cover of episode Pink Noise + Box Fan Sound Machine (12 Hours)

Pink Noise + Box Fan Sound Machine (12 Hours)

logo of podcast 12 Hour Sound Machines for Sleep (no loops or fades)

12 Hour Sound Machines for Sleep (no loops or fades)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brandon: 该播客提供12小时不间断的粉红噪音和箱扇声音机器,旨在帮助人们改善睡眠,缓解焦虑,冥想,安抚婴儿或屏蔽不需要的声音。它结合了白噪音和棕噪音的优点,白噪音具有较高的频率,通常用于声音消除,而棕噪音具有较低的频率,对敏感的耳朵更舒缓。该声音机器还具有出色的声音屏蔽特性,可用于分散注意力和嘈杂的环境。播客的移动应用程序允许用户创建自定义混合、噪音颜色和双耳节拍,并离线收听。订阅播客可以移除开头介绍和广告。 Brandon: 该播客的目的是为了帮助人们获得更好的睡眠,缓解焦虑,进行冥想,以及安抚婴儿。通过提供12小时不间断的声音机器,用户可以专注于手头的工作,屏蔽周围环境的噪音。该声音机器的组合声音,既能消除噪音,又能舒缓情绪,适合各种场景。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Our beloved Pink Noise combined with the dependable and reassuring drone of a box fan.

Pink Noise is a combination of White Noise and Brown Noise. They are overlaid on top of one another to gain the benefits of both the higher frequencies typically used more for sound cancellation, and the lower frequencies which tend to be more soothing for sensitive ears. Its soothing, calming, constant tones are wonderful for helping adults and babies alike to fall and stay asleep, for study, for meditation, for managing anxiety, or for any other activities where you want to block out the world and focus solely on the task at hand. It also has incredible sound masking properties for use in distracting and noisy environments!

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This free episode has an ad or two at the very beginning but once the Sound Machine starts, rest assured there will be no more interruptions whatsoever 😴 .

If you have any specific sounds you'd like added, hit me up at [email protected]).

Episode Keywords: Box Fan | Box | Fan | Pink Noise | White Noise | Ambient Noise | Baby | Sleep | Travel | Sound Masking | Sound Cancellation | Meditation | ADHD | Anxiety | Autism

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