WTF for Cities? is a platform to introduce and connect people who are actively and consciously worki
Are you interested in urban food production? What do you think is the difference between food produc
"[The city] is a system that is difficult to map, but it is evolving." Are you interested in allowin
Are you interested in hallucinating to solve urban challenges? Summary of the report titled Harne
Are you interested in allowing governments to fail? What do you think about systems thinking? How ca
"You can't waste a crises!" Are you interested in cities as places for experiments? What do you thin
Are you interested in public-private partnerships for improved urban futures? Summary of the articl
Are you interested in cities as places for experiments? What do you think about respectful disagreem
"You can' have a choice if you don't have opportunities." Are you interested in the 3 tasks governan
Are you interested in the changing governmental roles in urban transformations? Summary of the arti
Are you interested in the 3 tasks governance should do? What do you think about service-based govern
"It's less interesting how technology changes people than how people change technologies.&q
Are you interested in urban water management? Summary of the article titled Future global urban wat
"It's less interesting how technology changes people than how people change technologies." Are you i
"Urban living is very dense, that lands it being more resource efficient." Are you interested in hou
Are you interested in urban housing affordability? Summary of the article titled A fresh look at co
Are you interested in housing affordability projects? What do you think about successful cities? How
"[Cities are] multiple systems, threaded together, nested inside each other, interacting with each o
Are you interested in smart citizens instead of smart cities? Summary of the article titled Essay: