Last year, so many of you joined us for the 5K, and it was the most amazing experience in person and virtually. It was so much fun that we are bringing it back. This time, it's in Tampa. May 4th, we are bringing the whole crew back, including Jelly Roll. Me, Tom, Jelly Roll. Listen, if you don't think you can do it, Tommy, tell them they can do it. You can do it. We can do it. We did it. Look at us. This is not that...
crazy, you can do it. You just have to try a little bit. Go to to register and thank you to Spartan for helping us produce and put this on and everybody at YMH and Birdie Boy. We are so excited. We will see you May 4th in Tampa for the next 2 Bears 5K. And I can't wait for Baker Mayfield to verbally commit. He's definitely coming. Great ass. 100% 100%
I've never been more excited. This is long overdue, and I can't believe that this is actually happening. But the one and the only and the great Drewski is here, everybody. Yes. Yes.
Type shit, type shit, man. I like how you try to throw the black accent on. What's the, yo, the type shit? Come on, man. I was just trying to relate to you. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I get it. Hey, you know what I'm saying? So I was wondering. Yo, just don't. Come on. Okay, all right. Let's run the show regular. Guys, let's just run it regular. We're not going to do the type shit off bat. Guys, scratch all the black shit we were going to do.
They rehearsed. Let's get that out. We had a whole black program. Type shit, type shit to start out is crazy. I thought that would make you be like, I'm home. Nah, well, no. I don't feel that way when the guys. Hey, guys, cancel the whole thing. Okay, all right. So, Drewski, how are you? I'm great, man. This sounds like the Magic Johnson hour. You're a funny guy. How long have you been funny for?
Oh, no. Can I just be honest with you though, for real? And let me see if I do this right. Pause. You smell great, man. Oh, I appreciate that, man. Thank you, man. You really do. Really? That was like the first thing I noticed. Hey, man.
Is there an endorsement you want to plug for that? No, it's nothing, actually. I think eventually I will have my own smell. Fragrance? Yeah, my own fragrance and stuff. You really will? Yeah, I probably will at some point. Yeah, I don't have enough money yet to start throwing that type of stuff out there. It's incredible. Dude, I mean, we were talking briefly. I've been a big fan of yours as anybody who has the internet. Same here, same here, man. And we've communicated a bunch. I went to your live show in L.A. last year. Yeah, that sucked. Well, you get it.
It was wild. Well, it was the beginning. It was wild, but I wouldn't. But I mean, no, it was fun. Fun was a good description. It was a fun night, man. Well, you get it. Yeah, it was a good time. It was a learning environment, I think, that tour was. But you kept doing it, obviously. Yeah, I mean, money. Money does that. Yeah, money does that. But you're going to do a whole bunch more of those. Yes, I think. Well, now we've kind of changed it a little bit, I think.
That was kind of almost like an experiment to see how the fans would react, something a little different. But yeah, this year we just did KudaFest, which is something very different. It's like improv slash bringing out some of the artists that we have from the label. We had the KudaBinHouse show and all that. If you've seen that, you understand what's going on with that. Is it?
The show is pretty outrageous. It's insane. And the shit you put, like these, I don't know. I mean, sometimes you don't keep your composure at some of the people that come out. Like, well, I was wondering though, because there are some obviously ridiculous shit that you either laugh or you get rid of people. Have you had...
Have you had, though, because you know when American Idol broke and the whole world was watching it, and you watch for the car crash, but then every once in a while you're like, yo, who is this? Have you had people where you're like, holy shit,
I think that, honestly, that's the reason why we started doing the show. Because I used to sit and watch American Idol with my family. Really? For that reason. Yeah. Just straight up, just, I want to see the bullshit. Yeah. And of course, I was a kid around the time, so I think...
We bonded over seeing people come in there and just say the stupidest shit. So I think I wanted to base a show around that. And a lot of people ask me all the time, they're like, oh my God, this has to be scripted. Or you see in the comments, they're like, this has to be. But I don't think any type of comedy that's that funny could be scripted. I mean, with just the personalities that are in this world, I think we go to some of the craziest places.
hoods in America. The way that some people's straight face walked into you. Yeah. I'm here to sing today, man. Oh, no, they're dead ass. And I think sometimes when people see people come in there and like trying to be funny. Yeah. Those are like the quick kickouts. Quick. Yeah. Because it's just like, yo, I'm not here for the bullshit. You want the sincere person. Yeah. Yeah. I want somebody that believes in this shit and like,
We're not just trying to give an opportunity to anybody. We kind of want to have somebody who's invested into the lifestyle. But you also do a thing where sometimes the person's talent is questionable at best. Well, yeah.
Majority of them are like that. But you'll be like, there's something I really like about you. I can tell you're a good person. Like the guy recently, we had a guy, he claimed his dad was the president of the NAACP. Yeah, I saw that. And there was, you know, there's no fucking chance your dad's the president of the NAACP. I think we all knew that off the bat. But it's like, yo...
that guy might not have been for music. Yeah. Well, he spit bars though. He's there for something. It just might not be music. And I'm there to tell them that. People, you know, label execs ain't going to let them know that. Yeah. I let them know, this is not for you, man. Yeah. Get the fuck out of the studio. But there might be something else for you.
Like, do you feel like you understand? Yeah. But so then do you then do you try to pivot that guy into that other field or you just go drop him off? I think after the cameras go off. No, no, no. All jokes aside. No, we like to bring a lot of them to be a part of the world I live in in the entertainment world. So even after like some of the characters that we had on my could have been house show,
they would come on and do commercial stuff with me. So let's say I have a...
a read for prize picks or a company that we're working with like Nike or something. I'll bring them onto that and be like, okay, let's figure out what you could do in this commercial spot that could help you and get the money. So it's also, I think people don't see that side of it as well. Yeah. We also bring them to the entertainment side. Cause you know, some of them might not be super talented in music, but we'd like to involve them in the world. So you're really helping them out though, man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All jokes aside, like I think people don't see that. And, um,
We might need to start showing that side, but I don't like to show too much behind the scenes. Of like, look how nice, look how good I am. Yeah, I'm not that type of guy. I'm not going to show it off. But yeah, no, we always make sure they're good anytime they call me or ask me for stuff.
I don't always pick up, but, well, some of my favorites, though. Yeah, it's so entertaining. Well, it's a favorites type of thing. So how did, like, you said the catalyst for all this is you watched American Idol and everything. The beginning of Could Have Been had to have been like, well, what, let's just try this once? Like, is this something silly, fun? Because what it's grown into is insane. Yeah, no, I think, honestly, what it started at was, like, the pandemic being...
such a weird place and nobody really is doing anything. Everybody's at home, you know? So, you know, Instagram live was a big deal around the time. If you remember, like people were getting on there fucking DJing and yeah, doing everything. Yeah. It's like Tory Lanez was getting on there doing a, like a, a COVID show. And so I was like, yo, this is probably the best time to do something comedic. Yeah. I thought it would be a great idea to sign, uh,
people to my label yeah and it just you know it transpired to become bigger and bigger but i think it started out kind of as a joke and then it worked into being a bigger situation to where now we are offering 50 000 for whoever the winner is like do you have any people you've signed i feel like um yeah no some sometimes we we lose count yeah i have no idea how many people we've
It's not like the contract means anything. Right. I don't think the contract – we can look it up, but I don't think the contract means anything. But, yeah. Actually, I think they're signing an NDA when they come in there. I don't think that's a real contract. Bro.
But yeah, no, it's been amazing, though. I love going to different cities. We've got a lot more cities coming up. We took international this year, so that was dope as well. I mean, I saw you. Weren't you in... Were you in Nigeria at one point? Yeah, we went to Nigeria. We went to... Jamaica, too? United Kingdom, Jamaica. Yeah, this year we're going to do a lot more. What was like...
Had you been to Africa before? No, that was my first time. It was in Motherland. Was it a wild experience for you? Well, yeah. When you say wild, what do you mean by that? Well, just that you're going to a foreign country.
that you haven't been to before. You don't mean like wild as in safari, do you? Well, I mean like with snakes and shit. No, I mean just like, no, it's just that like you're, first of all, it's like showing your level of fame because it's one thing to be like, hey, I'm in Detroit or something and people come out. But when you go to Nigeria, it shows you your reach, right? No, all jokes aside, it really was a good experience. And we got to see so much,
more than what we thought we would see. Sometimes good, less than bad, but I don't know. I think it was a good all-around experience going to Nigeria. What's the wildest shit that's happened at a Kudobin kind of audition or on a trip? Yeah, I think when I went to Jamaica, I definitely got to see how freaky that entire country or island is. Yeah. We get to experience the culture of everything. Right. So we went to like a...
I think they call it like a street party. I'm not really sure what they call the Jamaican street parties, but they do it all day. They just...
They're just fucking all day. All of them. Everybody's just fucking. In the streets. In the streets. And the dances are like fucking. Yeah, it's like you're dancing. You're fucking. You're just fucking all day in Jamaica. Really? Yeah, while they're cooking. Everybody's fucking in the kitchen and shit. It's a freaky place. Wow. But that was the first place I'd say where I've experienced like, oh, okay, this is the culture out here. Yeah. So we went to like a day party. Yeah.
And I got fucked, man. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's wild. I just, you know, I laid back. I laid on the ground. And the girls, they just, they take over, man. They take over. They take full control in that country. No shit. The women, yeah, they're. There we go. We got to take you out. That kind of shit. I would love to go. Yeah.
So basically that, but without clothes is what happened. Yeah. Well, no, that kind of happens through the clothes. How deep pulled her back. Well, that was me. Okay. That part, that was, yeah. I indulged a little bit. You got a stack right there. That's called getting stacked. Hey, here's the thing that everyone wanted to know. Stacking like a Pringle right there. Look at that. Yeah. How's Diddy doing? I know you guys are in touch every day. Oh, man, great question. Wow. What's he up to? Wow. How's he feeling? How do we get from... What?
No, I know that you guys are in touch. I didn't get from the freaky Jamaica video. I think you see the natural segue. Well, I don't see, I didn't know that segue was coming. Well, sir, is he all right? What's he feeling? No, I haven't, I actually haven't spoken to that guy, man. I think, uh,
Yeah, you know. What were the freak-offs like? I never have been to a freak-off. I don't think. But I think a lot of people saying, like, oh, I left before. A lot of that's bullshit. Oh, yeah, everybody. Everybody's like, oh, I left before. That's bullshit. A lot of hands up right now. Yeah, a lot of, yeah, everybody's doing it. But, you know, I never really, you know. I think I was friends with his sons, so I always was just like,
anytime I would be around there, even how the commercial I did with Deleon or whatever, that transpired from being around his sons. Really? We would go to different places in LA. It was me, his sons, Odell, whoever. I think we just always would be around them, but that naturally...
just happened through friendship. Sure. Yeah, but, yeah, okay, come on, don't do that bullshit, man. Yeah, what the fuck, man? Yo, I'm just saying, I never, I never was at any of that, those situations. I just meant, I thought you guys texted a lot. Yeah, but yeah, no, man, I think, nah, he, I never, I never got to see that side. Yeah.
And I don't know. That's why I say, personally, anytime anybody asks me, I'm like, listen, I have no idea. And I'm not doing the hands up like everybody else. Oh, I left before the party started. I'm not doing that bullshit. I just, honestly, I was cool with his sons, and we would always, you know,
be out and about, but I never got to see any of those type of parties. Battle Creek, Michigan. I'm coming to the Fire Keepers Casino on Friday, May 9th. Tickets go on presale next week on Thursday, February 6th at 10 a.m. Eastern with the code Tommy, T-O-M-M-Y. Later this week, I'll be in Athens, Georgia, Savannah, Georgia, and North Charleston, South Carolina. Tickets and info is at slash tour. I have to tell you about this game-changing product I use before nights out drinking. It's
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Make this story about you. Have fun. Do something wild. Work on the stuff that's holding you back. I'm working on that stuff, and it might be in this episode today. I'm not certain, but I'm working on that. I'm actually working on being a better listener, and I'm talking about it in therapy. Sadly...
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That's slash bears. Now, one party you did go to, though. Okay, see, now. No, no, no, no. Oh, I see what's going on. No, I'm saying you've been to the most celebrity-studded thing, that white party, right? That all-white party that, what's his name? Michael Rubin. That Michael Rubin throws. And that shit looks like it's like creme de la creme. What's it like hanging out there? Yo, creme de la creme is a great description.
Is that not it? Why do you call it creme de la creme? What is the reason? Well, isn't that the expression, though? No. Creme de la creme? Cream of the crop. Oh, cream of the crop. Nah, those are Michael Rubens. He's a great guy, man. I love how y'all pull the pictures up, man. Don't...
All right, guys. Okay. We understand. I think people know White Party, don't they? Well, they're just showing that you're really there. Yeah, well, this one has proof. Yes. Well, these have proof. But yeah, nothing weird here. I don't mean weird. I just mean like... When you said creme de la creme, I didn't know if that was like a... No, I just meant like the highest level... Oh, okay. ...of jizz-filled party you could go to. No, no, see, that...
You're saying like cream to describe a party. What does Brady look like naked? Like what happens? No, see, nothing like that happened at this party. No, Michael Rubin's a great guy, man. He's always showed love to everybody. Logistics wise, because that's one of the things you think about when you watch this. How does the invite and getting to this, it feels like it's like a... Yeah, it's like, I think with him, he's such a...
It's kind of like he has to know who... Well, you got to fucking matter. Let's just put it that way. I'm not going to sit here and lie. You got to fucking matter. Sure. And I think also it's like his... Who he picked as his friend group and who he... I think it has a lot to do with that. But I'm saying, does the invite... Is it like a case? It feels like it's so... You know what I mean? Is it like leather bound? It's like majestic. Yeah, it's like...
It's like an unboxing? No, they actually sent Travis Scott's shoes last year. For the invite? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty crazy. Yeah, that is pretty fucking crazy. And a painting of something. I don't know what the painting was about. But yeah, no, he definitely, I think after I met him a while back, he was always a cool, straight up and down guy. Yeah, the parties are fun, man. There's nothing weird going on.
though regardless i know they tried to google the picture no no i i really meant that like that feels like the party that someone could be invited to yeah yeah for sure for sure and then do you like how long does it take you to feel like you're like because you are a legit huge celebrity now like well i wouldn't say that but well i think it's because i've been i've i've done a lot of stuff
That's been great, and it's been a blessing to be a part of. But yeah, no, I'm still climbing, man. Yeah. What is your, do you have like big ambitions? I mean, obviously you do, but I'm saying, what's the thing that you go, I haven't done yet that I want to do? I'd probably say, damn, just did a Super Bowl commercial. That's not. That's a big deal. No, that's whatever. Whatever. Can you say who it's with? Ben Affleck and a couple other people. The product or no? Yeah.
Oh, Duncan, yeah. Who knows? I don't know. Did you have to do like a Boston thing? You get it. You understand. But yeah, no, other than that, nah, I think I have a big list of stuff that I... Every year I've been writing my goals since like fucking...
I was in my dorm in like 2015. Do you really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. On a serious note, like I really do write out each goal I have and like specifically put, all right, this year I want to do this. I want to do this. And it doesn't always work. Right. And not everything happens that year, but eventually the thing transpires. Eventually it transpires. But I think there's something about writing it down.
I don't know what it is. Yeah. Because I even had a year where I was typing it in my phone. It's not the same. It's not the same. It doesn't happen. It's like just typing it out. It's just all bullshit. I think writing it down and then putting it somewhere where you see it every day is meaningful. Yeah. For sure. And you see your goals written out? Yeah. I always do that shit. And on a serious note, I think I really do believe that works. And speaking of course, you know. You probably have written down goals.
I don't know. Yeah, sure. And talking about it. I have. I don't ever see that side of you, man. You never talk about that type of shit. What do you mean? Ambition and inspirational side of you. Oh, yeah, you're right. I probably don't. You're always fucking off and fucking bitches. Every time I see you, man, you're always trying to get...
Either you're fucking hoes in other cities while you're touring. No, I get it. That's true. I do know that about you. No, I know. Everything else is like, oh, when I'm touring, I'm always fucking hoes. But what's the real side of Tom Segura? Well, there's not a lot that I'm doing besides fucking. So it's kind of like I have to find time to not... To do shit. Because my fucking takes up a lot of time. But...
But no, I think you're totally right. And I think part of like coming into yourself-
When you come and you're done coming, you have that post-nut clarity. Then you go, I have dreams. But a lot of times the pussy gets in the way. It's true. A lot of people don't speak on that, though. A lot of people don't speak on women can get in the way of those dreams. I want to tell all the young guys out there, you're watching all that porn hub and all that bullshit. It's not going to help. Porn, what's another one? You know it. X Hamster. Bang Bros, X Hamster. That's another one. X Videos. When you're watching all this stuff,
that can get in the way of your vision. All that shit gets in the way of your vision. Yeah, man. And women especially. Well, yeah. Women really, here's the problem, women fuck everything up. Yeah. Well, I didn't say that. Oh, sorry. I meant, I meant... Dude. Dude.
So, listen. Back to the parties. Back to the parties. No, no, no. No, no. That's not good. So this is what I really wanted to ask. Like, I was pointing this out to you. I have never seen, like, I have 100 comedian friends. Some of them are stand-ups. Obviously, some are actors. Some do just social media stuff. Yeah. Everybody's, you know, trying to put out funny content. Right.
Your shit is not only funny, I've never seen a level of engagement from a fan base like yours. But it's bananas. I mean, is it surreal to you? I look at one video you posted. I think it was the sprayed on, the spray painted line. Yeah.
Because I've died laughing at your skits. And you did a sketch once of the airport worker. Yeah. And they're so funny. And here's the thing. Everybody, I've interacted with that guy. And it's so spot on. But then I'm like, yeah, this is really funny. Then you go and you look just at the data. And you're like, yo, this was liked 900,000 times. And there's 65,000 comments. I'm like, I can't even wrap my head. It's like...
Taylor Swift, Cristiano Ronaldo. No, I think when I try to put a lot of that stuff together, I take it very serious. Even the people I'm involved in it, and it may seem like, oh, he just wouldn't shot this. Loose and whatever, yeah. It may seem loose, but it's very controlled stuff.
And we pay attention to every single aspect of what's going on. Is it beat out, script out? No, not script at all. It's all improv. But we have beats. We have to hit these beats. Yeah, we have to hit these beats. And also, like...
Let's keep the people in this environment to look natural. So anybody who's like, oh my God, Drewski, what the fuck? Let's get him out of here. Let's get this guy behind camera. And everybody else, all these people that may not notice that I'm in character, may not see the hair I have on, may not notice it's me, let's just start shooting. Anybody that we notice it, notice it. We try to crop them out. But it's different now, man. I think it's like doing the Dave Chappelle show again.
in live time without the studio yeah that's what social media is for comedy right now is that one of your ambitions though to have just like a show like that not really though i think i think i'm already doing it that's what i think too by the way i think you're i think this is like something we used to talk about when these podcasts and touring uh blew up for like stand-ups we would go oh you know the natural thing is you have this uh
You want to do the legacy entertainment thing? Yeah. And then you get that. Somebody gets that, and you're like, you know what? I think I was already...
doing the thing I wanted to do. And I watch those things and I'm like, look, this already hit a massive audience. It's absolutely hilarious. Everybody wants to share it. What happens if you put it on television boundaries? I think you almost lose something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? And that's kind of what happened with a lot of these big productions. They approached me like two, three years ago and they were like, oh, let's do your next big skit show. Yeah. Like, let's do that. Let's take all your skits that you're doing now
Let's take the production to a whole new level. And I was like, yeah, that's cool. But are the kids and are the young generation watching that? Are they going to go and watch that? I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't feel like anybody will appreciate it. If I left here, maybe I'll stop doing this here and just start posting the huge, highly productive stuff. I don't think it works as well. It doesn't work the same for TikTok or Twitter and whatever.
are drawn to the lower level production on it. Like even on simple posts, right? If you do just like, hey, I'm here. You're like, I'm getting... That feedback is so much bigger than like a snappy, cool, slick one. Or at a fake fast food joint. Yeah. And it's all built out for me to be in there. It doesn't hit the same as if like the engagement of like, oh my God, how the fuck did he convince a general manager...
at a McDonald's in Atlanta, Georgia to walk in the back and like actually be working there. So that's the, I think. How did you? I don't know, man. Just know we've had to get some people their jobs back. Yeah. Oh, really? Yeah. There's been a couple of times that we've. The airport guy, by the way, is like.
That piece of shit that we've all run into so many times. You're like, you're the laziest fucking asshole. But no, they have different tiers. Yeah, they have tiers. So there's tiers. It's like, yo, they didn't give a shit. They went and got the people from the fucking MARTA station to go and do wheelchair. I don't know what the fuck. No, seriously. I'm almost pissed at the hiring manager because it's like, yo, in Atlanta, yo, where did you find these dudes with ski masks to push my grandmother to the airport?
It doesn't make sense. So I try to figure out exactly the small details of everything. But yeah, it's dope. I think that helps the virality of the majority of our stuff. We try to do it in real time. This show is sponsored by Acorns. New Year's resolutions are hard. Everyone wants to go to the gym, but actually dragging yourself out of bed in the pitch black every morning, that's a whole other story. What if you could make your resolutions automatic? Well...
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I got, it really just comes from, I got an idea, I want to do this one. And then you sit with your team or whatever, a group of guys. Yeah, we have a team as well. Like a couple of my friends and a couple of people that I work with. And we always try to like, we have a bunch of ideas. It's just like how you do your standup comedy. You bounce your ideas. Off somebody, yeah. Is this funny enough to stay on stage? Is this, it's kind of the same way. It's like,
We sit and digress and try to think about, but I like to go and live life a little bit. You know? Yeah. I don't want to sit around and like be like sit on this pedestal and be like, oh, we lit. Like, let's go get a bunch of cars. Let's go live in.
these cribs and go fuck all these bitches it's more so like let's go do some normal shit real quick let's figure out how so that's what keeps the juices flowing you know that yeah i mean that's that's but you're fucking bitches man you go on the road fucking bitches i mean it fuels you get it it fuels the material after you lost weight man and congratulations thank you brother thank you thank you thank you let's get some clapping man
Guys, come on, man. And the reward is pussy. That's what happens. You get any guy out there watching, you want some pussy, just drop a few LBs. Let me tell you about just watching your whole situation with Netflix and watching all your stand-ups just transpire was amazing, man. Thank you. Because you started off really, really, really off bat. Your first one was amazing. And then still, you haven't really...
It hasn't gone downhill at all. Thank you. And I've watched from the beginning. I appreciate that, man. And that's why I really wanted to do this show as well because I always... Thanks, man. I mean, I was thrilled when we interact. I really was because I'm a genuine fan and I was like, oh, this is cool. It was fun to do. And then, you know, we haven't told...
mentioned this but like we also connected in our admiration for the culinary genius that is the fucking chef fancy chef fancy chef yeah man fancy black chef pull him up let's let's see there he is yeah that guy is fucking interesting see what he's making today
Do you ever notice the flies flying around some of the food at his house? Did you ever see the table set up where he had flies around the fruit? You know, sometimes you're in the grocery store and there's flies. It's just bullshit, though, man. He's doing a bold thing now, where I would guess this pizza might be a review. He's going to places and being like, your shit's whack. There's no way. Bro, are you serious?
Right now he's like, I'm going to try this. He's telling the owners there? I'm going to tell you if you should do it. He said I'm either going to throw it on the floor. Let's see what he does. What did he say? Did he say that?
You said tasteless? I can't tell. I don't know. Cecilio. Mamma mia, Italiano. He's just, he's a great guy, man. He is good. Cecilio, what's next? This is salt. It's crusty. It's buttery. Cheesy. Is it? It's nice. It's nice. Okay. It's good. Which one was better? All right, it's good. Do you see what he did in Philly? Which one is better?
Well, yeah, he's definitely been at the Burlington Coke Factory, as you can see. He's this guy. I don't understand how people are letting him wear. And usually he doesn't have this bullshit on. Usually he has the actual chef full thing. And he's walking through people's kitchens. So I don't know what they're telling him before he walks in. Like the other coworkers, I don't know what they're telling them. Because people are always confused. Can we get like a video of him? Well, this is at.
This is in Philly. He went up to a cheesesteak. Was it Pat's or Gino's? I forget. Do you remember? Huh? Gino's. Gino's, like the historic, very famous cheesesteak place. And he's like, all right, man, I'm going to do a review. Also, all of them are like, what the fuck are you doing? We didn't ask for a review. So they're not familiar with him. No one's in on this. He's telling people in line who are just like, want to get one. He's like, y'all know who I am? And they're like, no. We just want to get, we just want to eat.
You don't know me?
Y'all really want to know? Y'all follow me? You cut it? Did you cut it? Did y'all follow me? He's yelling at the guy. Did you cut it? Cut my sandwich? Give me some juice to swallow it with. Good. I got it, I got it. The guy's 100% not going to do it. He's like, what are you doing? I'm jumping that restaurant. Why would you eat it here? Hold on. Yeah, exactly. First mistake again. What was the first mistake? Didn't toast the bread. Didn't toast the bread. Nah, nah, didn't.
Which is not how they make that. This is a different hat. He's like, alright, take a bite of this. It's garbage. Get the fuck out of here. Oh, shit. No. Did you pay? I paid for it. It's garbage. And in Philly, too? Yeah, they're just not going to know. It was nasty? Mm-hmm.
And then it just cuts? That's just done? That's it? That's just one of the videos. I think somebody, well, that's not a black spot, I'll tell you that. He went to one. Well, somebody's going to beat the shit out of this guy. I'm just going to let you know. He went to a soulful place. He went to a soul spot. And was like, this shit is some bullshit. And the comments were like, you're going to get your fucking ass kicked. Like, everybody. You're going to kill the guy, man. Yeah, everybody was like. Can we get one of him going into a kitchen and like,
There was one where he's just like walking around. Well, there's only 27,000 videos. Where's he getting the money? I don't know. Well, I think we could take a good guess of where the money is coming from. It's a check, I'll tell you that. That coat is getting a lot of fucking... A lot of time.
I don't know if we can find him in a kitchen. But there was another food review for sure. That's a restaurant. That restaurant. That's in a restaurant. Let's see. Let me tell you about this. Okay, I want you to come to the Flamingo restaurant, the Dominican one in Miami Beach, Florida. Pay the chef to come in and taste it. Paid the chef to come in and taste it, which is, there's no way. And guess what? Let's see. It's good. Oh, there you go. That was a good one. And guess what? I like it.
If you want me to come in and try your restaurant, all you gotta do is give me a call. It says that's a liquor store. That looks like a corner store. The machines behind them show that it's like a... There's nothing fancy about that place. No, it's not a very fancy place. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. He's got like a DiGiorno pizza on his table.
It's insane. It's insane. Nah, he's a very good guy. Wait, tell me, because we had shared these videos because we both like food, and we were like, oh my God, have you worked with this chef? And then I told you he came here. It was amazing. Then he came. He was on Coulda Been? Yeah, he was on Coulda Been House season two. So we're going to see that? Yeah, we're going to see him cook on the show. And I don't want to give it away too much of what he did, but-
He, well, he demanded a lot of stuff before he got there. So can we talk about what he told us that he does nothing less than like $50,000. And he brought you up. This is why I wanted to talk about it. He said, Tom Segura paid me six figures. And then he asked me, you know Tom Segura, the comedian, the stand-up comedian? I said, yes. He paid you six? He said, yes.
He said, so I want $50,000. He said, everything I do first class, straight up. He said, I don't do no, everything I do is first class. So we're like, all right, we'll get you first class. We don't know, we'll give you the money here. 100%, we had no intention of giving him any fucking money. Not a chance. We're not giving him any money. But yeah, we flew him there and then he's like, yo, I need a chef outfit. And we're like, okay, we'll find you one. Like, what's your size? And like, he just went on a rant of lists of food items. But also he told us that he,
We wanted seafood straight up. He told us, I don't like the smell of seafood. I won't cook it. Yeah. I'm like, what type of fucking chef do you order and fly to a place and then tells you, I don't, I don't, I personally don't like it. Yeah.
Like he's cooking for himself. It's like, yo, we want that, man. It didn't make sense. So yeah, that's the most I can say. But it went on to be, yeah. We had an interesting thing with him because he was like, I go, what are you going to make? He goes, whatever you want, anything you want. And I go, all right, well, can I get some sea bass? And he goes, I don't fuck with seafood. I was like, OK. Says he doesn't like the smell. It doesn't make sense. I know. I was like, but then he did end up making shrimp.
So he'll do shrimp. And scallops. And scallops. Oh, okay. He'll do shrimp and scallops. But that's a picky chef, man. That's not... That's a picky chef. I've never heard of a chef actually talking about this stuff. He does a lot. And then he made just an original dish for us. Really? It was incredible. Y'all have clips of this stuff? We do. It was really remarkable. I mean, he did things that I've...
Never seen a human being put into a pan. Your assistant was telling me that he took him to the grocery store and put him through shit. Oh, man. Yeah, he was like the, I don't know if the sauce is out there. This is the first time I've seen him without glasses. The sauce that he made, wow, that's a lot of oil. Yeah, well, that was. The sauce that he made was, oh, it's starting to get in there.
The chef is excited. So I told y'all in the beginning about color. Beautiful and nice. And the color I told you about was what? Do y'all remember? Red and white mixed with color. Pink. So we got white. And where's the red? In the tomatoes. You amazing. You amazing. Is that all the tomatoes? He's telling himself what he said. Good. Oh, no. So he made that sauce. Had three heaping spoons of butter.
About half a bottle of olive oil, half a bottle of red wine, half a bottle of champagne, and two cartons of heavy creamer. That's insane. It was insane. I mean, that's a heart attack. That doesn't make sense to cook for y'all. He's cooking it for y'all to eat. Yeah. Yeah. And then he called it the John Segura.
Yeah, that's what he called you. He wasn't calling you Tom Segura. No. He kept calling you John Segura at our house. Yeah. Why? That's just how he remembers it. Yeah.
Okay, all right. Well, yeah, that's enough of the fancy stuff. Well, he must be, yeah. But he must have been so thrilled to meet you. Because when you were here, when he was here, excuse me. All he talked about was that. Yeah, you told me, yeah. He was like, you hit up Drewski? I was like, yeah, I'll try to hit him up, man. Yeah, he was real excited, man. He couldn't tell if it was me for sure when we chopped it up. He kept asking. He was like, is this really? Really? I'm like, yeah, man, this is me, man. I want you on our show. He's like, ah. He's like, I need six figures, man. Six.
Six figures is insane, bro. Yeah. Yeah, we definitely borrowed some money. I mean, I'll just tell you, I gave him $250,000. But it was fucking worth it, dude. It was really good. It was really good. He's getting a check monthly, man. Let's just put it out there. He's definitely getting a check. Oh, stop. Yo, he's getting a check, man. What the fuck would you give him? $250,000. I mean, I was like, he's a good chef. Yeah, but you got to taste the food first. Yeah, he's getting a monthly check, man. I don't know.
He's a great guy, though. I actually do. I appreciate him. Yeah, I appreciate him, too. And if you're out there, if you have a mansion, yacht, castle, millionaires and billionaires only, hit up. He only does that. That's it? He doesn't do regular shit. He tells people. You know he has like four or five phones that he picks up. Oh, yeah. He's denying people all day. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't know how he remembers the numbers, but he has like.
They're blowing up every time. They are committed to memory. Yeah. They were ringing during our interview with him. Yes, yes. A lot. And it's just a bunch of people just saying bullshit. Yeah. They're like, Chef, could you... You think you could do my wedding of 5,000 people? He's like, yeah, I'll do it. It's whatever. Have you ever, by the way, seen Robert Paul Champagne? Mm-mm. You don't know RPC? No. Can you show his original? Robert Paul Champagne? Yeah, do you know him? Never heard of him. He might be good for Could Have Been House. Okay. Like, let's just...
Let's Google search that guy. Yeah, he's going to pull up how we learned about him and...
I think if you had him, he's talented. He has different talents. But like this, the personality is just like through the roof. That's what I mean. Like, I think he would just be somebody that you see and you go like, oh shit. Black guys love to fuck and fuck good. Okay. If you're a hot black guy, you want to fuck me at $23.95. If you want to move in, you can move in, but you got to fuck me. I need to be fucked a lot, man. Free food, free rent and everything else, man. Here's the deal, man.
You got to turn it up. Men from jail, homeless, or you're a thug, want to come move in. A friend can move in with you too, man. Free rent, you get a lease and a key. Fuck me. Piss on me. Beat me. Did you guys find this on... You want to come up today and try it out? No, we... Is this a personal video? How does this get on the internet? I don't know how it got on the internet. Yeah. But then we found him. We found him in Coney Island. And then... This is not an act. He's...
Was this a bird call? How did this get out here? How did this get in the world? He's so public with his... Straight up. And he also gives out his address.
and and his phone numbers like like that's what prompted his owls an aggressive ass and here's what's crazy is that if you type in his name in google maps it gives you the address it takes you to his house i swear to god if you pull it up pull up google maps and just type in robert paul champagne look bro who is it takes you to his building it takes you to his building
And it's got a bunch of five-star reviews from guys that have... The Google ad show. He's like, this is where I am. Fuck me. But listen. Yeah. Who, how, what is he, is he famous? Like, who is this dude? He is now. Yeah. Yeah, well, but like, what, Robert Paul Champagne was like, is that just wrong? Is that like a Facebook post?
Well, I don't think that was on Facebook, but he definitely... That was a DM to somebody. I think it was because he goes, it starts, he just goes, black guys who want to fucking fuck good just come to my place. So I think he just posted it somewhere. But he makes hats and he...
If you want a hat, you want a cool hat, he can make you a hat. I wouldn't touch a hat by that guy. No? I wouldn't. I wouldn't get near nothing. He bakes sometimes. Well, no. I definitely wouldn't touch a cool hat. He's a designer. Is he really? Yeah, he does. I mean, yeah. That sounds like an interesting guy, though. I can't lie, man. That definitely sounds. Can we get him a tryout at least? Yeah. I mean, I'm willing to talk to him. You are? Yeah. With security around.
Yeah, well, yeah. Well, yeah, yeah. I would 1,000%. Oh, that's him too. Oh, he's a cop. Yeah. That's Officer Cumdump. Officer Cumdump likes it wild, dirty, and filthy. That's right. Officer Cumdump will take it like a man. I will bend down and you can bang me as you can. I mean, you know, because he... Okay, so he's in... He's in Lucifer's lair, which is his apartment, and...
He's just putting out vibes. This is an interesting guy. I've got to give it to him. Are those handcuffs from his? Probably issued from the police department. Yeah. Yeah. It looks like an actual police hat. Yeah. That is an actual cadet hat right there. That might be. That might be, dude. Interesting guy, though. No, I'm willing to talk to him. You are. But 1,000% will have security around him.
Yeah. There's not a chance I'm talking to that guy. There was a one-on-one. There was a, a, a could have been video you posted where I saw that the security guys, like you had to tell them, Hey, chill. Yeah. Yeah. There's, there's a couple out there. No, no, no. They, they sometimes, well, we, we've transitioned to, you know, just finding security in that city. So it's a little, yeah, it's a cheaper situation. So sometimes I got to let them know, like, cause they feel like empowered. This is, this is it. This is my thing. Yeah. Show.
What the fuck I got? So you have a little meeting beforehand. Well, I try to like one of them got really out of hand in Memphis. I think, uh, was that Memphis? No, Detroit, Detroit. He choked a guy up on the wall and I'm like, yo, listen, man, this is, yeah, that was another comedian, man. I think he was just, yeah. Which has got to be terrifying. Cause those guys are huge. Seriously. And can we show, can we find the clip of the dude? I think his name is Jack funny. Jack funny. Yeah. Jack funny. He's a, he's a comedian. And, uh,
Could have been record with Jack Funny. Yeah. Yeah, right there. Bro, don't touch me, bro. Stop touching me. Hold on. Pause it. Pause it. Pause it. So let me give you a good description. So right here, people don't know, right? This is a full production. This is a $100,000 production. I'm not gassing. This is actually a six-figure production. So there's people in here.
After you get off camera, it's like, yo, joke's over, man. Yeah. The security's like, hey, we're not fucking with you. We're not fucking around with you. This is just... Well, yeah, we're going to fuck you up. You do something crazy, we're going to fuck you up. We're paid to protect Drewski. But while we're here, it's like... Yeah. But when...
When you walk off camera, it's like, hey, get the fuck out of here. Yeah. His voice just gets serious like that. As soon as you get off camera, I'm laughing and shit. But when you get over there, like, hell, get the fuck out of here for real. Yeah. So he didn't know. You know, me knowing, I'm like, oh, that's the funny. Oh, yeah, I remember that guy. And then he's like, oh, the joke's still going off camera. No, the joke's over. Right. The cameras are over here.
The real shit get real off this platform right here. So he didn't know, don't take the joke as we go out. He tried to take the joke with him out, but the security's like, yo, we on the fuck shit. I didn't know either that security in Detroit were popping pills. They're also popping pills out there. What? Yeah, it's a whole thing. They're older security. Some older security like to feel like they're young again. Yeah, it's like...
It's like a new, renowned feeling. So, yeah, the security, they were just on fuck shit, man. I'll just show you right here. Just go ahead. He's off camera. What are you doing, nigga? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This is what I saw. That was the real side of it. That was no more character. Hey, hold up, hold up, hold up.
Jack, don't sue me. Sue the security company. Don't sue me. I got somebody for you. He shouldn't have did that because now I'm about to have them stop us coming here. Hey, listen, I'm telling you, y'all going to need more security in this motherfucker. You still got to go to that after party, nigga. I'm going to be there. I'm there on your ass. No ditty. Listen, let's have a meeting, y'all. Hey, can we bring all the security right here? So let's tone it back. Y'all boys at like a 10? Bring it down to a 6, huh? Y'all boys juiced up.
You got your first one in, man. Hey, I appreciate y'all boys. You know, they like that. Of course. They got to get the little bark out of their system. And they like that Coach acknowledged it. You know, you were just like, hey, I like the effort. I like what you're doing, boy. But, hey, let's turn it back. I think we're good now. We got it off our chest. All right, Coach. So that's the vibe in there. So I try to bring it back because it does get serious off camera because –
Of course, they're hired as real security. So, you know, some of the people, they don't understand that. Like, even when sometimes when it gets serious in there, it's like, yo, we went to New Orleans. People were getting maced, man. For real? Yes, yes. I think people thought... What kind of crowds are coming out for this? Well, I think you... Well, it's not your crowd. No. We could look it up, but I don't think it's yours. First of all, I see no colors. Well, I think you know what color is coming. I meant what type...
your color's not getting maced bro when you say what type of crowds i meant what type of numbers man like how many people are showing up let's just say these people are coming to your shows okay yeah but um yeah no i think um yeah and and i think they're paid for protection and uh
The ones that usually are with me, I talk with them like, yo, let's be polite to all the people. But are there thousands of people outside? Yeah, thousands. Always, always. We don't get to show everybody. I think a lot of it is editing. I don't know if you're saying that you skew only one way, but you're like a crossover person. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. No, I definitely. You have tons of white fans. Well, I grew up in.
the suburbs man so I definitely what area were you in I was in what are you putting it in the zone I just don't like the finger thing it's called gerrymandering where you draw this is where they are this is where we are so where were you
Well, let's just say I... Not in East Point. Yeah, I wasn't in East Point. But no, no, no. I grew up in a suburb called Gwinnett County. Okay. And my buddy went to Shiloh High School. Do you know where that is? Well, I went to Shiloh Middle School. Oh, okay. Yeah. What are you... One of my good friends, I'm saying, went... Swear. I swear to God, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I went to Shiloh Middle. He's still a sports reporter there and everything. Well, they suck, man. There's no point in being still at Shiloh. I think that's...
No, no, not at the school. I'm saying he's an Atlanta sports guy. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, well, no. I grew up at Shallow Middle School. Went to South Gwinnett High School. And, yeah, it was a suburb full of everything. I think we had, like,
Real gangsters, wannabe gangsters. You got your crowd of country white boys, the preppy white boys. We got the Latinos. We got the gangster Latinos. We had Asians. It was a true mix of everything. It was a true mix of everything, which I appreciate so much because my comedy comes and stems from all that. Yeah. I had an African friend when I was six years old playing soccer with him. I had a fucking Asian friend that I went to church school with. I did karate with one of my white friends.
How's your karate? It's pretty good, man. I'm actually a black belt. Wow. Yeah.
Do you, is that the side of you? Well, I take it seriously. That's what I got. The side of you a lot of people don't know. Well, yeah, I usually don't tell people that I studied Taekwondo. Both, karate and Taekwondo. Well, just Taekwondo. That's a form of karate, yeah. I don't think that's true. I think karate is Japanese and Taekwondo is Korean, and you're confusing the two because you don't, I don't think you have a black belt. Well, no, I definitely have a black belt. No, we'll call my mom right now. I'll call her.
Is this a childhood black belt? No, this is... From Master Hong Kong Kim? Wait, yo, wait. How do you know about... Because he was my master, too. Yo, you know about Master Kim? Yeah, I had a black tip. It's a red belt with a black tip. Yeah, Master Hong... Kong Kim. Hong Kong Kim. Yeah. Yeah.
Let me call my mom. Ask your mom if she still has his number because I would like to reach out to him. Okay. Do you really know Master Kim? Of course. You know, he has a father. His also name is Kim as well. Yes. And his father's name is Kim. And the father of that father is also Kim. It's just their last name. Okay. Yeah. Well, well, you get it. Yeah. I don't know if that was. Mommy. Mommy. Hey, I'm sitting here with Tom Segura. You know, the comedian Tom Segura. I always watch a Netflix show.
Yes, yes. Oh, my God. He's crazy as hell. All right, let me, I wanted to tell you about, you know, it's time to get serious. I wanted to tell you that, can you please explain to him that I actually took karate seriously and how many years I did karate and what belt I am? I'm not going to tell her. Okay. Okay.
When you were four and you did karate with Master Kim at Global Karate in Snellville and you did that until you became a black belt when you were in high school. I wouldn't lie to you, man. Mommy? Hi, Mommy? No, you can't call her Mommy. And I know when my children call me Mommy, I know my children. Hey, Mommy. Yeah, you wish.
She's like, I know that white voice. Mama. I mean, children would like to be my child. All right, Mama, let's get back to it. Okay, okay. So I just want to say, so he's legit black belt. He said both karate and taekwondo. Is that correct? It's a mix. It's called judo. Tongsudo. That's what it is. It is.
Thank you, mommy. It's Korean martial arts. Okay. That's very impressive. It's a martial art that focuses on hand and foot movements. And it is taekwondo, but it is called Tung Soo Do. I'm super impressed. And I don't know what else to say. Ask her amongst the other things I've done as a child. Oh, excuse me. Drew, she's asking me to ask you, please elaborate on other things he did as a child.
Okay, well, Drew went to the Georgia Tech seismic science camp every year. You can read? Yeah, I did camp. He played piano as a child. That's racist, man. Hold on, mommy. All right, keep going, keep going. Piano? All those Asian friends. Yeah, that's what I told you. Wow.
He's a renaissance man. Yeah. Yes. I mean, he, he won the spelling bee for the school in second grade. Okay. All right. I tried to tell him, well, how proud are you of this kid for real, for everything he's accomplished? He's,
he's, he's my, he is my son. I'm extremely proud of him. He's the best. I know, but it's just, no, I'm not, I'm not, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying that it's incredible what he's accomplished. And as a mother, you just have to be radiating with so much pride about this kid. It's amazing. Well,
His discipline is his key and his resilience. That's the key to Drew's success. He doesn't let things that are negative impact him where he can't restart very quickly. He's very good at restarting. He's an amazing guy. And he smells amazing, too. I'll pass the phone back. Bye, Mommy. Love you. Okay.
All right, mama. We, uh, we'll, we'll, we'll, yeah, he just, that was fantastic. Yeah.
She gets a little carried away. She's probably doing some substances. My mom came on the podcast this week and abused substances. Did she really? On the podcast, and it was outrageous. Are you serious? How old is your mom? 80.
She was fucked up. That's good, man. I think you're keeping her youth. What did you have her doing? She was eating stuff and drinking stuff. She was lit, man. It was wild. You probably shouldn't have her. Not at all.
80's a lot, right? Well, the time's ticking. Yeah. Yeah, this is it. I think this is it. I think this is it. I think it's like, just enjoy. Enjoy this year. You know? 2025, it's a cool sounding year. I always tell her, like, just stop answering the phone. Just fucking...
Turn it in. Does she keep the regular phone line still going? My grandma keeps her phone line, the house phone still going. No, she doesn't do that. What she does is she has a cell phone that she never has on her. So every time you call her, she'll answer like on an iWatch and be like, I have to find my phone. And you're like, do you ever just think to maybe keep it on your person? Yeah, that doesn't make sense though. It's fucking so annoying. But they don't understand that.
I think they grew up in an era where the phones were only plugged into the wall. So they're used to probably just leaving it at this area. You're right. And I'll pick it up. If I'm in this area, I'm picking it up. But other than that, yeah. It's the fucking worst. Yeah. It is super impressive, though, which she confirmed. Yeah, I told you. I thought you made that whole thing up. No, no, no. I actually did Tong Soo Do. I just forgot the name. I know I've studied Taekwondo in the midst of that, but yeah.
Yeah, I did a lot of stuff, man. I've done a lot of crazy shit, man. And are you a legit Tide fan? You really are? You don't give a piss about nothing? No, I don't give a piss about none of that shit. I think I just love Roll Tide Willie. The team is like, I don't give a fuck. You're not like a Georgia fan? No, I'm not a fan of any of those teams. Really? I love Roll Tide Willie. He's such a...
A good dude, man. He wakes up every morning. He's drinking from sunup to sundown. You've got to really give it to somebody who's that committed to being an alcoholic. Yeah, I have worked with a guy like that. Right. You've got alcoholics here? Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. But you've got to just give it to somebody who's that committed. And I love him to death. And, you know, he honestly, we brought him onto productions with big companies and things that we do just because.
He's just such a good dude. Really? Very funny and naturally just. How'd you meet? Just a great guy. We just reached out to him on social media. You were just a fan of it. I just saw all his shit, man. He just was getting hammered and he was in like a hut somewhere. And I was like, man, I got a link with this guy, bro. And he ended up coming to Georgia last year for the national championship. And that's when we shot that first video. Really? Yeah.
He must have been fired up. Oh, my God. He played that. Was he fired up? This is around the time he didn't know he was a black man. See, sometimes you got to pull him back. Yeah. Because he gets to carry away. He'll fuck around and say it. Yeah.
You know what I'm saying? He's that invested. Like, he'll say it, and I'm like, all right, come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go. He'll say it. Really? So I try to pull him back before he gets to that point. If you pump him up, he'll get there. He'll get there. Well, he's not just. It's not foreign to him. Yeah, it's not foreign to him. It's like he's that committed to the role, and I don't think it's really a role to him. He lives that life, so.
He recently found out that I was black, though. Not in person? No. Somebody told him on some podcast. I'm still pissed about it. Really? Yeah. What did he think you were? I think he thought I was tanned. Just tanned? You've been outside? Yeah. You've been working? And he believed the character that I was doing. He did? Yeah. That's kind of really sweet. Yeah, but I really fuck with him. That's why I really...
I appreciate it. And I love bringing him to things that we do. What was his... Did you see what his reaction was to you? I think he was a little disappointed. He didn't have much words to say. I think... I think... I think... I think he wanted me to be tan white. I think that's naturally what...
I think that's what he wanted. Just becoming, you know, I think he wanted me to be a real Todd fan. Nice for someone to learn you're black and be like, it's real disappointment. That's, I just felt like, you know, but it is what it is. We'll still link up and hang out. I just don't think it'll probably be exactly the same as it used to be. You think he'll be like, hey, did I say some shit before I knew?
Nah, he's a good guy. Oh, here's you guys right here. Oh, yeah. Let's see this. These were still in the good times. We stand for the flag if you don't like it. Hell, we don't. Damn right, America. Damn right. You're going to respect us. Damn right. You're going to respect us. Respect us. Don't mess with us. Don't mess with us.
America. America. The greatest country. Greatest country ever lived. We don't take nothing off nobody. We'll take shit. We'll take shit. Don't take shit. Don't take shit. It's when it gets carried away. You got to grab him. You don't fully know all the time. You don't know where it's about to go. Yeah, you don't know where it's going. And that's why I try to grab him before he realizes what the environment is. Yeah.
You just got to get him out of there. Get him out of there before he gets to... You're a good guy, man. Yeah, I try. I try. But that's why you see me pull at the shirt. But you found like a real... Yeah. This guy's a gem. He's all the way thorough. He's a real redneck, man. Yeah. Yeah. There's no bullshit there. Yeah. He's all the way... Does he go to every game? He's one of those guys that like... Yeah. I think they banned him recently. Oh, they banned him? That's fucked up. Because I think they were selling... That's got to be heartbreaking to a guy like that. They were selling shirts, though, that...
that might have said Alabama or something. It had something to do with the actual team. Oh, and that's when the program was like... And they were profiting off of it, and I think it made it... Can't do that. Yeah, well, nobody's going to profit off shit when it comes to those colleges. No way. Yeah, so it was somehow twisted in that realm, and then they started like...
banning them from coming to the game. It was a whole thing, but we helped them get back into like, we reached out to the SEC and all that. We tried to, well, we tried. I don't know if it worked. But we tried to reach out to the people that we knew to try to tell them, yo, just try. Yeah, yeah, to help this guy out. This guy doesn't, he doesn't know that he might have made that. He doesn't. But you know, money is like.
Everything changes if he's Taylor. Yeah, everything changes when it comes down to that. So, no, but I think hopefully, I think he still can go to games. I don't know if he's allowed on the field, but I do know. I would say it's probably best to not have that guy on the field.
If I was making choices, I would say maybe not a field pass. If you're on the board of education. No field pass. In Alabama, I think the field pass would be... Let's keep him in the stands. Have a barrier up. Nah, you got to meet him, man, if you haven't. I would love to. Yes. I went to a game last year. I went to a game in Tuscaloosa, and it was...
So much fun. That environment was un-fucking-believable. They have one of the best environments for football. Yeah, yeah. Shout out to Alabama football team. That shit was amazing. We went out there. I actually missed a field goal with fucking Pat McAfee. Oh, you did? You did the thing? Yeah, we did the whole shit, and it was dope. Like, Alabama, they eat, sleep, breathe football out there. Oh, yeah. Like, there's people just like Willie, but just aren't known or have a camera on them. Yeah.
Well, majority of everybody in that stadium. Yeah, the whole state is Willie. They really don't give a piss about shit, but the time. Yeah, they are...
Let's just say there's a lot of Willys out there. There's a lot of Willys, yeah. And if they're not Tide fans, they're War Eagle fans, and they're committed for sure, man. Let's talk about this new show, Could Have Been Love, though, man. Okay, let's talk about Could Have Been Love. Maybe just come into it naturally. Just ask. Hey, Drewski. Okay, see, fuck you, man. Yo, fuck you, man. Hold on.
I want to talk about this show and you just... Hey, Drewski. Man, you are one funny guy. And I heard you have a new show called... But why do you got to put the black accent on when you do it? I get it. Okay. All right. I'll do it white. Ready? Fuck. Drewski, man, you are something else. That's still not fully black. You're doing like a mixed accent. It's a little bit of white and black there. That's not... It's not white? That's not the full shit. I want the Tom Seguro way back. Oh, the Tom White? Okay. Yeah.
Hey, man, what's up with this could have been love thing, man? Oh, fuck out of here, man. You're still putting that twist on me. Okay. Okay. So...
The show could have been love. Yes. You in this show are essentially a version of The Bachelor, correct? Yes, yes. I am The Bachelor in the show, yes. In the show. And you're in a, is it in a house? Is that what, is it? Yeah, that's what it is, man. We have Caleb Presley as like the main host. Oh, he's hilarious. Oh my God. He's great. It was hard not to.
He is great. Like he, he, he had us crying. Even like some of the girl contestants being involved in it. Did you guys meet doing his thing? Did you guys do that? That was my first time meeting him when I did his Sunday conversation. And he, he just, he, he, he,
It was so amazing doing the interview that I was just like, damn, I got to have this guy do something. I just didn't know for... Like, three years went by and I was like, all right, I finally have this situation where I feel like he'll fit in. And yeah, we had like 18 girls in the house and it was just me. That seems like a nice environment to be in. Yeah, it just was... It was a great experience. I think it...
showed a different side of me that the world hasn't seen yet. Did they get to see you being sincere? Yeah, yeah. No, no. There was points where it actually was...
me pursuing love in the show really yeah yeah so there's comedic parts it's an it's a hilarious show by the way yeah but there's also parts where i actually am like engaging with the girls and you're not just playing with the dookie shoot yeah well what is that the dookie what the dookie shoot dookie shoot yeah ass yeah the booty hole yeah yeah who the fuck is playing with the dookie shoot well if you want to find out if you love someone don't you play with a okay no i think that's coochie
The asshole. No, I don't think... You're not going to play with the asshole? Nobody goes straight to the... That must be a white thing. You go straight to the asshole? Date one, usually, yeah. That's usually... That's usually... Don't you? No, I've never... I think, yeah, that's definitely a white thing. I've never... That's crazy to me. Go straight to the dookie shoot? Yeah. That's what you guys call it, the dookie shooter. Yeah, play with the dookie shoot. Yeah, play with the dookie shoot. What is that to see the smell? Is that like a... Just to see what kind of resistance you have or what's... Yeah, if you want to see if it's...
If it's got some bodies or if it's ready for you and you only. I figured you would do that. No, I think everybody does the whole finger coochie smell. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I didn't do any of that on the show. You really were going for love. Yeah, I really was actually there for the show. I didn't do no dookie shooting, no coochie smelling. Did you find love? I'd say I found something in the show. I don't want to give it all away, but I definitely found a little bit of lust, a little bit of...
kind of like early love of what could grow into something. And we still, you know, are, you know, trying to pursue. How many episodes will this be? This will be like,
probably seven or eight seven or eight episodes yeah yeah and it's gonna be on your channel right on your yeah it's kind of influenced by like uh yeah it'll be on youtube but it's kind of influenced by like you remember the shows like rock of love flavor of love flavor flavor yeah it's it has that feel to it what i love about this besides the concept and you being in it though is that it's on your channel yeah like this doesn't have to be anywhere else yeah this is yours yes yeah
That's huge, man. 100%, yeah. That's huge. Ownership of things is everything in this. We're looking to get our money back at some point.
Yeah. Yeah. If you have any opportunities where anybody. I'm sure you have sponsorship opportunities. Yeah, we got a little bit. But if you know anybody. Okay. That's looking to buy. Some shit. We need our money back. Okay. We spend a lot of fucking money. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, no, I think it honestly was a good situation for all the girls. We had studs. We had BBWs. We had midgets. Yeah.
wow we had we had a vast variety of women all races um mix it up yeah mix it up you got to go like on those shows the the person who's like you get to have basically kind of many dates with all these like you know you get to know everybody so you got to really go out on like 18 dates yeah we did we did a lot of different dates and you get do you kick people too or you're like no no we well yeah there's eliminations every night for sure okay okay so that's that's kind of like the comedic side of it like we actually had some
And none of these chicks were like, let me drain your nuts and I'll keep you on for a day? Well, you'll... Like... Drain... Play with my dookie shoot and I'll drain your nuts. And then we can... We'll follow up. Nah, I think they just got to see the show. But it does get intense in the house, man. I think... We just know we've had a lot of variety of girls and women in the house that were very...
The whole situation is very funny. And, but,
But yeah, it was times when it got real. But no, I wasn't indulging in any dookie shooting or any coochie cutting. I mean, this is a surprise to everyone. No, I mean, I don't think it's a surprise to the black community. I don't think anybody... Everybody's surprised. Nobody black is doing any dookie shooting. Everybody black who knows you is like, he didn't do the dookie shooting? No, I don't think anybody would say that watching this. I kind of think we're going to disagree on that. I don't know if anybody's asking that, though. I don't... I think you're...
I don't even know what the fuck dookie shooting is, man. Man, you know. Don't act like this is some slang. I just never have seen a girl be like, ah, I'm going to shoot dookie in that. You know what I mean? Or however you guys go. I've never thought that. Are you a big ass guy? No. Well, ass, yes. Asshole? Yeah. No. No. It's just not. You don't always eat a girl's ass when you're.
Well, it depends on the girl. Yeah, that's a big one. Yeah, it's always depending on, because you know, the bigger the ass, the dirtier the situation. It can get kind of gamey back there. You say it can get kind of what? Gamey. Yeah. You're like, what is this, venison? You've got to pick your battles. Yeah. And I think, yeah, the bigger the ass, the bigger the mess. So you just be careful with some of those. Yeah, no, certain girls, you know.
I think that naturally happens, eating coochie. Sure. Yeah. So you've had your fair share of eating coochie. Oh, my God. Indulging. It just happens. Yeah. It just happens. The ass is right there. It's right there. It's not like women don't have a gooch.
Right. Yeah. It's just there. And a woman that eats your ass is an angel. That's who you've proposed to. If you're out there and you meet a girl and she goes right for your ass, you get on your knee and you give her a ring. What? I'd never. I wasn't. What? So you...
You're one of those guys, you go straight, you're looking for women who eat ass. It's a lifelong kind of thing. I'll even do the thing where I'll take, I'll put the, you know what I mean, I'll step over. I think we've gone past the limit of this interview, I think. No, really? I thought we were just. I mean, you grabbed something and went towards your ass. I don't know. It's the back of someone's head. Oh. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Hey, man. I love doing this show, man. Bad boy for life. Take that. Take that. Take that. Take that. Take that. Take that. Okay. All right. He left. Hey, man. He left. Listen. I love doing the show, man.
I love, thanks for coming, man. I appreciate you, man. Okay. Weird. Okay. That got fucking weird, man. That was perfect. What the fuck do you mean? What are you talking about? What's that shit you talk about? You don't just do that. What? You don't fucking do that. Why wouldn't you do that? You're a superstar. All right. No, that doesn't work like that. That's an Odell move for sure. What the fuck is that?
Bert and Tom, Tom and Bert. One goes to the top of the swamp, the other wears a shirt. Tom tells stories and Bert's the machine. There's not a chance in hell that they'll keep it clean. Here's what we call Two Bears, One Cave.