? And I go, get us out of here. We got to leave. Yeah. They let me in in sweatpants.

That's an advanced fucking strip club guy move. We were on tour, and I was about to go to bed, and everyone was like, let's run. No underwear, a little baby oil underneath. No underwear, sweatpants. I was about to go to sleep, and everyone's like, yo, let's go to the strip club. I was like, cool. Should we roll over? And I was like, hey. And they recognized me. And one guy didn't. He goes, no sweatpants. And he goes, oh, it's Bert. He's cool. And I was like, yeah, why wouldn't – what do you mean no sweatpants? What is there, like a wardrobe thing?

fucking you have to certain attire yeah and then i sat down and i realized what you're not about i was like wow they let me in his sweatpants pretty fucking it's crazy your dick gets hard in every one season it's vet move yeah it's very cool this show is sponsored by better help think of a time recently when you didn't feel like you could be your full self like you were hiding behind a mask october is the season for wearing masks and costumes but for some of us

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I get frustrated when I hear guys say, you know me, I'm from fucking Brooklyn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're like. I don't play that shit. I don't play that shit. I'm from Brooklyn. And you're like, I've been to Brooklyn. They've like artesian ice cream. It's not what you think it is.

Like everyone's in skinny pants and skinny boots. Yeah, they're like, not that part of Brooklyn. Not that part of Brooklyn. Real Brooklyn. I grew up in Brooklyn. And you're like, you're borrowing toughness from a fucking movie or a thing that doesn't. Or like, okay, let's do this. What's the most annoying state for a man to say he's from? Well, it's got to be a, yeah, I know what you're doing. I mean, definitely the New York thing is fucking exhausting. What's more exhausting, New York or Boston?

They say I'm from Brooklyn, and then in Boston they go, I grew up in Boston. I'm from Southie. You're not from Southie. No one's from Southie. You know why that? You know why? Because they don't fucking leave Southie. Right. People in Southie I'm scared of. They're fucking tough dudes. But they stay in Southie. They don't come out to LA. Yeah. The Boston, New York thing. I don't know. It's pretty neck and neck. I would say in my life I've heard the New York thing more. Texas? Yeah.

- Texas is a, that's a big one. I'm from Texas. I'm from Texas. - Yeah. And also, and we're not, 'cause that's the other thing you're like, oh, 'cause Texas is essentially the South and they go like, we're not the South. And you're like, what are you? And like, we're Texas. And you're like,

Okay. That's just kind of fucking exhausting. Yeah. All right. I got it. You talk the same and you fucking walk the same. You say the same my daddy fucking bullshit, but you're not that. My daddy. Yeah. Yeah. It's like... If you call... I love it when grown men call their dad daddy. Daddy is a real southern fucking thing. I fucked up one time and called my dad daddy in a special...

It was the last special I did. And I was talking about my dad. And I said, Daddy. And the whole room went. I had to edit it out. It was so fucking gross. It's gross. It's gross. I remember this fucking hillbilly that I went to college with. He told me that when he was like seven, he

He said something and he goes, daddy, you know, and he's in my, my, my daddy said, uh, like you, boy, you call me daddy again. I'm going to knock your head right out. And I like, basically I'm going to beat you. If you call me daddy again, I go, how'd that go? He's like, well, I never, I never said it again. Like,

Yeah, it's a different parenting choice, I guess. I mean, I don't really hear it from my, I mean, my kids are six and eight. They're allowed to say daddy. They are allowed to, but they instinctively usually just say dad. Yeah. It's amazing how many black men call their mom mama. It's amazing? Yeah, like all black men call their mom mama. Yeah. That's like wild. No matter where they're from in the country, they call their mom mama. And you think that's a Southern thing?

yeah but i like there was a video a really cool video i don't like i love i love uh i love social content creators content creators for football teams it's always some white guy with like a thing like oh we'll give these guys a vcr tape they won't know what it is and then like what is this and it's just some 20 year old black kid going i have no fucking idea i have i have no idea what you're saying but go ahead i just saw it today okay but the one they did was they said to the um

They said to the team members, when was the last time you talked to your mom? And every black dude was like, I call my mom the first thing in the morning. I pray for my mama. I talk to my mama every day. Mama, I love you. It was wild. They all called them mama. Black community reveres mother way more. I even heard this. By the way, can I trust Peter that he didn't spike this? He didn't spike it. You sure? Yeah.

I think Peter's about to quit, by the way. You think what? Peter's about to quit. Is he? Yeah. What's he going to do? Move to Italy. Why? Because he's young and he has money. He's never spent a fucking... How long have you worked for me, Peter? Three years. Three years. Never spent a cent. In human years, that's like 15 years. That's fucking crazy. Are you really going to move to Italy? What city? Huh? Northern Italy. He's obsessed with Northern Italy.

he's obsessed with the german influence nice dude he's this border like up there he's young why the fuck not i think it's a great idea that's the thing not enough people are taking chances what were we talking you're not gonna do it at 45 no no you're not and you're not doing it 51 we've been trying to fucking get out of the city i can't leave i gotta work every fucking day this is the age to do it this is the age to do it and you'll fucking learn a language and you'll

you know, bang some chick that you'll never see again. And who cares if she has your kid, you'll never see her, you know? Yeah. It's great. What were we talking about? Mamas mama. So this is how much I'm saying though, like black community reveres mother more is a, it was a story where a shack was telling the story about him and Charles Barkley,

during a game got in a fight and like threw bows at each other and it was and they were both ejected and they were both like heated and when Shaq got to the locker room they were like oh it's free the phone for you and it was Barkley's mom and he was like oh you know mom's on the phone so he was like he just went right to like yes ma'am no man and like she

like squash the beef by calling him like come on now we need to behave and that's how it that's wild you know i mean that's it's like i think i feel like if it was like two white guys he'd be like who fuck your mom fuck your husband fuck everybody yeah yeah that's so crazy yeah like if you talk shit about a black guy's mom he'll fight you dude i remember hearing a story about this kid this this dude said like latin mom shit's like that too though real 100 yes

A thousand percent. That's funny. It's all Virgin Mary stuff. It's all rooted in Catholicism there, though. Really? Absolutely. I don't really... I mean, I love my mom, but if you talk shit about my mom, I'd be like, okay. Yeah, most... I was saying white guy stuff is just like, fuck my mom. But if you go hardcore Latin, they don't fucking play that either. I don't even know if I... When I make a phone call to my parents, I think I always call my dad's phone. I still do, and he never answers. But...

I always wanted to talk to my dad. Yeah. I never. Like, it's so wild that, like, that's so crazy that the communities are so vastly different. Yeah. It is. It's totally different. Totally different. But you never hear black guys. No, black guys do it. What? When they say what city they're from.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I always thought it was like a white guy. That's part of a black guy's introduction to you is like repping fucking 305. Oh, yeah. What am I talking about? They get a tattooed on them. Yeah. Yeah. They tell you the street that they grew up on. That's crazy. I was listening to this thing about Rosa Parks. Not Rosa Parks. Harriet Tubman. Okay. You know, Harriet Tubman is a bad motherfucker, right? So she...

This just broke my heart. So she runs away. First of all, she runs away from the South with her two brothers the first time. And they get nervous and they make her go back. So she ran away and then got far away. And her brothers are like, yo, let's get the fuck back. Did you listen to a podcast? I did. I did. Why? Yeah. Because this is how you recap podcasts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're like, fuck it. This fucking sucks. I'm not going to sleep in the Mars. Let's go home. So they go home. Harry Tubman, married, by the way. Married to a free man. Black, but free. Okay.

Yeah. Kind of crazy that he'd be free and she's a slave. Yeah. I don't understand that. I don't know how it works, but anyway. Um, so then she's like, fuck this. I'm out. So she bails, right? She leaves. She,

She then goes back and brings her brothers out. They're like, yo, I made it out. Philly's not that far. Let's go. So she then takes them over, back over to Philly. Then she goes, I'm going to go get my husband. He's free. I don't really get it, but she gets it. So she dresses as a dude, goes back to her old plantation, goes to get her husband. Her husband's fucking remarried. In like two months, he fucking finds a side piece. Yeah.

And Harriet Tubman's like. Every guy. Fucking. Every guy's the same. God. She's gone? Oh, yeah. I got to get somebody else. How could you be? How could? I mean, I'm sure there's a real simple explanation for this. But like, how could you be a free black man in the South married to a slave? I don't understand. I don't know. I don't know how it works.

I don't know. I'm sure you could call somebody you know who was like, oh, here's how we did it. Should I call Donnell? Yeah, he would love that question. Hey, Donnell, can I ask you a question about slavery? Click. Yeah, no. So wait, how many times did she make the trip down? A lot. A lot. And she was like. I don't know. I always picture. Is it like horseback? Is it?

trains like how do you how are people making the foot the whole time my foot there and back is always my back woman must have walked if she had a pedometer if she had a she was getting her steps is that what you're saying oh that's cool she was definitely getting her steps that'd be a cool um you know like memorial for her i thought you're gonna say like uh integration no i just meant like it's like like a sign that said harry tubman and then in quote said getting her steps and you know

That's a really cool way to honor somebody. Can I tell you? I think about when I was running the LA marathon, I thought about Harriet Tubman and I thought about the trail of tears.

And I was like, those guys did it. And they didn't even train. They did not. Neither did you. Harriet Tubman did not train. You didn't either. You just signed up. And I wonder if she was sore as fuck the next day. So is it reasonable to say that during the LA Marathon that you ran, you were just like, I am bringing someone to freedom right now? I'm taking slaves to freedom? That's what you were going through your head? No, I was just thinking, I am just like Harriet Tubman. That's very cool.

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If Harriet Tubman can do this, I can do this. She didn't even have good shoes. She definitely didn't. Didn't have headsets. Nope. She didn't have Nikes at all. Wasn't on like a mapped out trail. No. Didn't have water stops. No. People weren't handing her bananas. Nuh-uh. No. No go pack kind of. No go pack. Little glucose spikes. Yeah. You're right. She did it way different than you. She did it in like boots. Yeah. Yeah.

Harriet Tubman getting her steps in. Yeah. That's a good... It's a good... Yeah. It's the name of a new documentary. Fitbit should...

The Fitbit should do an integration with her. Take a picture of Harriet Tubman and put a Fitbit on her. Oh, my God. Do you remember that she was going to be on the 20? Wasn't she going to be on the 20? You don't remember this? No. It was during like sometime during the Trump presidency. They were like, oh, we're going to redesign the 20 and we're going to put Harriet Tubman on it. And.

most people were like well that's a great honor like that seems pretty amazing and i i would have to get verification but apparently trump and or his office was like i don't like that idea because she's not very attractive i swear to god i swear to god as opposed to all the other people on bills those are gorgeous like all smoke shows that is that wrong that can some can they google that

Trump said she's just not that hot. Basically. This is what the story was. Now, I'm somebody who will say maybe that is not true. Maybe. But you said it on a podcast, so now it's true forever. Well, that was – I'm saying the rumor was that. I'm not making up the rumor. Yeah. Whether or not – Oh, that wasn't a real rumor. That was a real rumor. Okay. But I don't know. I can't verify that he actually said that. Now –

Would that be out of the realm of possibilities of something he would say? I don't think so. I bet he's so fucking fun to have. Hilarious. I bet he's, yeah, unhinged 24-7. Just like, what? Yeah. Look at her. I don't want her on my money. I could totally see him saying that.

I was thinking it was going to be something else. Is it? It's true, yeah. Omarosa claims that Donald Trump questioned Harriet Tubman's appearance after an aide approached him about putting the famous slave on the phone. Omarosa? Well, because she was on The Apprentice, and then she was in good graces with him for a while, and then she had a falling out. Really? Yeah.

so could she have made up that he said that yes i'm saying it was pretty fucking hot right so you know i don't know but it's still it's a pretty cool story we did uh this is the hardest i've laughed in a while i i think we have video of it but it's one of the hardest i've laughed rachel in our office we're doing a fantasy football league uh-huh and uh

You know, our office is diverse. We have an African-American young lady named Kyle. Kudos to you, man. Who works for us. Yes. And... We have one, too. His name is Enny. Okay.

We should introduce them. They would probably love to meet each other. We should get them to play together. Yeah. I'll bring Kyle to any, and then me and you will just wink. Yeah. We'll just watch. We'll be like, go ahead. So we're doing punishments for the loser of our fantasy football league, and Rachel goes, you know, you got to spend –

24 hours at a Waffle House. You gotta spend 24 hours at a Buffalo Wild Wings. That's the punishment? You gotta get a tattoo. And then one of the ones, she's like, she goes, you gotta get a spray tan, but super dark. And we're all like, look at Kyle. She goes, that's a punishment? She goes, yeah, really dark. And Kyle was like, like, how dark? Like,

And Rachel, I could not stop laughing. And I was like, and Rachel never got it. She was like, what? What? Wouldn't that be horrible? Kyle went through my closet and she goes, I think you're a black man. I think I'm starting to dress more like a black dude. What was Kyle's observation? The hats and the shoes? The hats and the shoes are number one. But if I dress fancy, I dress- Fancy black? Fancy black. Really? Yeah. Like how, what's that? Like loud suits? No collar. No collar.

No collar? Velvet, no collar. Oh, yeah? I went to Emmy's party. Yeah. And I had a fucking badass shirt. But it was patterned velvet with a velvet suit, velvet shoes. You dressed like a pastor. Yeah. Yeah. I dressed like a black guy. When I went to Kevin Hart's party for the Netflix thing...

I dress like a black dude. I don't dress like a black dude, but I just like, like brothers kept complimenting me on what I was wearing. That's a good sign. It feels good too. Yeah. Oh, when a black guy goes, dude, I like that shirt. And I was like, I thought you would. Yeah. This is for the Emmys thing you're talking about? For everything I dress, I dress like a black dude. Really? Yeah. I started buying black dude outfits. I was telling you this. Yes, you did. A black dude XL shockingly is not an XL.

That was really strange. That was wild. Were you in a southern city for that? I think you were. Yeah. I was in a southern city. I go to the, for lack of better words, the black eye clothing places. Places that sells lots of colors of fedora hats. Everyone knows what we're talking about. I've been there. Yeah.

And so I got these really cool. And you make it work? You feel like you make it work? I wear them all the time. No one ever noticed. No one ever, no one's ever like, what are you doing? Yeah, like you're wearing a costume. Yeah. You don't wear it like that. No, people go, that looks good. I don't think I can do that. You can. But the thing is, so I go in and I get two outfits, a tan one.

It's like a match. The pants and the shirt are the same. You get those? I get them. The matching stuff. Yeah. And it's interesting. Do you wear that out or on stage or just? I don't wear it on stage. I wear it out. Like if like I'm going somewhere. Yeah. Like, and so I get them and I just, I mean, maybe this is racist, but I assume that an XL at a black guy's store would be like, actually be like a large size.

like i thought it would be i thought it would be the same you know how like target xl is really like a double xl right and then uh like uh abercrombie and fitch xl is like a large right right like you go to banana republic their excel is like a little more of a large so depending on the manufacturer and the place you're buying it at well then their typical clientele it's like they make the adjustment

They make the adjustments so that if you're selling, that you feel good about yourself because they know who the clientele. That's right. Or like if you buy European cut clothing. Yeah. Oh, they're fucking get out of here. I went not long ago to buy a shirt from an Italian designer place. You know what actually fit like normal? Like just fit like a normal shirt. What? 4X.

It was a quadruple X. And I was like, this is a four X. And they're like, yes. Yeah. We did not have your kind. And that was like, I mean, you know, it was just like a normal size t-shirt. I was like, yeah. Okay. So, so I go in and I go, I'll get XLs. And the guy behind the counter is like, are you sure? And I thought he was just saying like, you're a big guy. And I was like, no, they'll fit. And he goes, okay. So I buy two outfits, one,

four shirts you don't try it on i don't try it on because i'm like i know my size and by the way i know i'm an xl now i'm like i'm an xl at banana republic so i'm like i'm good proper xl dude xl shirts none of them fucking fit i bought an xl uh bedazzled giraffe on the back of one beautiful fucking barely barely get my arm dude i just got i just got hosed by i mean it didn't do it on purpose but you remember that uh t-shirt that beau said to get yeah

And then he's like, you and me are the same. Like, we're the same. So just order. Yeah. He's like, order what I got. I'm like, oh, okay. He's like, we're the same. And I go, great. So I order it.

I fucking put it on and it looks like I'm going to go scuba diving in it. Like it's like it fits here. Then it like sticks to the body. And I'm like, I look like an asshole. Like I look like a total asshole in this. Of course I already took off tags and all this shit. And like, you know, it's not his fault, but the,

Thing is, if you don't know how something's going to be cut, then you're just rolling the dice. And this size does not fit. Wait, who is the designer? I don't want to say it. You don't want to say it. I'll tell you later. Okay. Yeah, I went to put on all these shirts and none of them fit. None of the pants fit. The shirts fit on the suits, on the outfits. But the pants were super fucking tight. They were not XL. And...

And the arms were cut weird. It was odd. And so I can't return them. I just have them. Yeah. If there's a skinny black dude who would like two outfits, I got you. Hit him up. Hit him up. And I just have the shirts that I bought that he sent me. And they just sit in the corner and I go, one day.

I put on this eyeballing November. Like you can maybe get in these in November. I put on a shirt to go to a premiere of a movie. I was with Leanna and I started going to movie premieres. Really? Yeah. Why? I don't know. We have nothing to do. Oh, is that fun? No, I don't know.

I don't know. I like that you keep going. You're like, I don't even know if I'm having fun. I'll tell you what's fun. I got to be dead honest with you. It's going to see a movie. That I agree with. That's the fun part. So like you're going to see a movie, but they, you can't get anything. They just give you popcorn and a diet Coke. So you can't get, it's not like you're going to see a movie. What would you normally get at a movie? Fucking everything. Cocktails, fucking hot dog. They don't have hot dogs, pizza, anything. I'm keto though. So I don't, I probably wouldn't eat a lot of that. Hardcore. Hardcore keto. Yeah.

So we go the last, we went, we've been to a couple. I'll tell you what's weird is in order to go, you have to do the red carpet. Okay. Like, cause that's why they're getting you there so they can take pictures of you to say, Oh, look who came to see this movie. Yeah. Oh, you want to hear something cool about this? Yeah. So random as fuck, Andy Garcia,

used to take acting classes next door to my house okay so he's still at it the guy's still he'd meet with this lady and he'd do acting like work on his work on his craft and it was next door to my old house my old house right yeah it was next door so randomly all the time i would see andy garcia i would see him like once a week i'd see andy garcia just walking and and

but in my front yard, he'd be, I, he'd be walking past. You remember how close those houses were? And I'd be like, Hey, what's up? And every, I'd see him once a week. I saw Andy Garcia once a fucking week. Right? So we go to this premiere for this movie, a new George Clooney, uh, Brad Pitt movie. I'm sure that's why they invite you. So you can talk about it on your podcast across wolves. It's very fucking good. It's good. It's good. It's fucking George Clooney and Brad Pitt. Well, I know, but I mean, it doesn't have to be a good movie. They're fucking amazing. Okay.

so they go, Hey, do you mind doing the red carpet? And by the way, they've, I've, this is kind of cool. They all, sometimes they tell me, and can you just wait while he does red carpet? That's got to feel good. I go, yeah, no, just don't ever forget who brings the fucking butter home. Yeah. So they're like, I just stand over here. Yeah. And she's cool. She's like, Oh sure, sure. I don't want to be a bother. I won't be a bother. And then today, this time I go, Hey, can she do it with me? And they're like, yeah, of course. It's amazing. Uh, so, uh,

Andy Garcia walks up and they're like, yo, can we put Andy Garcia in front of you? I was like, fuck yeah, of course. Cause he, he's just going to go in. He's friends with those guys. And he walks in front of me and he goes like this. He goes, Hey, I go, Hey. And he goes,

And I go, yeah, what's up? He was like, oh, like, and you can see he's like, how the fuck do I know you? And I so badly want to go. I used to see you once a week, but I didn't tell him. You could see Liam was like, do you know Andy Garcia? Wait, you never told her? I never told her. I just, but I was like, I wanted to be like, I see you all. I used to see you all the time. And, but I just, and then he just was like this. You could see his fucking, he was like.

Am I getting dementia? How the fuck do I know this guy? I love Andy Garcia. He is great. George Clooney and Brad Pitt in person. Fucking gorgeous.

They were in – so I didn't have to do much of the red carpet because they were still on the red carpet. I mean, when they do the red carpet, like, people are all over them. George, George, George, turn this way. Turn this way. Just fucking great. Saw Simon Rex there. He's fucking gorgeous. But here's the question I have about these movie premieres. So if you're not going to see a free movie, it's a weird, like, social –

dichotomy of life like it's a weird thing everyone ultimately wants to get next to Brad Pitt and talk to Brad Pitt or George Clooney yeah ultimately that's you could see it I mean like the seas were converging around them like so there was it was three places you could hang out at this after party front bar back outside bar upstairs bar four places and the outside bar upstairs George Clooney Brad Pitt were in the outside bar upstairs

And it was, I mean, it was like almost like they were releasing tickets to a concert. Like, and these are all people I'd assume that are in the movie industry, but they're all like trying to get close. Yeah. It was so weird. And I was just, it turned me off. I was like, I was like, let's just say I sat out and talked to Nick Kroll the whole time. And I was like, I was like, just talked about stand up. And it is gross. I've been, I was at a after party for after a premiere once.

And the way that people are slowly, what they do is like, if the talent's over here, they start to like, they're like, yeah, yeah. And you're like, what are you doing? And then they, the grossest is when,

start to move and then the people gradually start to like drift their steps this way so that maybe they can intercept them on their path. Or people go like this. People go like this. They're talking to you and this is not Nick Kroll. And by the way, it was so not Nick Kroll that I started doing it. Yeah. Is...

Because I'm definitely, I'm someone that go be like, you know, look around. Yeah. Like, who's that? And Nick Kroll makes eye contact the whole fucking time he's talking to you. Yeah. So then I started going, oh, I'm going to make eye contact too. So I was looking at him in his eyes. Yeah. And it was like really creepy. But most of the people at those parties, they talk to you. Probably because you were going, keep looking in his eyes, keep looking in his eyes. And he was like, well, this is pretty intense, man. Honestly.

He's like, I'm good. I gotta go. But most people at those... This is the worst is you'll be talking to someone and you'll be like, yeah, I don't know. I thought the movie was good. And they're like, yeah, yeah. And then they just walk away. And you're like, the fuck just happened? It's very... It's literally not different than high school. It is exactly the way...

high school hierarchy operates between like the coolest and there's this kid and there's the there's the weirdos and the like it's the same thing and they're just everyone's just trying to like who's the most popular it's fucking strange leanne said she goes do you want to go upstairs and i was like i was like maybe like a mate george and brad yeah she goes you want to see if we can say hi to they invited you you should go up and say hi and thank you and i was like

I don't think that's how it works. And I was like, and I think, I don't think it's going to be what you think it's going to be. I love if you would have been, hey, George, thanks for inviting me. And he'd go, I'm sorry? You invited me? And he goes, I don't fucking know who you are. He'd be like, hey, can you pull up that Aston Martin? I'll be out in a second. And you're like, yeah, sure. Thanks for inviting me. It's so sincere. I've always wanted to go to Lake Cuomo. Cuomo.

And he'll be like, yeah, thank you. So we go upstairs. We go upstairs. And it's, I mean, it is slam packed. And the whole time I'm like, yeah, I don't, I go, it's not, even if best case scenario, best case scenario, Brad Pitt,

turns and he goes like this and now we have my andy garcia moment where he's like how do i know that person yeah and then i go i'm friends with tom segura and then he's going huh like best case scenario i still fuck it up yeah and so i was like i was like yo this isn't let's get the fuck out of here and she was like for real you don't want to say hi to nobody and then richard fucking kind i bump into richard kind yeah it's like hey burt hey leanne

I fucking remembered my wife's name. Really? Fucking remembered my fucking wife's name. How did he wife's name? We met him at a party. We just met him once. Really? Yeah, and he remembered my fucking wife's name. And I was like, Jesus Christ, man. I was like, he's better than me. He's awesome. He's the fucking best. And then I did say, sneaky, I did see Nick Kroll gets up. He's upstairs and he's talking to Richard Kind. And George Clooney came up and dapped up Nick Kroll.

really yeah i just thought that was cool shit that is cool i was like whoa and nick i don't nick i don't think he knows him but he was just like what's up i like your work or whatever i thought that was cool that's we went to one premiere and uh it was a snoop dog movie 1992 it's fucking sneaky good it's like you it's it's tyrese uh clint eastwood's son scott eastwood mm-hmm

And it's such a good fucking... It's Ray Loiota's last movie he did. Really? It is such a good fucking movie. 1992 it's called? 1992. And I'll tell you... And Snoop isn't a Snoop? Snoop produced it. Oh. Black premieres, way better than white premieres. So far you're into black clothing. Yes. Black podcasts. Black shoes. Their matriarchy. Their matriarchy. Everything. Black premieres. Dude, Stacey Adams are fucking badass shoes. Sidebar. Anyway, so...

Super diverse episode. So Tyrese goes up and talks. This is like right when Tyrese was like kind of going wild everywhere. Right before he got arrested. He knew he was getting arrested. He went up and gave like a speech. And like Scott Eastwood, I don't think even went up there. He was just like, whatever. This is your movie. And so the best is he's like, I got to give it up for Unk. Everybody's Snoop Dogg. And by the way, me and Leanne are sitting behind Lunel. Okay? Lunel is...

The fucking greatest. She is holding court in our corner with everyone. Everyone's. And they're like, uh, Reggie Watts is there. I mean, like it's like a interesting corner, right?

Who was the dude sitting next to Reggie Watts that is like, I wondered if they knew each other. He was famous, but I knew him. He was a comedian too. I can't remember who it was. But anyway, so they're like, give it up for Snoop Dogg. And everyone goes, yeah, Snoop Dogg. And then this white guy goes, yay, yay. And Luenell goes, that's Ice Cube, you dumb motherfucker. You culturally appropriating white boy.

And the place fucking fell out. Yay, yay. I thought that was fucking great. That's hilarious. She's fantastic. Lunell's amazing. She had a fish sandwich one time that I've been looking for for about two years. What do you mean? You were somewhere and she was eating a fish sandwich? She was eating a fish sandwich on livestream. Oh. And she was talking about it. I've talked to her three times about this fish sandwich. I even mentioned it on Good Day LA. I was like, if anyone helped me find this fish sandwich. It was so good looking.

And it was going out. They were trying to run this place out of business during COVID. Yeah. And she was like, yo, if you can, stop by this. It's a fucking. Dude, I'm so obsessed with Fancy Chef. Have I told you about him? What's Fancy Chef? Fancy Chef is this guy who goes by. Yeah.

He posts like his cooking stuff, but it's just, it's not right. Like it's that something's wrong, you know? Wait, wait, hold on. Tell me more. So he's like. Is he on Instagram? Yeah. What's his, is it fancy chef? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And he does like, he'll be like, check out this shit I just made.

And it'll be like, it'll be a store-bought cake with blueberries on it. And he's like, look at this. Beautiful and nice. Beautiful and nice. And you're like, yeah, that's just a cake from Ralph, you know, like that you put berries on. Did you find him? Yeah. So he doesn't make the cake? I named it Thanksgiving holiday package. Listen to this package often. Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, and Valentine's Day.

you know what the rate is no two to five million dollars to cook for those six days okay but if you scroll to look at some of the food he's made like if you see some of his food

you can see what kind of level we're talking where you see by the way every video is the same it looks like a clan member yeah yeah he wears his hat a lot that's a weird choice for a black dude yeah that hat I mean it looks like a clan outfit well on purpose he wears his chef's outfit everywhere his newest move is that he's going to restaurants ordering food and he's like check out what I made as he's sitting at the table

He just ordered it from a restaurant. He said, look at this beautiful dish. And you're like, you just ordered that. Like, you're not in the kitchen. You're just sitting at a table at a restaurant. So...

I've been obsessed with his videos. And he also like, he'll, he puts a lot of shit in wine glass. So he'll be like, you know, here I have a wine glass and then he'll put like a rib in there, some raspberries, ranch dressing and honey. And he'll be like, look at this shit. It's beautiful. So I watched his videos and which he, he also has three phone numbers. You know, one of those guys who's like, give me a call at 5 7 0 2 1 4 or 7 0 2 6. And you're like, what the, what, how many fucking numbers do you have? Yeah. So,

We've been calling him and calling him and calling him. And we finally got him on the phone. And I was like, I want you to come to Austin. How much? To cook for me. He's like, I already been through this shit with your man, Zolo. And I was like, yeah. Are you serious? Yeah. Because Zolo. And I go, so you're locked in? He goes, I told him. He said, I only fly first class. I go, done. Done.

five-star hotel done ground transportation done and then he's like I don't fuck with paper plates I was like okay so he was like go by I love fancy cutlery and and then you know full kitchen he needs every fucking possible piece of cooking equipment you could have and I go great we'll shop for all of it

And then I was like, are we set? And he was like, yeah. And I go, what will you make? And he goes, I've been a chef for 40 years, man. I cook anything you want. And I was like, great. I love sea bass. And he goes, yeah, I don't really fuck with seafood. I was like. Are you serious? Yeah. I was like, that's a huge part of cuisine. Yeah. Yeah. And he's like, yeah, it smells. I was like, yeah.

All right. So what do you want to make? He's like, how about like a New York strip? I was like, all right. I love New York strip. Strip works. By the way, that's the last piece of steak I'd want out of all the cuts. Okay. So here's the thing. We're so excited. He's supposed to come Wednesday. To Austin? Yeah. Fuck.

I don't know if he's going to show up. I just pointed out to the guys. I was like, do you have car service? And they're like, yeah, picking him up. I go, no, taking him to the airport. You think he's going to find the airport? Yeah. Oh, yeah. You got it. You got to fucking. You got to pick him up from his house. And they were like, OK, we'll add that. So we're going to be very excited. I mean, we are excited. We're very disappointed if he doesn't show up. He's not going to show up.

I don't know. I can't believe he's charging $2 to $5 million for those six days of work. That's wild. With a 65% deposit of money. But here's the deal. It's really smart for him because if he just books one of those, he's set for life. Yeah. All he has to do is book one. He doesn't have to book all of them. Hey, man, I know the range was $2 to $5. I took the $5 million option and I just sent you $3 million for the deposit. We good? He's like, boink.

And then, you know, he would just get them and be like, this shit ain't right. I'm leaving. Just walk out. God forbid that those people want Seabass. Yeah. They pay $5 million and they don't get Seabass. I'd be so upset.

I love it. I love where this world's turned. I love that you don't have to know how to do what you're doing to do it. Yeah. I think it's so fucking brilliant. And make demands. Yeah. That's the thing is he is slowly but surely becoming a star with his – this profile that people are slowly discovering. Yeah. And we started talking about it and then the episode is going to come out pretty soon where we highlight him more and then we get him on the phone. And yeah, I've invited like –

some other special people to be there for him. Yeah. We are from a very lucky generation. Yeah. We, me and you are from a generation where not everyone could do everything. So you like our chefs, our chefs, our chefs,

had to want to be chefs they didn't want to be television personalities totally like that like there was a period where like people were becoming chefs just so they could get in front of the camera yeah like yeah i'm a chef but like i want to i think that's still done now yeah right in comics i i chose comedy i mean this is gonna sound crazy to anyone and i i know i sound fucking out of my mind sometimes but i chose comedy when it wasn't an occupation

Yeah. Like when no one was doing comedy, no one decided to be a comedian when we started doing comedy. Well, I think people were, but they, we had,

First of all, we had no idea that the internet would be the platform that it – like the internet existed, but just barely. But it did exist. But no one was like, yeah, you can share your stuff there. Like we went into it being like, God, I hope enough the right people see me and I can get maybe some TV deal. But more importantly, have clubs just book me. That was it. I didn't even know there were clubs. I didn't even know how comedy worked. Yeah. I just knew I wanted to do stand-up and I needed to move to New York.

And I was like, I'd never seen, I'd seen in comics. I didn't even understand how the business worked. Now I see people doing comedy that they're like, like my daughter's best friend wants to be a comedian. Really? Yeah. And I was like, I think she should. I really think she should. She's the funniest fucking human being I've ever been around.

She is so fucking funny. Your older daughter? Oldest daughter. George's best friend. I actually was like, yo, no lie. I tried to get her on stage at Fully Loaded. Me and Whitney tried to get her on stage. We're like, just get on stage. Just try it. Because she is really genuinely one of the funniest human beings around. That child has made me laugh. And... That child has made me laugh. And not... This is the best... I always say this about people that... Like...

As a comic, you know someone's funny. You know someone's going to be great when they make you laugh and they're not trying to make you laugh. Right. When they're just being them and you're laughing, that's what a real comic spirit is. Because that's what you end up trying to be. Yeah. That person that was not trying to be a performer. Yeah. The reason, yeah. I mean, I told this to someone the other day. Wait, she wouldn't get on though when you guys tried to? No, she's fucking 19 years old. She was terrified. It was fucking 12,000 people.

Isn't that maybe not the time to do an open mic? Yeah. I was like, Whitney and I wrote her an act. We're like, just say these jokes, get yourself comfortable, and then talk from your heart. Like, just say. She made me... I mean, this... We love this kid like one of our children. She's been with us, you know? But like, this kid's genuinely fucking funny. But nowadays, it's like...

It's like I see so many people go, yeah, I'll just do comedy. Maybe I'll just start a YouTube channel. I'm going to culinary school. And you're like, but yeah, but what are your incentives? I feel like things have been whittled. Like all of a sudden something pops, right? And then everyone runs to it. And everyone goes, well, I'm going to be one of those now. Yeah, of course. And you're like, when our generation, it was like Dave Attell became a comedian because that's the only thing he could do. Yeah. And he loved doing it. Sarah Silverman. I don't think people realize how special Sarah is.

Sarah started at a young age and has been doing stand-up comedy at a high level for the longest fucking time. And she didn't pick it because she thought it was a way to get into acting or this was going to leapfrog her skin line. You do it for the same reason. That's the thing that is shared no matter the generation is you start it and you do it because you're like, oh, this way I don't have to get a real job. Yeah. It's like this is the best. If I can make enough

to survive, then I can not have a real job, which is really the goal. Joe Rogan. I mean, I think people forget. I think because now Joe is what he is. Joe Rogan didn't get in this to have a podcast. No. At all. He got in it, one, to get away from head wounds.

Yeah. Head trauma. Head trauma. Yeah. And he loved comedy. And I see so many people nowadays, and I'm not shitting on them. I don't really care. It's like, I just have fun with your life, ultimately. But it's so funny that the thing that we picked when we had no real, like, a lot of options now seems like a very viable job for people. Yeah. I mean, I think people go. Do you remember telling your dad you wanted to do comedy? Yes. How did that go?

You know, he was surprisingly, like, I don't think he fully got it, but he was really supportive. Yeah. He was just like, you got to go try to do this. Because his story was that, you know, he was like, he ran track. He played football. He was a starting quarterback. He was a competitive Olympic lifter. And what he wanted to do was be a high school football coach and a PE teacher.

That's what he wanted to do. And he said that he told his dad and his dad was like, no son of mine is going to be a PE teacher. Right. So, and, and he always talked about, he loved, he loved football college, but he's like, I loved, he's like, I wanted to be a high school football coach. And my dad was like, absolutely not. So, you know, he went into like a traditional, uh,

uh he became a financial advisor he's the guy that you go I want to open a 401k and he liked it you get to work with people and he loved working with people and stuff and but when I was like yeah I want to do comedy he was like I'm gonna do what my dad didn't do and like he's like I don't really understand how that works yeah but I'm saying go try it because you don't want to be older and be like I wish I would have tried this thing

so he was really encouraging my mom was like what are you talking about like you should go to the post office and get a job at the post office and i was like what and she was like this way you have a job and you can do your shows at night and i go at the post office and she was 100 serious you know she's their benefits and the federal employee and i'm like

What? So, but he was always very encouraging, you know? Yeah. And like, he was like thrilled when I made 50 bucks. I told him one time I made $50 doing this show. He was like, Jesus, really? I go, yeah. Give me 50 bucks just to pop into this show. And he was like, that's fucking great. He was like telling, he was bragging. He was like, I got like 50 bucks to do a show. But he was like super excited by it. But he also was just like, you know, I don't know how this works. Yeah.

now i also remember telling him like oh like this month you know i shot that commercial but like the residuals haven't come in so it's not good he's like hey you got to like figure something out and that's when i was like yeah like one of those early transition stages and i got a job at a pizza place off of riverside drive in the valley oh wow and i was i was like so i was like i was like okay i gotta like should have joined the post office yeah post office would have been cooler um

That's why I started doing all those odd end jobs was like, you know, to float between. And then even then, dude, I still remember in 2011, the improv gave me nine weeks in a row of headlining in a row. One week off and then 11 weeks in a row headlining. Wow. And I took every single week. Yeah. And when I got back from 20 weeks of headlining, I was like, I have to get a job.

They were paying me $12.50, which everyone's going to be like, $12.50 a week. You got to pay for travel. Pay for travel. And you live while you're there. You got to buy certain meals and shit and pay your... Got back and I was like, yeah, it's not enough to live. For headlining the A club of the nation, right? And that's when I became a site rep. Remember when I was a site rep? Oh, yeah. So that's what a site rep is like...

And somebody's like, yeah, you can shoot in our building for a production, but somebody has to oversee the liaison between the building and the production. So then I had to do that. And that was like after headlining all those weeks. I was like, oh, this is fucking. Yeah. But he still was like, he was still like, yeah, you know, I go like, yeah, you know, I'm still there.

doing better than last year that's what i always graded on for him i was like well last year i was like this this year's a better year oh i was the exact opposite i had an amazing first year of comedy oh right yeah you had like deals an amazing second year of comedy i had an amazing first three four years of comedy was like chosen child the chosen one peak i get a beer chosen one you can have this and then okay i trust you yeah that second shit's coming up is it

Well, that was close. I got it, Pete. Oh, yeah. Thanks. So, yeah, I had a big deal six months into doing comedy with Will Smith. I had another big deal. I had a TV show. I did a pilot. I had another TV show.

And then I spent it all. Isn't that crazy? I spent it all. I spent money like, I remember one time my business manager called and he was like, are you sick? Yeah. And I was like, why? And he goes, you're spending money like you're dying. And I was like, I remember my- Like you're dying? Yeah. I remember my credit card got declined for a pizza. That's when I knew I didn't have any money left.

That was the canary in the mine. Yeah. I had whatever it was, like a Merrill Lynch, right? Is that it? Like a Merrill Lynch card? Yeah. And I got a pizza. And I think I either gave them the credit card number and it got declined. And I was like, so I'm out of money. That's how I knew I was out of money. Jesus Christ. Yeah. I did know that one time I took... This is like... I don't remember the year, but I just started to work more. And I think I put out an album. So I had like the...

And you look at when you book a trip, like, oh, the rooms are this, this is, and you're like, oh, so it'll cost this much. And I tell Christina, we're going to Hawaii. We go to Hawaii. And then during the trip, I'm realizing that like lunch at this hotel is like $400. Like, they're just like, this is the only place to eat. It's $400 for lunch. And I'm like, and Christina's like, we can afford this. I'm like, yeah. Yeah.

And we get to the end of the thing and I see like the checkout bill and I'm like, this is like three times what I thought this was. And I'm just like, and I like hand it over and I get back and I'm like, I'm making like payments on this thing. And I was like, this is fucking stupid.

She has no idea that I'm like, I think I have to sell something to pay for this trip. You know my story of my honeymoon, right? Yeah, of course. I brought it up earlier. That's right. Yeah. Of course. Yeah, it's fucking devastating. You're like, oh my God. It's fucking insane. And it's how things can just turn. Like, you know, I mean, dude, I remember this is crazy, but I remember when my dad came out and like,

I think that was 2017, 2017 or 18. And I was like, oh, these are my tax returns for this year. And he goes, do you realize that you earn more this year than in my entire career combined? And I was like, really? And he was like, yeah. And I go, do you realize that this was like just talking about my dick and farts and stuff? That's it? It's just me being like I farted and I actually shit when I farted. And he was like, that's great, buddy.

Isn't that crazy, though? What's crazy is your kids will never have that with you. They fucking better not. My daughters will never make more money than I make. That's great. They're about to start their careers. They'll never achieve what I have achieved. They'll never fold these shoes. I will be their Bruce Willis. They will always be my Tallulahs and Scouts.

They are. Yeah, it's kind of. I remember my dad's at one point. I remember saying like, I don't know what to do. And he's like, buddy, I can't tell you. I don't. I've never. I didn't make money like that. And I was like, OK, so what do we do? He's like, I don't know. He's a good luck. My daughter's old. It's kind of nice. It's kind of nice. And by the way, I want to just point this out to bring this full circle. All of my life happened while I was drinking. Yeah, that is a good. You're sitting over here. You're sitting on your couch right now.

You're having your coffee. Thinking about quitting drinking. You're putting the zen in. You're hungover. You're listening to us. And you're thinking, I need to change my life. No, you don't. You don't need to change your life. You just got to dial it in. Listen, here's the deal. Go to the bar tonight. And if you're having that thought, don't forget, if you're having that thought,

man, alcohol is ruining my life. It's not, it's not, it's you, it's you, it's you, the alcohol. Listen, how many dry drunks do you know? How many guys do we know that are sober that are still a fucking mess? Yes. And then they're like, yeah, man, I couldn't drink. I fucking, I'd lose my life. And you're like, no, you're still a piece of shit. But if you're ready to make that phone call to say, I need help. I need to, I should do a hotline. Yeah.

kick this thing that I think is taking over my life. You're saying that's not the thing to do. No, it's not. Here's what you're doing. You're on your couch. You're having a Zen. You're having a coffee. And you're saying, that's it. I'm done. She won't call me back. I fucked up last night. I don't know where my... You know, I listened to... Have you listened to Josh Brolin talk about getting sober? No.

I heard a clip. I think you sent me. I sent you a clip of him talking about. I'm a huge Josh Brolin fan. He's fantastic. But, but holy fuck. Yeah. He's a, he's really had a problem. Yeah. I mean, the clip is worth finding. Yeah.

He's doing a podcast, I think, with Woody Harrelson. I don't know. I didn't even see who else was on there. No, it was Woody Harrelson and Ted Danson. They have a podcast. Oh, really? Yeah, they have a podcast. That's awesome. Apparently, they're like best friends. Yeah, they did a show together. No, I know that. But they're like legit still best friends. I didn't know that. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. But Josh Brolin's like, he was like, what got you to quit drinking? He said, you know, I woke up on the sidewalk. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Here's what I would say when I watch that clip. Dial it in. And I've met Josh Brolin, and I don't know him, but I've met him. I met him. He's the coolest dude. Yeah. You know what Josh Brolin did? He quit drinking, but he got fucking help. He fixed Josh Brolin. Right. It wasn't the booze. It's the fucking dude inside the booze.

But couldn't you argue that some dudes just can't handle booze? Sure. Don't drink. I don't care. But that's few and far between. Most of the people that quit drinking are just like, like Steve-O couldn't. Steve-O is a better human being sober. Okay. By far. What I'm talking about is the dudes who, man, it's like they almost get in your head with like, you got to be sober. And then all of a sudden you quit drinking, but you're like.

I don't know. I don't know what I'm trying to say, but it's like, I think you ready for this? Yeah, I'm ready. I think a lot of dudes, I'm saying dudes. I'm not gonna talk about women. I'm a man. I only talk about men. A lot of dudes get sober for the attention.

and you got to realize are you getting sober for the attention are you getting sober because you're sitting there going like i want to tell people i don't have a reason for people to root for me again like uh okay you just you know i quit drinking and you're like oh good for you and then that's your thing that's your new thing but that by the way that's the same thing booze was for you right booze was that same fucking thing so in other words instead of like trying to get the attention that way stick to who you were stick to who you are get don't drink or don't quit drinking yeah but

but just get it under control get it under control do this go to the bar tonight have a drink and then don't drink for one hour what about the person who's like yeah i can't do that i don't know well that shouldn't they quit then get a job on a boat what happened i don't know i don't know if i can tell that guy i don't know but i think that's who we're talking to is like the person who's like what do i do if i can't wait an hour oh i don't know yeah i don't know maybe you have a problem

You might have a problem. You might need to quit. We're going to wrap up on that. I don't know. Don't forget, if you're trying to get your shit together, listen to Bert. He has good ideas. Just know that if you are trying to get your shit together, that there's one person in this world that will still love you, drunk or sober. If you fall off the wagon, I will still love you. If you decide you're sober, I'll still love you. That's the way the world should work. And that's the people you need in your life. And you get more people like that in your life, like my best friend, Tom Segura, who has loved me drunk, sober, fat, skinny, fat.

poor, rich, everything. Every single way. That's what you need, not the fucking other stuff. That's true. And we love you and we thank you for watching and for listening and we'll see you next week. Bert and Tom, Tom and Bert. One goes to the top while the other wears a shirt. Tom tells stories and Bert's the machine. There's not a chance in hell that they'll keep it clean. Here's what we call Two Bears, One Cave.