Jam-packed with cool classrooms, cool apps, and cool teaching ideas, full-time teacher and award-win
My husband told me Friday night, "Did you really listen to what Angela Maiers said on that podcast?"
Daisy Dyer Duerr @DaisyDyerDuerr reimagines what rural education can be. Rural education has a signi
Eric Sheninger @E_Sheninger challenges us to move to the next level with digital technologies. We ca
Laura Penrod Stock @tweetmeego coaches students to create powerful student-led conferences with thei
Monica Burns @ClassTechTips gives us the tips and tools for successful formative assessment. Get res
Adam Welcome @awelcome inspires us to treat kids in positive ways. As co-author of Kids Deserve It,
John Sowash @jrsowash knows Chromebooks. Today he gives us five ideas to amp up our Chromebook class
Perla Zamora @pzamoraats from Tampico, Mexico is tearing down walls. For thought leader Thursday, to
Rachelle Dene Poth @rdene915 teaches Spanish and STEAM with technology, student choice, and project
Chris Smith is a Maths teacher from Scotland where his irrational passion for Pi earns him geeky ren
Kevin Honeycutt @kevinhoneycutt grew up in poverty and attended school in many cities across the Uni
Alex Corbitt from the Bronx has 5 created ideas to help improve and make language arts learning fun.
Augmented reality and virtual reality. Are these buzzwords or are they things that can be used to im
Kyle Taylor @kyletaylor13 and his school have implemented iPads with Google Classroom and are saving
Suzy Lolley loves Seesaw. Today she teaches us how she teaches teachers to use Seesaw with their iPa
Josh Harris, an elementary edtech director from California, talks about an attitude of innovation. H
Aaron Sams @chemicalsams helps give us ways to master technology. Aaron Sams is an Instructor of Edu
Dr. Anael Alston @DrAAlston talks about common misconceptions that educators have about students in
Librarian Micki Uppena has a wonderful library. In addition to a rich maker space, Micki takes us on
Librarian Chad Lehman helps us learn about the technologies we need to set up an awesome maker space