a podcast about business success and making yourself smarter with the continued psychic trauma of ca
It’s a goons rights bonanza, with Devon subbing in for November to talk about the ongoing wave of gi
We talk about the Trump plan to bring stability to the Middle East by building hotels and casinos on
We go back into the whimsical world of flying cars, and Dubai’s plan to make them largely ma
Nathan Tankus explains exactly what Musk and his little gremlins are doing at the treasury, and how
Jathan Sadowski joins the gang to talk about DOGE and the destruction of mass produced, popula
Liv Agar from QAAnonymous joins us to discuss the birth of Canadian nationalism, in that suddenly Al
Jacob Silverman joins us to discuss the decades long Saudi operation to buy influence in the W
Ed Zitron returns to discuss how a Chinese hedge fund created an AI model that accomplished much of
Molly White joins Hussein, Riley, and November to talk about the role of Cryptocurrency in the
Ciaran and Nick from Corner Spaeti join the gang to discuss the inauguration of the 47th President o
The UK Government’s AI Opportunities Action Plan / Please, Please Invest In Us So It Can Be 19
We talk to NYT tech reporter Mike Isaac about the ongoing Greg Steube-fication of every major tech C
We check in on old friend Volocopter, a company we assume is going from strength to strength as the
Must we live in a world where everyone decides we want AI-generated friends to make AI-generated sto
For our first TF episode of 2025 (recorded in 2025, that is), we're talking about recent events in
This episode was originally published as a Patreon-only bonus episode on October 11, and we'v
Our last free episode of 2024 involves Riley, Milo, and November watching the Rock in a terrible Chr
For this week’s bonus, we’re talking about the Starmer / McSweeney government getting outflanked on
We’ve brought on friend of the show Josh Boerman from The Worst of All Possible Worlds to discuss re
Middle East correspondent Séamus Malekafzali returns to discuss Syria - a retrospective on Ba’athism